Innocence Lost

Seven-year-old's eloquent anger at Islamic Republic

Innocence Lost
by unity4iran

مهسا حیدرپور در هفت سالگی اش دردهای بچه های امروز ایران را برای دنیا با زبان شیرینش تعریف می کند. مهسا دختر کوچولوی مهلقا فخر آور و مهرداد حیدرپور و خواهرزاده امیر عباس فخر آور است. دایی کوچکش محمد رضا (آرش)، خاله هایش ستاره ، سایه و فرخ لقا فخر آور، مادربزرگش پروانه پیر دهقان، عموهایش و بسیاری از اعضای خانواده شان این روزها در راهروهای دادگاه انقلاب اسیر پرونده های سیاسی شان شده اند. مهسا از آرزوهایش، از خانواده، جنبش سبز و از مدرسه اش می گوید. به نظر میرسد دستگاههای شست و شوی مغزی خامنه ای و ملاهای حاکم بر ایران در مدارس از کار افتاده است و نتیجه معکوس می دهد. کاش خامنه ای و دیگر ملایان این ویدیو را می دیدند.



This is sad

by ahosseini on

It is really sad for any adult to speak about controversial issues through a child of seven. This is exactly the same as forcing the child into wearing chador and subjecting her to situations this little girl describes. What are we suppose to do? Should I buy a toy or an ice cream for my child of seven and ask her to come and talk about all the nasty things the Iranian regime does and argue against her points about the role of US and Israel. Tell my child to talk about the military coup in 1953. Talk about Sabra and Shatila. I find the whole thing disgraceful. It would have made sense if she cried and told stories about being deprived of having a doll or a toy rather than talking about these controversial political issues. Don’t abuse children, they grow up to hate you later.


فرشته، رشته به رشته


I just did as you said, I flossed!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


These people who are riding their high horses care not a bit about this girl. They just want to live in their delusion of wonderful Islamist revolution!! If reality gets in the way they scream unfair. Or as Dingo did tell us to "shut up".

They want this girl to go under a rock and shut up. Just see how "anonymouse" is trying to ridicule her. Islamists have neither heart nor soul.

There is not a day I do not see the wonders of "religion of peace".


LISTEN to what she says:

by Kaveh Parsa on

both her MUM and dad were in prison, as well as 2 of her uncles. get off your high horses and stop judging her, her MUM or her family.

Dirty Angel

Ferferziye kashke ash

by Dirty Angel on

winter insomnia..... You know what to do! ;)

"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"


فرشته، آش رشته


I am impressed, you are still up!

Aren't you on a short leash anymore?


Great message to Persian community

by siavash1000 on


Let's the whole world know what is going on in the Islamic hell that bunch of the stinky rag head Islamic bastards created for our people during last 31 years.

Let's praise those parents who raise such a brave kid.

Let's be Persian, NOT Arab.

This is good documentary for history to judge. Iran is going the darkest age in it's history. Let's everyone be aware of that. Great message. Good job.

Payandeh our Aryan land Iran. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are confusing a whole bunch of things.

The mentality will not change until IRI is gone. Will there be another dictatorship: maybe. But at least it is worth trying.

The mentality that is anti-freedom is that of IRI supporters. Are for education I got plenty of it. Some of us have managed to put aside political differences: right left and middle and agree that we need a secular (not atheist); free regime. Where people are allowed to have their politics and religion without persecution. When I hear people say "we are not yet ready" or "need to get more educated" it reminds me of the old cigarette arguments. They used to also say "we need  more study" blah blah. Meanwhile they were selling cigarettes like candy.

There is no time to wait. IRI has to go and with it political Islam. If not then it will be done for us. By people like America who have little regard for how many people get destroyed in the process. The IRI is an international problem and whether you like it or not will be gone. Some of us think it is better to show the world how much Iranians hate IRI. We have a whole chorous telling the world "Iranians love IRI". All we are doing is providing the other side.

Regarding Islam: I have my opinions and a right to them. If you don't like it; don't read them. The mentality you complain about is exactly the one that says don't criticize.

Well I am beyond that. Nothing is sacred and I will keep airing my voice. 

Dirty Angel

Ferferzi, AGREED!

by Dirty Angel on

Some of them wonder when they have paedos following their children around, when the parents have just tweeted their exact location!

