تهدید تکه تکه کردن ایران

چارچوب ملی و کنفرانس بروکسل


تهدید تکه تکه کردن ایران
by dgolriz

در بحث آزاد روز دوم «کنفراس بروکسل» به شدت خشمگین و نگران شدم وقتی در یکی از بحث‌ها هموطن کردی از «حزب کومله» می‌گفت «نباید از حمله نظامی به ایران تابو ساخت». و توضیح می‌داد که با این «تابوسازی» اپوزیسیون آب به آسیاب سیاست‌های رژیم می‌ریزد، سیاست‌هایی که هدفش موج‌سواری بر روی رویه‌ی ضد جنگ ایرانیان و تضمین بقای خود است. به نظر او اگر به علت مناقشه هسته‌ای به ایران حمله نظامی شود مسوولیت «کامل» آن با رژیم خواهد بود.

واژه «کامل» در اینجا بسیار مهم و کلیدی است، زیرا به کار گیرندگان این واژه -خواسته یا ناخواسته- از حمله‌کنندگان و متجاوزان خاک ایران به کل سلب مسوولیت می‌کنند. آنان نیز پیشاپیش به دنبال دست‌یابی حقانیت برای خود هستند تا نیاز هم‌پیمان شدن‌شان با متجاوزان کشور در آینده را از هم‌اکنون پایه‌ریزی کرده باشند. ناگفته نماند که این موضع دوپهلو که همواره شنیده می‌شود: «ما با حمله نظامی مخالفیم ولی در صورت وقوع یک جنگ تنها رژیم ایران مسوول خواهد بود» را بار‌ها شنیده‌ام، به خصوص از اقوام ایران. به نظرم این استدلال از آن مواضعی است که شک و تردید مرا در مورد مخالفت جدی این حضرات با وقوع جنگ دوچندان می‌کند.

با تمامی ضدیتی که با رژیم وجود دارد، فریبکاری است که بپنداریم در صورت تجاوز به ایران «تنها» رژیم مسوول آن خواهد بود. مذاکره‌کنندگان و تهدیدکنندگان و حمله‌کنندگان و هم‌پیمانان آنان چطور؟ بی‌تردید آنان نیز هرکدام به نوبه خود مسوولند و باید پاسخ‌گو باشند. به خصوص آن دسته‌ای که نه فقط پنهانی در تشویق چنین حمله‌ای کوشا بوده‌اند، بلکه در معادله‌های سیاسی خود بر روی تجاوز به خاک ایران حساب باز کرده‌اند. حال چه به منظور مهندسی آلترناتیو پس از حمله باشد، یا از نوع درخواست احزاب کرد از آمریکا برای اعلام «منطقه پرواز ممنوع» بر آسمان مناطق کردنشین ایران و یا ملت‌سازی‌های مضحک خودشان برای تکه تکه کردن ایران. نمونه توافق‌نامۀ مشترک «حزب دموکرات» و «کومله» از همین جنس است.

برعکس گذشته حضور من در کنفرانس بروکسل حضوری سیاسی نبود و تنها برای تهیه گزارش به آنجا رفته بودم و به همین علت هیچ مشارکتی در مباحث نداشتم. با این حال بعد از صحبتهای این هم‌وطن کرد، خود را مسوول دیدم که اعتراضم نسبت به سخنان او را مطرح نمایم. همچنین به هیأت رییسه کفرانس تذکر دهم که در مسوولیت خود بس کوتاهی می‌کنند؛ اگر هیأت رییسه با چنین سخنانی برخورد ننماید. باری، باید پذیرفت که حضور در هر جمعی مسوولیت با خود به همراه می‌آورد، حتی اگر حضوری بی‌طرفانه باشد. وقتی اصول که در بافتار سیاسی ما پایبندی به «چارچوب ملی» از مهم‌ترین آنان است، و آن زیر سوال می‌رود، باید وارد صحنه شد.

در فرصت یک دقیقه‌ای که به من دادند آنچه را که «چارچوب ملی» می‌خوانیم، بازگو نمودم و همان‌طور که در بیانیه جمعی در اعتراض به توافق‌نامه کومله و حزب دمکرات به تفصیل آمده است، تاکید کردم که ۱- بخش‌ناپذیر بودن حاکمیت ملی، ۲- یگانگی ملی، ۳- یک‌پارچگی سرزمینی و ۴- استقلال ملی از اصول غیر قابل معامله برای ما می‌باشند. تخطی از آنان به شدت با برخورد روبرو خواهد شد. شاید به همین دلیل بود که تنی چند از حضار کرد در پایان کنفرانس با نگاهی خشمگین به من می‌نگریستند.

