Hagh Koshi

Powerful song about homosexuality by Saye Sky

Hagh Koshi
by KayvanAli

The lyrics to this song are amazing. Listen closely. Saye Sky has created a great work of art. -- jj

If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, don't miss "There are No Gays in Iran" comedy show Friday night, March 12 at Cafe du Nord.


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Fragile Silence
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Pouya Khademi: "Bidade Zaman"
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Iran: Language Diversity
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more from KayvanAli

Shameless self-promotion

by tabar on

by myself :P

Lol no but I posted what I believe is a really good article on Iran and homosexuality, and how it's always been a part of our culture and history up until recently with Western cultural influence:


Unlike Immortal and Holden I'm not some Western wannabe and I really could care less what you think of me.


What a complete shame

by Mehrban on

That Iranians have to leave their home and live in hovels of Turkey just because IRR does not like their way of life.  

Thanks AO for the link.    

Holden Caulfield

"...so let me marry and have my adopted kids..."

by Holden Caulfield on

You can enjoy the odour of a man's feet as much as you want. The right to child adoption, however, falls under another category which is neither kinky, nor private.

BTW: "Abnormality", and "choice" are two different subjects. Don't mislead your readers, if any.

Anonymous Observer

Article from Washington Post

by Anonymous Observer on


Holden and Immortal

by tabar on

First of all what idiot would CHOOSE to be gay? Oh yeah I love it when my family, friends and society at large hate and attack me, and live in poverty, oh yeah it turns me on soooo much lol

Second of all, screw you it's not a fucking LIFESTYLE, it's just that I like men and that's that. My personality is the same as everyone else, there's no such thing as a gay personality [except the Western notion of what gay and straight should be but I don't abide by those]. And you're right, none of this really your business, so let me marry and have my adopted kids and shut up. Lol

Holden Caulfield

Real name

by Holden Caulfield on

Easy to find. Check out the alumni of Pencey Prep.


Holden: I'm waiting for your

by vildemose on

Holden: I'm waiting for your real name.

Holden Caulfield

"...Don't be a coward ..."

by Holden Caulfield on

That's swell, you accuse others of bigotry as conveniently as you feel inconvenient when being assumed a homosexual.

Again: You didn't have to explain, or fake, your lifestyle to us. Just don't promote it. Either way.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Since you apparently have the expertise to "diagnose" homosexuality as an illness which must be treated, can you please use the same expertise and enlighten us about the treatment methods for this "illness?"  Surely, you must have the background knowledge for that as well.  

Note: "treatment" cannot include the following: shackles, chains, electroshock therapy, "insane asylums", religious prayers and incantations, leaches, beating [the gayness out of them] and lastly: joining the Basij.




My life style?? Not that

by vildemose on

My life style?? Not that it's any of your business but I'm not gay and have a perfectly blissful heterosexual marriage. However, I wil notl allow religious bigots such as you to incite hate against others and get away with it.

Don't be a coward and spew your bigotted comments with your real name. I will be waiting for your real name...

Immortal Guard

....Ugly Picture....

by Immortal Guard on

This picture is so ugly! It is disgusting! It must only be appealing to those who have a distorted sense od esthetics!

Holden Caulfield

"...You're still a bigot..."

by Holden Caulfield on

I am not inciting hatred here. Your lifestyle is not my business. Please keep it private. That's all.


Holden: Positive or

by vildemose on

Holden: Positive or negative....You're still a bigot and an uneducated one at that. Please stop inciting hate-filled rhetorics against  gays on IC.

Shameful and pathetic.

Holden Caulfield

"...No bigotted homophobe ,religious zombie need not reply."

by Holden Caulfield on

Two negatives in a sentence make it positive. Can't say the same thing about sex.


Homosexuality is not a

by vildemose on

Homosexuality is not a choice. It's cause are biological. Anyone who has taken biology/genetics in a decent university in the West should know that.


No bigotted homophobe ,religious zombie need not reply.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

As I read some where: even back till late 1980 in Russia if some one would present the abnormal attititudes of trans gender he was send to NUT HOUSE  or labor camps no question asked.    Maziar

Anonymous Observer

immortal guard - by your own difinition

by Anonymous Observer on

You say"

But I would say that since the great majority are heterosexuals then based on a statistical definition of normal then "a majority heterosexual population is normal".

