Lokht dar Ayneh: Iranians are the best

Everyone else suck!


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Anonymous Observer

The good thing about posts like this is

by Anonymous Observer on

that it gets the ommattis all riled up.  It's just so funny to see how stateless and totally devoid of a national identity these losers are.  One day they're children of Imam Hussein and and their home is Karbala and the next day they're children of Gaza and their home is Palestine.  It's just priceless entertainment that one cannot find anyplace else but among these losers.


No Fear

by masoudA on

Your Problem is you can't separate Race from Culture.   Do you disagree that a culture that allows for slavery is an inferior to a culture in which all are free?   Can you understand a culture that in it's civil rights has favorable laws for one religion over another or for one gender over another is an inferior culture?   If you can't relate to this then please ignore this post......it is no use. 

PS - Ferdosi was no racist - in fact our whole culture is not racist - call us nationalist, call us culturalist....but not racist.   A collectiove culture that comes up with "Bani Adam Azaye yek peykarand......" can't be tagged as racist. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Iran Paidar 1st

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes, indeed. I am 100% sure that both No Fear and Q are Arab at heart. I don't care what theri genes are but their loyalty is to Arabs. You mention Iranians raped and killed they could not give a damn. You say one bad thing about Arabs they go crazy. They hate Iran but have the nerve to call us racist.

The best way to fight this infection of our nations is to reject Islam. Without Islam Arab impersialism has no root and will dry up like a sick poison weed.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

 we should spare our epic poet Ferdowsi. We owe our language and identity to him. If it wasnt for him, today we should speak arabic just like other countries like Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebonan.

I agree. But that is exactly why No Fear and his ilk hate Ferdowsi. They want us to be Arab. They hate our language and our national indentity. They hate anything Iranian and. Ferdowsi embodies Iran. That is why Islamists hate this great man so much.

No Fear

To the haters ...

by No Fear on

We can't force other ethnic groups in Iran to learn farsi as the official language and at the same time rubbing persian superiority garbage in their faces.

Since the benefit of a unified farsi language for all Iranians exceeds the multilingual aspects of a volatile Iran based on federalism, due care and attention must be given to the reduction of racial rifts and gaps between Iranians.

If this means that Ferdowsi should be critisized, then so be it.

Ferdowsi is NOT bigger than a unified Iran.

No Fear


by No Fear on

You aked whether shiism played a unifying role in Iran before.

I believe shiism has always been a unifying force with mixed results. Some argue due to the fatwas issued during our beef with the russians, we lost territories. But the shi'ite clergies were successful in unifying and organizing masses to fight against enemies.

Perhaps shiism triumphed during Iran iraq war with taking full advantage of the notion of " martyrdom".  I don't believe in the entire mankind history, we have witnessed anything like this at such grand scale. We witnessed how shi'ism was able to rally up thousand of thousand of Iranians who were sent to the front lines and willing to die while defending Iran against a foreign enemy. Some say they were fooled by plastic keys. I wonder if any other ideology can send people to the front lines with a plastic key.

In my opinion, without the sacrifices of this very religious class of shi'ite muslims in Iran during the war, we would have lost the war, period.  Sorry, i don't buy the nationalistic angle which is pushed by some people that those at front lines were nationalistic Iranians. If we are honest to ourselves, we should know better. They were die hard shi'ite muslims who were embracing death and martyrdom.

Every single one of us who enjoys to see a unified Iran, must be respectful of our martyrs and what they believed in.

You also mentioned a very interesting point;

"Has shiism shaped our nationality, or has it got shaped because of our nationality? "

I believe our nationality shaped our religion. This is why i support Rahim Mashaie arguement which pointed to the Iranian nature of our religion. In fact, it is meaningless to argue about shiism, without understanding being Iranian. Without Iran, there would be no shiism.


I could not follow

by iamfine on

I could not follow what message these two were trying to relay to us. The content of this video was very poor. I resented the part that both were referring to our Iranian minorities Turks and Arabs. 

Hoshang Targol

صمصام سه، دیگه زیاد سه نکن

Hoshang Targol

وقت کردی یه چیکه " چرند و پرند" از دهخدا، دو سه داستان از بهرام صادقی ، و
مقدار متنابهی هادی خرسندی بخون. خدا رو  چه دیدی ، شاید هم فهمیدی طنز
معاصر  ایرانی یعنی چی، هم تعداد شخصیت هایی باافکار و حساسیتهای شبیه خود
آن حضرت ( صمصام سه)و " پرسوناژ "ش.

از ما گفتن ،از دانش آموزان تنبل نشنیدن, طبق معمول. 


درود بر این دیوانه عاقل ما


من تعجّب می‌کنم iranian.com  این ویدئو را اون بالا گذشته و این تفکرت را برجسته میکنه. این حرفها غیر قانونی‌ و غیر اخلاقی‌ است و میتونه باعث درد سر برای این وبسیت بشه.