باید هوشیار بود. به نظر می‌رسد که تهدید از هم‌پاشیدگی ایران و طمع احزاب قومی برای تکه تکه کردن کشور بیش از خطر حمله نظامی بر فلات ایران سایه افکنده است. برای آنان حمله نظامی یک نعمت است و از این جهت از «تابوسازی بر علیه جنگ» گریزانند. به باور من معادلات مبارزه کنونی کنش‌گران ایرانی برای بهبود وضعیت کشور تغییر کرده است و در جبهه جنگ دیگر تنها رژیم را در مقابل خود نخواهیم داشت. باید خودمان را برای مبارزه در دو جبهه‌ی مستبدان حاکم و تکه‌خواهان قومی آماده کنیم. در مبارزه با تکه‌خواهان، رمز پیروزی بسط گفتمان «چارچوب ملی» و مفاد آن به عنوان سرآغاز هر کارپایۀ سیاسی است.

طبعا مهم‌ترین تلاش و پیکار ما ایرانیان قبل از هر چیز حفظ و ماندگاری ایران است. اگر در این میان لازم شود کنار مخالفان خود در رژیم جمهوری اسلامی که هم‌اکنون به هر حال پاسدار یکپارچگی ایران هستند، بایستیم؟ خواهیم ایستاد.

اول ایران، بعد دموکراسی و حقوق بشر برای ایران.

دامون گلریز







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areyo barzan

Dear JustAnIranian

by areyo barzan on

First of all would like to thank you for your kind words.

I do also agree that the IRI actually wants war as in the end they see it as the only way out of the mess they have created for themselves.

I do not know how old you are but you might remember that their leader Khomeini called the Iran Iraq war a gift (ne-mat) from God and the reason for such claim was obvious.

It was because they were not only able to use the war as an excuse for all their incompetence and the shortages in the country, also they where using the it as a propaganda weapon and an excuse to suppress any opposition movement inside Iran by accusing the participants of belonging to enemy camp.

However that did not stop people like me from attending to their duty by going to war and repelling a brutal enemy. Otherwise Saddam’s Baath army would not have just left and handed Khoramshahr back to go back to the international borderline.
They invaded Iran in order to take the whole of Khuzestan permanently.

This is why Iranians abroad have a duty to prevent and condemn the idea of war on Iran anywhere they encounter it and even make a taboo of the subject as a war would not be beneficiary to any patriotic Iranian who cares about the unity of this country and prosperity of its people..

Furthermore although we all want democracy but we need to realise that democracy could never be dropped from 35000 feet in the shape of a bunker buster bomb.

Democracy takes hard work and change of attitude on the part of all Iranians. It will only happen through all of us taking responsibility for our own action, the direction this country is taking and hence the faith of our future generation. Although it is a slow painstaking process but we as a nation are walking in the right path and direction and I see the long term future to be bright

I also agree with you in the sense that all those who promoted Khomeini and accompanied him into Iran on that Air France flight where not only opportunists but extremely short sided and naïve, as they did not stop for a moment to think about the action they were taking or its consequences and in the end they all fell victims to the mayhem they helped to bring about. This why we should Not make the same short sided mistake on federalism

Finally the reason for this deep suspension towards every thing and everyone is noting but the evidence of our history and the fact that over the past five hundred years every one and every country that we trusted have betrayed us and left us hanging on the hook when it came time for them to horror their obligations.

Hence nowadays most of us tend to believe that prevention is better and less costly than cure

Thank you for the interesting, civilised exchange and all the best

Ashk Dovom

Ma ba ham motahhed mishavim ta...tisheh bezanim

by Ashk Dovom on

As I said before " let us unite" is a trap and a shibboleth with little meaning! We can be united with all those who are guided by reason and patriotism, but uniting to fight the common enemy ( and then what?) is very much redolent of 1979 and slogans like " Ma ba ham motahhed mishavim ta bar kanim risheyeh.....