So, homosexuals are in the minority in the society.  Does that make them not-normal?  Blacks in the U.S. are in the minority.  Iranians in the U.S. are in the minority?  Are we not-normal also?!!! 

If homosexuality is normal then why do so many homosexuals feel the need to have annual parades and are so self-conscious? 

Why do blacks celebrate MLK Day?  Why do Iranians have Nowrouz parades  every year in NYC, LA, San Francisco and other places? Are we not-normal also?!! Gays have parades because they want to assert themselves as a group which has recently been given some semblance of rights.

And last but not least what comes next? Should humans be allowed to marry monkeys and allowed to adopt human children?

You know...that's what they used to  say about allowing interracial marriages.  There were laws against that also...and more importantly, interracial marriages were called "not-normal" as well.  

A few points for you to ponder. :-))))

Immortal Guard

Immortal Guard

by Immortal Guard on

You are cleverly twisting the words by saying "an all heterosexual population is NOT normal". Of course statistically an all heterosexual population has a very low probability. But I would say that since the great majority are heterosexuals then based on a statistical definition of normal then "a majority heterosexual population is normal".

I have noticed that many young people express their pent-up anger nowadays in such songs or in ways that deviate from the social norms because they cannot live a socially normal life like others. In other words they choose to give themselves to homosexuality without having a genetic predisposition in order to thumb their nose at society and also to provoke the majority and make the social atmosphere hot for them.

If homosexuality is normal then why do so many homosexuals feel the need to have annual parades and are so self-conscious? They should care much less about making a case for themselves to the majority heterosexuals and their participation in majority heterosexual media should be less venemous and iconoclastic.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau (the former prime minister of Canada) famously defended the decriminalization of homosexual acts segment of the bill by telling reporters that "there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation", adding that "what's done in private between adults doesn't concern the Criminal Code".

The state or any other individual has to stay out of the bedroom of the homosexuals. This should remain a private bedroom issue.

And last but not least what comes next? Should humans be allowed to marry monkeys and allowed to adopt human children?

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Have you ever thought about the possibility that a certain percentage of people being either attracted to the same sex and / or having gender identification issues is within the biological / social and psychological parameters of "normal"?  Have you thought about the possibility that an all heterosexual population is NOT normal because of the differences in which our bodies and brains are wired?  Have you ever considered the fact that our currently accepted definition of "normal" sexual interactions is based mostly on ancient religious beliefs?  Have you ever considered the fact that many people involved in homosexual relationships are committed couples who live together for decades and raise families?  Have you considered the fact that this goes way beyond "digestive" and "sexual" systems?


Nazy Kaviani

Powerful music

by Nazy Kaviani on

Excellent, groundbreaking work by Saye Sky and Company. Very good rap music with meaningful lyrics. Good for you for expressing yourselves so poignantly and effectively, Saye Sky. Kayvan Jan, thanks for sharing.

Captain Jan:

What part of ignorance don't you get? Is there need for further elaboration of darkness? Certainly, there is enough material for people to read in order to learn about homosexuality. If this is still what they believe and say, they can keep their "elaborations" to themselves. Sadly, embracing humanity without discrimination is not for everyone.

Fortunately, ignorance is treatable with a will to learn. So, I am wishing that some people's ignorance is addressed, treated, and taken care of.

Holden Caulfield

confusion between digestive system, and reproductive one

by Holden Caulfield on

Did I get your "pinky" excited which kept hitting on the question mark button?

Abnormal is the opposite of the normal; dude. 


Holden... hemosexuality an abnormality????

by capt_ayhab on


Can you elaborate?


Immortal Guard

Immortal Guard

by Immortal Guard on

The next US president will be a deformed limping black & Chinese mongrel homosexual woman from a dysfunctional monoparental family who has spent his formative years in Russia!

Holden Caulfield

What does hagh koshi mean?

by Holden Caulfield on

Homosexuality is an abnormality which should be addressed, treated, and taken care of.