A question of survival

Understand why Jews must support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants


A question of survival
by rwitonsk

One of the most complicated and difficult aspects of my involvement with the Persian freedom movement is related to the anti-Semitism of the Islamic regime in Iran. On the one hand, I hope with all my heart that the Iranian people will remove the totalitarian Islamic regime in Iran before Israel is forced to strike Iran's nuclear plants in self-defense. My involvement with the Persian secular democratic movement is motivated by a genuine compassion and empathy for the Persian people's appalling suffering at the hands of a barbaric totalitarian regime. In addition, I hold the leaders and members of the Persian secular democratic movement and some liberal Islamists in the highest admiration. On the other hand, as a Jewish Zionist, I naturally support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants in self-defense. This issue is a matter of survival for Israel and the Jews, and the Jews have no margin for error in this matter.

I will examine this thorny and tangled question from the Persian secular democrats' side and then from the Jewish side. The Persian secular democrats generally support the State of Israel and oppose the anti-Semitism of the current Islamic regime. Persian secular democrats naturally cannot endorse an Israeli nuclear strike on Iran's nuclear plants because they would be branded as traitors to their homeland. In addition, Persian secular democrats oppose an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear plants because they fear that such a strike will lead to an upsurge in Persian nationalism. They think that this rallying around the Persian flag will unite the Iranian people in support of the regime and undermine the secular democracy movement in Iran. They feel that this strike will prolong the regime's staying power and make it more difficult for them to organize a regime change in their homeland.

Most of my Persian secular democratic friends are deeply convinced that the regime is on the verge of collapse. Some of my Persian friends think the regime may even collapse soon after the anti-regime demonstrations on the 22th of Bahman, or the 11th of February. They genuinely believe that they can remove this regime before it obtains nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, we are all coping with two very big unknowns. First of all, we really don't know how long it will be before this regime will have nuclear weapons. Second of all, it is really difficult if not impossible to predict when this regime will fall.

Now I will look at the question from the Jewish side. The first unfortunate point is that many of my Jewish friends conflate the Islamic regime in Iran with the Iranian people. They are deeply terrified of the Islamic regime's anti-Semitic rheotoric, of its constant threats to destroy the Jews and of its constant denial of the Shoah. For elderly American Jews who were alive during the Shoah, the regime's continuous denial of the Shoah is particularly traumatic and frightening. These elderly Jews are afraid that Israel will be destroyed, G-d forbid.

Unfortunately, many of my Jewish friends think that the Islamic regime is expressing the Iranian people's view of the Jews. Many of my Jewish friends do not understand that many Persian secular democrats are friends of Israel and the Jews and are deeply revolted on a moral and personal level by the anti-Semitic policies of the Islamic regime.

Despite these fears and concerns, many Jewish organizations and members of Congress have worked directly with the Iranian secular democratic opposition. These Jews understand that a peaceful regime change in Iran is in the vital interests of the Jewish people. They also realize that a secular, democratic Persia can be a friend to the Jews.

On a personal level, I have been extremely moved by the way that my Persian democratic secular friends have expressed their deep moral solidarity with the Jews. I have been touched beyond words by the way that my friend in Tehran has expressed his moral revulsion against the Shoah and his support of Israel. I have had amazingly uplifting conversations with other Iranian democrats in exile who have shown me their solidarity with the Jews. These conversations have helped me to envision that one day a secular democratic Persia will be a friend to the Jews.

I believe the best solution to this crisis is for the Persian people to overthrow this regime and establish a secular democracy in Iran before it becomes necessary for the Israelis to strike Iran's nuclear plants. I encourage my Jewish friends to support regime change in Iran on moral and strategic grounds because it is in the vital national security interests of the Jewish people. I encourage American Jewish organizations and the Israeli government to take the same position in support of regime change in Iran and the liberation of the Iranian people from totalitarian Islamic rule.

I ask my Persian secular democratic friends to continue expressing your moral solidarity with Israel and the Jews and your revulsion at the Shoah denial and anti-Semitism of the Islamic regime in Iran. I also ask you to understand why the Jews must support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants. This issue is a matter of Jewish survival.