 Ta tisheh bezanim be risheh khodemoon! 


Dear Areyo

by JustAnIranian on

The main opportunist and in my oppinion maniac stepped out of an Air France Flight 34 years ago and brought this 'nekbat' called the Islamic Republic as 'Tohfeh' for us.

I absolutely agree with you sir, our country is full of opportunitists. Having lived in Europe, I don't think England can do a thing. But I agree that Russia is a big problem. Not just for us, but also for the whole region. 

No! We can't be naive - and we are not. Why are we all so suspicious of everybody and everything? We have to keep ourselves informed. That's all we can do. But at some point, this needs to stop. We have to trust eachother to some extend.  

I know that Obama does not want war right now. I know Europe doesn't want it at all. That is why they are putting these tough sanctions in place. I personally think that the revolutionary guards are provoking war. Why? Because they are more than anything evil. 

Its up to you if you want to go and fight for Iran in a war that the guards are starting. Let me just tell you that Iran will need people like you and me who are aware  of their surroundings more than ever after this is over. We have enough heros that are dead. 

I believe that hell is going to come, sir. I don't in anyway think this is going to be easy. All I am saying is that we need to stop attacking each other - we have to unite. We need a united opposition for that day. The Kurds are a part of Iran. Just as the Azeris are. Just as the Khuzestanis are. Lets act like they are. 

areyo barzan

Dear JustAnIranian

by areyo barzan on

Dear JustAnIranian


I do also believe that the Kurds, Azeries, lors, Baloochs and our other hamvatans are NOT separatists at all and I never accused them to be one. They are just ordinary citizens just like you and I.


However there are opportunist elements in any society who are always looking for a mudy water to catch some fishes.

These people do not think about Iran and do not even care about different ethnic groups it Iran.


These are opportunist elements around who are only interested in serving their own political financial and personal interest. This is why we should always be on alert for these kinds of people.


As far as uniting with the Pasdars to fight a foreign invasion or an enemy who threaten the integrity of our borders is concerned my answer is YES I will always unite forces with them to fight the British Iraqi, Emirati or American troops who threaten my motherland just as I did it before when I was fighting In the Iran Iraq war and I make No apology for it!!!


However that does not mean that I will in any way collaborate with them in suppressing the democratic rights of our people or even approve the wrongs they did to our fellow countrymen (Kurds Turks, Baloochs …) all over this land. You need to understand that we are fighting two different enemies in to separate fronts.


One is the Internal one that is the IRI and the second one are the countries who have sharpened their teeth like hungry wolves in order to bite of a chunk of our land and our national assets.


Furthermore even in a democracy you need to have principals and red lines otherwise there can’t be a lone drawn between democracy and ciaos.


Although I agree with you that in our tomorrow’s democracy we also need to accommodate for Islamises, but that should by not be interpreted as having to tolerate extremism, murder and inhuman behaviour.

Freedom is not an infinite entity and its limit comes we start to suppress the rights of other people in the name of our own freedom.


As for these ex- separatists groups as I told you before I have already dealt with them and did not like what I saw. Now if they claim to have changed then the burden of proof is upon their shoulders not mine.


What we need in Iran today is a government who is answerable to all Iranian people, a government who will spent the local money locally and the national money nationally, a government who instead of stashing our money in Swiss bank accounts or investing in private construction projects in Dubai and Canada spends it on building new roads, constructing hospitals in rural areas up and down the country and opening schools and health centres in every remote village up and down this land.


A government who works towards building our economy by investing in our infrastructure, supporting agriculture and promoting industry and hence creating jobs in all corners of this land, a governments who instead of building homes for Gaza or Lebanon embarks on a national scale housing project which grantees affordable homes for Iranians of all ethnicity and walk of life.


We need a government who sees as its duty to preserve and protect our unity and identity as one of the most historic nations on this planet.


If such government could work towards and grantee the relative prosperity of Iranians then no one could care less where it is running from (locally or nationally).


On the other hand if people on the top only care about themselves and stuffing their own bank accounts or those of their relatives and cronies then such destructing government is no good to any of us and the fact that it is run from Tehran, Sanandaj, the village down the road or even the hose next door is merely relevant.


Another important issue on the notion of Federalism is that if we let our emotions rule our action instead of our heads by taking such naïve step without giving it proper thought, this would and could be the first irreversible step towards the break up of Iran.