بسیاری از حرفهأیی که چرچیل راجع به سیاه پوستان زده، امروز غیر قانونیست و اگر یک شهر وند اونها را تکرار بکنه زندان میره. دنیا به جلو میره و نه به عقب. این حرفها توجیه گر لایحه قصاص و سایر قوانین حاکم هست. محمد گفته پس بنا بر این باید اجرا بشه. فردوسی‌ گفته پس ...

آنها که سخت و محکم بر طبل جنگ کوبند
باید دهند پاسخ، باید به ما بگویند

کایا ره رهآیی، راه نجات مردم
ازشیوهای نازیسم، از راه زور جویند

این راه احمدی هاست، این شیوه  فاشیست هاست
جای صلیب هیتلر، خال سپاه کوبند

از آریای هیتلر، ضدّ یهود و عرب
از آن نژاد و مذهب، چون حیوان بدخویند

بر ضدّ ملت کرد، ضدّ بلوچ و "تازی!"
علیه هر ملیت، نها ل  کینه رویند

ما از تبار سعدی، آن شاعر بزرگیم
‌آنان که دست هاشان ،  زاین  چرک ها بشویند


اوکی‌ دیگه این عریان من المراتتون رو تخته کنید



  تا  هفته دیگه . این یکی‌ رو که زیرش زایدید



Modern Persian/Iranian nationalism = resistance

by Parthianshot91 on

Modern Arab/extremist islamic nationalism = Imperialism


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

Iran Paidar 1st

Dear VPK, COP and other friends

by Iran Paidar 1st on

We should not be surprised that there are idiots like "No Fear", "Q" and "Sargord" on this site who resent so much the Iranians and Iranian culture.  This cannot be happening unless these guys have something that obligates them to hate Iran and Persian culture. Either they are Arab Zadeh or they are part of the IRI regime or they have family members who are benefiting from the IRI.

The Great Khar, Khomeini, upon his return to Iran, said it clearly that "we did not revolt for Iran. We revolted for Islam. It does not matter if Iran is destroyed and partitioned. It's Islam that has to remain alive and strong."

It has always been the strategy for IRI to use Iran and Iranian's wealth to propagate Islam and sacrifice Iran in the process if they have to. And it's true that none of these guys have any feeling toward Iran. Therefore, like all other Arabs, they rather Iran be wiped off the map.



ز شیر شتر خوردن و سوسمار


معنای این بیت کاملاَ روشن است. عربها قوم پستی هستند که سوسمار می خورند و حال آرزوی گذاشتن تاج سروری ایرانیان را بر سر خویش دارند.

برای اطلاع آن دسته از افراد نادان که فکر می کنند فردوسی دو هفته پیش این ابیات را سرود باید یاد آور شوم که این ابیات در زمانی گفته شد که ایرانیان به عنوان قومی پست تر از عرب طوق بندگی آنها را به گردن گرفته بودند و ما حصل زحمات آنها به عنوان خراج به جیب حاکمان عرب ریخته میشد. در اوانی که عربها در ایران جوی خون به راه انداخته بودند و زنها و کودکان را به اسارت و بردگی برده بودند و آنها را در بازارهای شام و عربستان خرید و فروش می کردند. زمانی که قوم ذلیل ایرانی حتی اجازۀ سوار شدن بر اسب یا ازدواج با زنهای عرب را نیز نداشت چون در نظر اعراب قومی پست تر بود. زمانی که دیگر زبان رسمی ایران زبان مادری آن نبود و اعتقاد به باورهای مذهبی ایرانی مجازاتهای شدید به دنبال می آورد. در چنین زمانی است که فردوسی به درستی تابوی سروری و برتری اعراب را می شکند و سعی می کند ایرانیان را با بیاد آوردن افتخارات گذشته از طوق بردگی عرب رهایی دهد. خدمت بزرگ فردوسی به زبان فارسی روشن است و اگر او نبود اکنون این دو بی سواد باید اسم برنامه بی مزه شان را می گذاشتند "عریان من المرآت". 

 ایران کشوری است متشکل از اقوام گوناگون از جمله عربهایی که من با آنها بزرگ شدم و هیچ تفاوتی با بقیه ایرانیان ندارند. فرهنگ عربی برای عربها عزیز است اما هیچگونه برتری بر فرهنگ ایرانی ندارد.  


Nice slogan from Tehran university students yesterday:

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

محمود خائن ... تو پینه دوزی

دهن لقت پاره شده ... باید بدوزی

decicated to our west residing "fearless" islamist rent a mouth here!



by Parthianshot91 on

I don't mean personal slaves, but prisoners who do a vast ammount of labor for the people, like cleaning the streets, our toilets, horrible and forceful labor etc.. under the watch of guards ofcource, I mention these things cause when you look at a mullah's hand they look like that of a females, very fragile, soft and weak, it's cause they don't do anything in their life, btw these are what my friends told me not me, haha.

Their kids should be taken away and given to some sane responsible parents. Anyways, we can decide afterwards what to do with the mullahs, that's if the people don't slaughter all of them.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

Dirty Angel

VPK, my money? You mean my bottom!

by Dirty Angel on

I don't know if it's changed in the past few years, but it's a damned painful process including a giant of a needle struck into your bottom bones.