"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

Dirty Angel

VPK, there is a distinction

by Dirty Angel on

Websters (my bold)


to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.

to teach or inculcate.

to imbue with learning.




"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

Artificial Intelligence

Does this also qualify as bad "parenting"

by Artificial Intelligence on

I wonder what people think of this beautiful clip displaying how IRI uses children in its propaganda war. What about the parents who allowed their kids to attend such gethering? What do we think of them?







by Faramarz on

Here is the clip, but they are not the same girls. Good memory though!

To be honest with you, I am just about had it with folks youtubing their kids!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


have news! Children are indoctrinated into ideology in every society. From America to Africa. The minute a kid is told the first "don't do this" or "go do that" they are indoctrinated. The question is to what degree and how.

I figure most people here agree kids should be told not to murder or rob. Is that indoctrination? When they are taught ANY religion that is definitely indoctrination. Therefore you got to leave this planet to avoid the child abusers :-)

Hoshang Targol

ddEP, calm down, and while you're at it take down some of

by Hoshang Targol on

those pictures too.

No body here is clapping or encouraging the kid or the family. We all recognize that the whole scenery is absurd, another export from our beloved Absurdistan aka Iran: the house of hope!

The only difference seems to be: do you put the blame on blamee or on the victims?do you side with the uderdog or the Man, in your case it seems to the latter, unfortunately.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


First of all I did not call you anything. The IRI gang know who they are. Unlike some around here I use logic and do not hit below the belt. You show your own stripes without needing me. 

Second I already said on this blog kids do not understand politics at that age. What I said was that it makes sense for her to be angry. It is also perfectly normal to express rage at having her father imprisoned. Why should she not be on Youtube? The people who abused her are those who took her father. Not the ones who put up the Youtube video. 

I suggest you shut your mouth. No offense.

Spoken like a true opponent of free speech. If you disagree then tell them to shut up! Buddy I don't take orders from you. If you don't like my posts: don't read them. If they hurt your delicate feelings: Tough! 

It should be taken down from this site.

More expressions of your disrespect for freedom of speech. 

Regarding Anonymouse: I do not get into discussions with that poster. I have read enough posts to know talking reason with her? is a waste of time.

Dirty Angel

هوشنگ قوقولوقوقولی من

Dirty Angel

ROFLM!!! Thank you for the giggle!!!

Yes, let's get back to toe-sucking. (It's one of my zones... ;))


"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

dingo daddy En passant

Veiled Prophet, calling people "IRI gang" is just a cop out

by dingo daddy En passant on

I have at least 3 portraits of Alahazrat Pahlavi on my walls. Your point that I am the "usual IRI gang" is just a cop out and you know it. I told you I don't care what speech she is reciting. You really have to be very disturbed not to recognize the abuse that is going on here on by child's guardians and whatever bisharaf who thinks its a good idea to put this video on Internet. You hate the IRI and want everyone to know it? OK, we know it. Will you put your own child, or your young niece in Iran on video to the whole world saying these things? If you won't, then I suggest you shut your mouth. No offense.

I think Anonymouse is right. The child looks like this one. This must be some sick bastards trying to create their own "child star" Internet sensation and people here are clapping for them!

Sickening and disturbing. It should be taken down from this site. Do not continue to exploit this child.

Hoshang Targol

DA, I get a feeling

by Hoshang Targol on

your mad at this whole thing because she's getting more attention than you, cheers

Dirty Angel

For the very hard-of-reading

by Dirty Angel on

I repeat my initial post:


"Indoctrinate this child with any ideology. 






I did not say who the abusers are.



The above were just very simple short sentences, but very obviously are just beyond some people's reading comprehension, as usual.


"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Reaction of

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


the usual IRI gang to this girl is very interesting. It shows how afraid the Islamist regime is of truth. A video by a young girl is putting fear in the hearts of Islamist. Why: because she tells the world what the IRI is all about.

The whole web of lies woven by Islamists is in tatters.

You got Leveretts on one hand and a young girl on the other. The girl wins! Because she has the truth behind her. Now they may cook up more BS about how Iranians love the IRI. How they just love being put in jail. How they gladly sacrifice themselves for Felesteen. But now comes a little girl and a clear wind sweeps away the sink of their lies.

That is why I would have my children do the same thing.