I just ask you if tomorrow we would have gone through this root of Federalism then what guarantee would we have that in 10 years time the British won’t sponsor another Sheikh Khazaal in Khuzestan to not only demand the separation of this province from Iran as an independent country but also to suggest it should join the commonwealth of Nations under the rule of her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second and as he will get all the support from the British navy in the Persian Gulf who could stop this from happening followed by official name change for Persian Gulf through the UN. Just as one Sir Richard Dalton intended.


What guarantee would we have that in a few years time the Republic of Azerbaijan would not demand the unity of whole Azerbaijan by separating the West and East Azerbaijan from Iran and creating one whole country called Azarbyejan, especially if they have the weight of support from Russian federation behind them.


If you think that such things could not happen or did not happen before I recommend you to go back and read the facts about Golestan and Torkmanchay treaties.

This also started as proposal of “federalism”  followed by these provinces being leased to Russia for 150 years.

But when the lease finally came to an end by the end of last century no one demanded for the obligations to be met and these provinces to be reunited with the motherland.

Them same goes for Kurdistan and Baluchistan.


Now! You tell me sir, when we as a nation are going to read and learn lessons from our history so that would not have to keep repeating the same old mistakes over and over and over again.


Just like idiots



Ashk dovom

by JustAnIranian on

I don't care about Alirez Nourizadeh. I was just trying to prove a point. But your comments about him remind me of a friend of mine who once said: we Iranians have become like a woman whose whose husband was unfaithful. We don't trust anything or anybody any more.

Ashk Dovom

Correction for my last comment to JustanIranian

by Ashk Dovom on

Sorry what I meant was that I am glad you are not equating the idea of ethnicity with separatism and acknowledging that Majority of Kurds and Azaries are patriotic Iranians and fiercely oppose any idea of separatism. I think Iranians all should be united with what is reasonable, just and respectful of their national integrity. Otherwise what are the common grounds between me and someone who wants to use the force and momentum created by national unity in order to destroy our national integrity? By the way you are the first person who has accused Alireza Nourizadeh of not being a liar. Come on this man has a reputation to keep.

Ashk Dovom

To: JustAnIranian

by Ashk Dovom on

 Your arguments are full of so many holes!  You are equating- and I hope not deliberately- the idea of ethnicity with separatism. Majority of Kurds and Azaries are patriotic Iranians and fiercely oppose any idea of separatism. I think Iranians all should be united with what is reasonable, just and respectful of their national integrity. Otherwise what are the common grounds between me and someone who wants to use the force and momentum created by national unity in order to destroy our national integrity? By the way you are the first person who has accused Alireza Nourizadeh of not being a liar. Come on this man has a reputation to keep.


Guards and Islamic Republic

by JustAnIranian on

have invaded our country. They are doing a great job at not allowing the opposition to unite. I wonder what Babak Khorramdin, Sattar Khan and the rest of the heros that you named would say about this.

I refuse to believe that most of the Kurds and Azeris are seperatists. The Azeris and Kurds from Kermanshah that I know, are just as Iranian as you and I.

We are all Iranians. The Kurds are ethnically closer to us than to Iraq or Turkey - that is a fact.

As I said lets give them the benefit of a doubt. 


Areyo - Ahmad Rafat

by JustAnIranian on

"در حاشیه مقاله فرخ نگهدار در مورد اطلاعیه مشترک حزب دمکرات کردستان و کومله.

عکس العمل بسیاری به این مقاله و این بیانیه مرا بفکر واداشت چقدر هنوز با فزهنگ و ادبیات دمکراسی فاصله داریم. تا زمانی که قبول نکنیم هر شهروندی با هر نظری (از هواداران ولایت و اعدام و شکنجه تا آنهائی که خواهان جدائی بخشی از ایران هستند و یا هنوز به ایده های سوسیالیستی معتفدند) حق زندگی و ابراز نظر دارد، دمکراسی سرابی بیش نخواهد بود."


Areyo - Alireza Nourizadeh

by JustAnIranian on

This is what Alireza Nourizadeh has to say about this:


Alireza Nourizadeh is not a liar. I think at least we should give these groups the benefit of a doubt.