I didn't! Not for days, but then I'm not a champion Pahlevan Ghahreman like so many here.

"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"


Statira has a good point about Ferdowsi.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Ferdowsi to Farsi is the same as Shakespeare to English. And that is precisely why he is so much hated by Iran Hating Islamist regime and it's agents on this site. If these morons get their way, we'll be all speaking in arabic with thick south lebanese accent.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Whatever we say

by statira on

 we should spare our epic poet Ferdowsi. We owe our language and identity to him. If it wasnt for him, today we should speak arabic just like other countries like Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebonan.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Parthianshot91 Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not want slaves; rather do my own work. They will spit in your food; poison it and abuse your kids when you are not watching. No good comes out of keeping these  vermin in your homes near your love ones. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Why do

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


some people scream racist when an Iranian dares respect his nation? Why do you people think we should bend over and take it from Tazi? Why do we have to  be ashamed of our race?

Being happy with and celebrating your nation is not racism. Hating your own race on the other hand is racism. Putting others specially Arabs above Iran is racism.

FYI: Parthian may speak for himself. But I have registered for bone marrow.

Not just that but also made a plea right on IC for others to do it.


DA: put your money where your mouth is. Are you registered?



by Parthianshot91 on

This reminds me of the time when I was discussing with my friends about how we should execute the mullahs and the other islamists the second we get the chance, and they told me that we shouldn't execute them, cause that pain would only last seconds, but make them suffer for years to come by labor, basically make them slaves to serve the Iranian people.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


عرب در بیابان ملخ میخورد، سگ اصفهان آبه یخ میخورد


Who says Perrrrrrrsians are racist? buuuullshit.



No fear, under Federal Kiaani Republic of Iran

by SamSamIIII on


You lost me. I said earlier, ;

under  Federal Kiaani Republic of Iran

trilinguall official national languages of Parsi, Farsi & Azari representing the major Medeo-Persian/Azari minorities (Arabs being represented in Farsi already). I said celebrating our diversity under the united front of true Iran. I said respecting our diffrences & building on our commonalities, respecting each other's distinctive yet collective's heritage be it kiaani medeo-persian or turani Turks or semitic khouzo-Arabi  . Religion is a private spiritual channel to God almighty and in Kiaani Iran we shall keep it sacred, private & away from the bussines of the state. :)) sorry to disappoint.

 Folks like these jokers & those who propogate them want blood wars among Fars-Turks & Arabs to keep em distracted from the main charlatans. dont be fooled by their crocodile tears & humanist pretence.  The snubby elitists who make kooh outta kaah just to be on the position of all righteous sermon. they have no solutions or remedies but air.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


I dare to ask ...without Fear

by comrade on

Has Shiism ever played a unifying role in Iran? Can you single out a historical occurrence in which Shiism prevented a break up? Has it shaped our nationality, or has it got shaped because of our nationality?

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Dirty Angel

Yo, you great Champion Persian Pahlavans

by Dirty Angel on

Why don't you go for bone marrow registration for your great Persian superiority, just to help one of yoiur compatriots and very possibly many others, who might have similar tissues or do you think that might do damage to your divine jaws?

"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


No just loving the reality! I have it when I watch America bashing Taliban. Israel bashing Hizbollah and Hamas. And the rest of them. 

Saddam thought as you do. Watch him now. Same is waiting for AN & Akhoonds.The best for Khamenei is to make it to hell before Iranians get to him.

I have a bottle of fine scotch saved for when AN's time comes. I will have one drink for each Akhoond! It will be a lot of fun watching them squirm.

No Fear


by No Fear on

Are you having more wet dreams?  LoL

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Parthianshot91 Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


After IRI is gone it should be first order of business to go after them. Iran must make it very clear to Turky; Syria and all the rest that we want them and their loot back. Or no relationships and no friendship.

Regarding Syria: Iran post IRI should totally support Israel and beat the heck of the Syria. Give the money back or have TWO Israel's at your door.

Turkey is America's pet. If Iran makes a deal with American Turks have no choice but to turn over the Mollahs.

There should be NO rock under which they get to hide. No place in the whole damn world.

Hizbolah and Hamas should be treated so that makes Israel look nice. They should be make to beg Israel to put them in jail to get away from Iran.

Not one bit of mercy for any of them. Ahkoond; Mollahs or Hizbollah.



by Parthianshot91 on

It's because they know they've lost and wanna do as much as damage as they can to Iran and it's people before it all collapses, they want to suck us dry. You know just last year, the Mullahs were moving their money into turkey and syria during the riots, that's how desperate and scared they are, they know that their fall is inevitable.



"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Arabic in heaven

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This is yet another incredibly stupid move of them. Why do these idiots hate their own nation. Most successful microbes do not try to destroy their host. But Akhoonds do. Who is coming up with these ideas among them.

I know their allegiance is to Arabs but they would be wise to hide it. If not they are just begging for a violent overthrow. 

Regarding the West residing bunch like "No Fear". I suggest the rest of us petition our Western hosts to kick them out. No good comes out of giving a home to these gang.