I hope all the other victims put their kids on Youtube. To strike fear of justice in the rotten hearts of the IRI gang. Good job and keep it up.



to SamSamIIII

by tabriz_balasi on

Palestinian INTIFAZZA is a child absued, by Israel and America.  Those kids are fighting to stay alive.  wrong comparision.  That girl and her mother need to understand that this is not the way to over throw the government. I am sorry to say this but we all now know what happens in the prisons of this satanic government.  girls and guys were being raped, forgive my language.  her sanity and safety should be a priority for her mother.  

as i said in my previous post, in order to fight this regime and help iran progress we need to educate ourselves and others.   hate mongering will not get us any where.  if you want to have any kind of credibility try to have  a fair judgment, don't start blaming personalities, rather try to prove historically what happened.  Iran has been a dictatorship for thousands of years and still is being run as a dictatorship.  nothing new.  if today, we over throw IR, who can garantee that we're not going to end up with another dictatorship.  i believe we still will end up with a dictatorship, because we have to change mentalities not governments.  for those of you who come here and act like heroes; if you change one person's mentality in your lifetime then i can call you a success.but if you insult people, come out an spew hate against islam then nothing is going to change.   

be an act at all times in the name of Allah.


Isn't she the same girl in this other video?

by Anonymouse on

I think she is the same girl. 


There was another video in a litte while ago about a little girl threatening his father to go to Iran or Tehran if he doesn't listen to her or something.

 I searched for it but couldn't find it.  If anyone can find it please post it for comparison. 

Everything is sacred


"Horse Crap" & Still Going??

by Demo on

Have we all lost our "intuitions" altogether?? This video was clear from the begiing to be nothing but a "fake" one & I posted a similiar one about "Gulf War 1 Papa Bush's Lies" then as follows:


With Algotti's posting as the further proof of the "wickness" involved in manufacturing such "actings" is amazanig to see that the view points are still posted, posted, and posted.

Real Embarassing. Isn't it?  


" then your whole Palestinian INTIFAZZA is CHILD ABUSE"

by Bavafa on

It sure is and much like in this innocent young girl case that we hold IRI first and foremost responsible, such is the same for Israel as they should be held first and foremost responsible.



;) then your whole Palestinian INTIFAZZA is CHILD ABUSE

by SamSamIIII on


Since %85 of participants throwing rocks are pre-teens in their 10,s to 14,s it thus make all ommatie Omarus who support it as child abusers & child molesters as in maletreatment of children for political gains.

lakhii lakhii..All Omaru pals child abusers come forward ;:)) you know who you are, dont you? 


wow, the whole ommatie conscript division is here to shut this little girl up..some even resurrected from their coffins for a short mission....:)


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //



by tabriz_balasi on

No, I can't compare ahmadinejad with bush, because bush is a terrorist that killed 100, 000 civilians according to himself... but i might be able to compare ahmadinejad with obama because both are good liers.  any other crazy question you  have?  some of you people here are brain washed so much, Sargord and you are both examples of bain washed people that can't contribute to the society anymore.


be an act at all times in the name of Allah.

Ari Siletz

Perfect art reference Abarmard!

by Ari Siletz on

Life is Beautiful argues your point well.



by kazem0574 on

If the kid in your link is the same girl aged around 3 years old, then you just proved that she is a very special child ( very clever) and obviously opinionated from an early age. 

Based on your link one could believe that what she says at 7 may not be all simply parrot fashion and only a copy of grownups talking around her.




by delavar on

I think you are wrong Mr Sargord. There is no way one can compare the American govt with the Theocracy in Iran. How can you compare Bush or Obama with Ahmadinejad? There are no commonalities between the terrorist entity of republic of Isalm in Iran and the secular democracy in America. Infact aside from the former govt. in Afghanistan(the Taliban), there are no other governments that resemble the terrorist entity called the republic of Islam in Iran. Show me a single government in the world that rapes political prisoners routinely whether male or female and even rapes teenage girls prior to their execution (initial temporary marriage with a basiji or prison guard to make it legalized). Show me a single govt in the world that killed 20,000 political prisoners just because they were communists. The Republic of Islam did that in the early 80's.  The only difference  between the Taliban and Hezbollah govt in Iran is that they didn't have oil in Afghanistan.