The seperator here is the IR. Accusing them is just playng into the hands of the Islamic Republic.  



by JustAnIranian on

Well sir. This same Pasdars that you are willing to take sides with will definitely take Iran to the same separation that we are all afraid of. 

I personally feel some of the, want war and with war comes even more violence and with violence comes even more hatred.

So I think for us to sit behind our computer and be disrespectful to two groups that have just signed a contract is not very constructive.

The situation in Iran is going down rapidly. The Pasdars just murdered two Kurds again two days ago  - that is to say executed them in public. What about the three Iranian Khuzestani brothers who were all executed? Or in Tehran? Where they execute people in front of the population. Who is advocating violence here?

I talked to two different families in Tehran the other day. I am positive they will both tell you:

Sedatoon az jayeh garm dar Miyad.

I usually agree with you but this time I know you and Mr. Golriz are both wrong. Taking sides with the guards is taking sides with the devil. Take a good look at what is happening in Syria. This is how far they are willing to go.  

areyo barzan

Choghok & justAnIranian

by areyo barzan on

Dear Choghok

when I talk about Iranian people I talk about all of them regardless of the ethnicity or where in Iran they live.

We all own this country equaly and we all have obligation towards it.

We need to learn to live in peace with each other and respect each other's right otherwise it will not matter how many times you trear this land apart and how many smaller country you will produce. The problem will still be there as we have not yet learned to get read of the selfish me" and replace it with selfless patriotic "us"

To have a democracy we first need to learn to live in a democratic way by respecting each other's right otherwise even people of different cities in the same province or even different areas in the same city can have greavances with each other and will not stop fighting until there is notting left from this country.


Dear  justAnIranian

Please note that the problem all our people are curently facing is the tyranic government (IRI) which does not respect their rights as citizens or even human beings and that is the issue which needs to be addressed.

We need to respect the rights of all Iranians Turk, Kurd, Baluch, Arab, Lor and Fars alike.

They are all inseparable parts of our identity and I love them with all my hearth.

On the other hand if this main issue of respect, demcracy and equal rights for all is not resolved, then no amount of federalism will help anyone we will just replace a central tyrant with houndreds of local ones and still the ordinary man in the strees of these cities will see no benefir.. As an example I refere you to what use to be The Soviet Union or is no Rissan Federation.

It is now about hight time for all of us to stop diagnosing naieve quick fixed to this problem without thinking about the long term concequences.

P.S As far as these parties and groups or thinking about trusting them againt is concerned I have only one thing to say

"Azmoodeh raa azmoodan Khataast"


Long live Iran



What is Iran with no habitants?

by choghok on

It is very disturbing reading blind nationalism. The writers way of writing feels like a speech from Khamenei, talking as if he is the representative of all Iranian people. Of course not many Iranians would be happy if Iran split but to say that I am first for national unity and then for human rights is downright foolish. Would you say the same if you and your family would be discriminated against?

 I do not buy that Iran makes Iranians, it is the mix of people in Iran that makes Iran.  A country is its people and their culture. And if one part of of it does want to seperate and is forced not to you will not have a stable country. If you dislike the idea of separation then work for resolving the issues instead of empty talks that do not have real meanings.

Ashk Dovom

Dear aryo barzan,

by Ashk Dovom on

Not only I did not find anything to disagree with in your comments, (which is very refreshing) I found them very apt and wonderfully expressed! Thank you. 


One other point

by JustAnIranian on

I hear a lot about the history of these two parties, can't we all try to at least trust them? Who hasn't changed in the last 34 years. All Iranians have. Iranians voted for Velayat e Faghih 34 years ago, woul they do that today?



by JustAnIranian on

Are you against federalism too? Why?

 First of all what is the option? Let's say IR falls today. Are you saying the next government should go and fight the Kurds again? I don't think that is possible or feasible. THAT will lead to what we see in Yogoslavia. 

 I really think there is no other choice but federalism. Even though I understand fully that this will not be easy. 


areyo barzan

Fred Aziz

by areyo barzan on

Although I always enjoy reading your blogs and agree with many points you have made over years but I am afraid you have got this one drastically wrong.

Without a united country called Iran there is NO such thing as Iranians.
This country will become another Yugoslavia and we will all be homeless refugees with no home, no identity, no history or prosperity.