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You are an inspiration
Feb 05, 2010
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General Strike is better than any other strike.  The people will go on a General Strike.


Ali Mostofi




Two paranoid regimes. A

by vildemose on

Two paranoid regimes. A lethal combination...

Jahanshah Javid

Dangerous aggression

by Jahanshah Javid on

The Israeli policy of pre-emptive strikes is wrong, misguided and extremely dangerous. It is nothing but aggression disguised as "self-defense".

To attack a country for what it MIGHT do, especially without any evidence, will plunge the Middle East, and the world into chaos and devastation.

If the United States had attacked the USSR for what Moscow MIGHT have done with its nuclear weapons during the Cold War, a good chunk of the world's population would have perished. Same with Commnunist China. Same with North Korea.

The golden rule that is keeps the world in relative peace is that you have the right to self-defense IF attacked. But to attack in the name of self-defense is absurd. And unfortunately, alarmingly, this is the current mentality in Israel.

Anti-semitism is an issue among some Iranians. However, I would strongly argue that because of the utter failure of the Islamic Republic and the deep hatred of its radical religious policies, Iranians themselves, particularly those in cities and abroad, are less anti-semitic today than at any time in their history.

The regime's anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish rants are largely ignored because the people have come to realize that they are just slogans aimed at silencing domestic critics. However, an Israeli attack on Iran will change sympathy and understanding towards Jews into widespread anger and hostility.

Also, Iran has no nuclear weapons today and all FACTS at present indicate that it does not have the capability to build one. But bombing its nuclear facilities will end the debate within the regime on whether it should build or acquire nuclear bombs in the future and a full scale arms race will commence.

Furthermore, an Israeli attack will strike a severe blow on Iran's current democratic movement which you seem to support.


becoming allies

by nikoo195 on

speaking as a secular individual, I find it hard to believe that regime change will bring about a change in public opinion regarding israel. To say that the warped ideology of the ruling elite is the cause for a nation to have a negative view of israel is short sighted. As much as we all disapprove of the mullahs, Israel has committed many crimes against palestinians and the lebanese. Changing the regime is not going to change that. We could go back and forth as to who started it, but as it stands right now, Israel has committed far greater crimes against humanity and its only because of deep pockets and a lot of PR that the world doesnt hear about it. Iranians may care less about palestinians and lebanese in the future because they were the hired help of the Basij but again, that doesnt mean the potential new govt will want to buddy up with the zionists


not sure why my original response to rwitonsk was removed

by aynak on


But I see this post more and more as an extension of the new Islamic Regimes attempt to discredit in its own mal-functionioning mind whoever that opposes it, by linking it to  another criminal regime:  state of Israel.

Before anyone tries to write a response in support or condemnation of rw's post, I would strongly advise you to read it carefully. By the way, why is he/she not using his/her real name?  Isn't he a free person in U.S?  

This individual is trying to pose as a -Jewish American-- and repeat the same allegation as Shariat-Madari of Kayhan does, everyday in his garbage newspapaer.  

On the other hand, who wants a strike on Iran?   Who is promoting economic sanctions and military strike instead of targeting leaders of Islamic regime, and instead of making Human Righs request of Islamic Regime?   You know it:  Israel

From the prespective of two APARTHIED  system of Isalmic Regime and Israel, the best way forward in the region is to have yet another war.

The two regimes know full well, one can not continue to survive without the other.

That's why Israel provided Iran with weapons during Iran-Iraq war.

That's why Ahmadi-Nejad after 3 weeks of Gaza genocide by Israel, denies holocaust in Europe and makes Israeli war criminals look like victims, instead of focusing on Gaza.

That's why every time our democratic opposition gians some ground, someone from Israel makes a threat of first strike against Iran!



The two criminal states need each other to survive.  But the

democratic movement of Iranian people, is about freedom and

justice for us Iranian, and can not be linked with anyone, that

is an old trick that no longer works.  Our opposition to murdurous Iranian Regime should not be interpreted as support for another murdurous regime.

Long live the struggle of all who fight for their freedom and justice

everywhere, Iran, Gaza, or whereever they are!

Che Iran Che Gaza, Che har Kojayeh donya!