None of the western countries actually case about us or our right as Iranians or even as human beings. All they are interested is to secure their oil supply and maximize their own profit and they have shown this through our history again and again and again. Now! If you do not know that by now then I am afraid this discussion will go nowhere.

On the other hand for Patriotic Iranians from the very begining of this countriy’s history Iran has always came first.

This was why people like Ariobarzan, Babak Khoramdeen, Sattar Khan, Amir Kabir and many others gave their lives for the integrity and stability of this land without any question or expecting anything in return.

For Patriot Iranians Iran always comes first and we never hesitated even for a moment from sacrificing our life and livelihood so that Iran remains alive for ever and handed to the next generation intact.

So although I know you are under a lot of pressure and frustration and although like the rest of us you also hate the IRI and everything associated with it. But be careful that in your fight with IRI you do not loose the site of your principals and what is important here, or help the propaganda of enemy’s camp

areyo barzan

Iran comes first

by areyo barzan on

Although I hate IRI and everything to do with it and although I was against this cock up a revelation from the very first day but when and if it come to making that choice. Between siding with the Pasdars, or watching my homeland to be thorn to peaces, I will always choose to side with those who fight for integrity of our borders and unity of Iran.

These so called “roshanfekrs” are noting but little opportunist dictators who only think of themselves and their own hunger to power and political status and given half the chance they will be as brutal if not more brutal than the IRI and its cronies.

Iran’s independence and integrity of our borders will come first and anyone who even think of compromising it under any name or agenda will get a smack in the mouth from us the Iranian people so HARD that they won’t know what hit them.


خیلی از همین پاسدارها هم خواهند ایستاد!!!


طالبان‌ صفوي‌ در قدرتند
ملت‌ ايران‌ همه‌ در حيرتند!
ما پشيمان‌ نيستيم‌ از انتخاب‌
شد همي‌ اثبات‌ اين‌ گند خراب‌!
گفته‌بوديم‌ نيست‌ اين‌ جمهوريى
‌نقل‌ پشكل‌* بوده‌ و گندابه‌اي‌!
تو نگو تقلب‌ است‌ اين‌ كارها
بهر متقلب‌ بود صدها شرف‌
اين‌ يكي‌ در كسوت‌ صد بي‌شرف‌!
اي‌ شهيد دوره‌ جنگ‌ و ترور
بين‌ همي‌ كه‌ همسرت‌ حالش‌ چطور
بين‌ همي‌ كه‌ پسرت‌ خارج‌ ز دور!
بين‌ همي‌ كه‌ پدرت‌ از غصه‌ مرگ
‌بين‌ همي‌ كه‌ ملتت‌ پژمرده‌ برگ‌!
اي‌ جهان‌آرا شهيد شيروديان‌
اي‌ رجايي‌ همسر و همت‌ پسر!
باكري‌، بهشتي‌ و مصطفوى
‌آمده‌ پيدا همي‌ دستي‌ قوي‌!
اي‌ همه‌ آيات‌ عظام‌ سياه
‌تو بدان‌ از قدرت‌ پاسدار سپاه‌!
تو يكي‌آخوند بر قدرت‌ رسى
‌كه‌ شوي‌ نزد سپاهت‌ روسپي‌
اي‌ جفاكاران‌ عمامه‌بسر:
كشور ايران‌ بشد ملك‌ سپاه
‌خواسته‌هاي‌ پاسداران‌ هم‌ به‌ ر
بهر اين‌ ملت‌ بشد تجربه‌اى
‌خيل‌ اصلاحاتيان‌ بيكاره‌اي‌
جز براندازي‌ نباشد چاره‌اي‌!


Ashk Dovom

دامون عزیز

Ashk Dovom

دامون عزیز ممنون از نوشته ات که درد بسیاری از ما هارو به زبون آوردی. شرکت در نشست هایی مثل نشست بروکسل  برای انسان سالمی مثل شما غیر از غثیان ارمغانی نخواهد داشت. این افرادی که با الفاظ حق بجانب و نگاه عاقل اندر سفیه شمارو به وطن پرستی زیادی متهم میکنند، اصلا به هیچ نوع میهن  پرستی چه کمش یا زیادش و یا نیم بندش اعتقادی ندارند. این درسته که خیلی از آقازاده ها و بچه سوسولها با احساس کوچکترین خطری پولارو ور میدارند و فرار میکنند ولی خیلی از همین پاسدارها هم خواهند ایستاد و از یکپارچگی ایران دفاع خواهند کرد. امید ایران به جوونهایی است که با هوشیاری در میان این جاده غبارآلود راه آزادی و سرافرازی میهن شونرو پیدا میکنند و آینده مملکتشون رو با آینده حساب بانکی و یا شغل و قدرت و مقامشون اشتباه نمی گیرند      


بایستیم؟ خواهیم ایستاد.


دامون جان. عزیز دل، دقیقا کنار کدوم "مخالف خودت در رژیم جمهوری اسلامی که پاسدار یکپارچگی ایران هستند" میخوای بایستی؟ عزیز دل، اینها همهٔ توله سگ‌هاشون (به بخشید، آقا زاده هاشون ) رو فرستادند همیجا بغل دست ما تو کانادا،  انگلیس و آمریکا که زمین و قصر بخرن برای روز مبادا، یک مشت فحش خار مادر هم به بهایون و یهودیون بدن تو اینترنت!. اولین تیر هم که شلیک شد، میپرن تو هواپیما به سوی لندن یاا تورنتو. اون‌وقت تو میمونی و زهرا خانوم!

نه عزیز، احساساتی‌ نشو، بشین اینجا ببین این "مخلفانت" چه پکر شدن از اخراجشن از کانادا و کیف کن!


اگر ایرانی آزادی و رفاه داشته باشد""


همه کشورهای دنیا هم برای تکه پاره کردن ایران همدست شود راه به جایی نخواهند برد"."



Mr Golriz

by JustAnIranian on

Is it smart to write something like this at this moment in time? Talk to an ordinary Iranian inside Tehran and say these and I will promise you: 

1. They will ask who the heck you are

2. They will say : mard e hesaabi sedat az jaayeh garm dar Miyad

People are getting hungrier every day. Dollar is rising like crazy and two Kurdish groups said something and you will side with the IRI to oppose them?


اول ایرانی بعد ایران


"اول ایران، بعد دموکراسی و حقوق بشر برای ایران."

 ایندست ملی گرایی افراطی یکی از بدبختی های ایران بوده و هنوز هم هست و راه را برای بدخواهی بدخواهان باز میکند.

ارزش ایران بخاطر وجود همۀ ایرانیان و  مجموعۀ فرهنگ و آداب و سنن آنان است.

به عبارت دیگر؛ ارجحیت را باید بر روی ایرانیان گذاشت نه ایران چون اگر ایرانی آزادی و رفاه داشته باشد، همه کشورهای دنیا هم برای تکه پاره کردن ایران همدست شود راه به جایی نخواهند برد.



در راه هماهنگی یا در مسیر تفرقه "در حاشیه توافقنامه اخیر دو حزب


مخاطبین این توافقنامه نه مردم کردستان، بلکه از یک سو متحدین سراسری آنها  و از سوی دیگر آمریکا و دیگر قدرتهای بزرگ جهانی هستند که در این دوره بویژه بر روی مسائل سیاسی ایران متمرکز شده اند. مسئله ملی کرد ابزاری است که این دو جریان برای وارد شدن در معادلات سیاسی آنرا بکار میگیرند. اما واقعیت این است که متحدین سراسری آنها نه تنها خواهان رفع ستم ملی از مردم کردستان نیستند، بلکه از همین امروز هم که نه دستی در قدرت دارند و نه حتی افق روشنی برای دست یابی به قدرت پیش رو دارند، در اعلام مخالفت با رفع قطعی این ستم تردیدی به خود راه نمیدهند. دخالت دولت آمریکا و قدرتهای دیگر امپریالیستی در مبارزات مردم کردستان و ایران هم، یعنی تدارک آنچه در سناریوی لیبی گذشت و امروز در سوریه می­گذرد، یعنی تبدیل کردن ایران به عراقی دیگر.

این توافق نامه نه توانست پاسخی صادقانه و مسئولانه به روح وحدت طلبی مردم کردستان در مقابل دولت مرکزی باشد، نه نقش مثبتی در ایجاد هماهنگی بین احزاب سیاسی موجود در کردستان  ایفا نمود و نه حتی توانست جایگاه این دو حزب را در میان متحدین سراسریشان محکم تر کند و بدین ترتیب در واقع مرده به دنیا آمد.
