Vafa Shelter

Visiting puppies & more during our recent trip to Hashtgerd

I LOVE each and every one of them... Visit


more from kfravon
Fouzul Bashi

What a wonderful bunch you are..

by Fouzul Bashi on

It is for people like you that I return to this site.


didani aziz...

by kfravon on

Cat shelter plans are in the works in Iran -  Feel free to email me
offline if you wish to support them once they're established.



vattan jan

by kfravon on

without the founder of Vafa Shelter: Mrs Fatemeh Motamedi, this would not have been possible.
There are an amazing team of volunteers that put in hours in to maitaining and upkeep of the shelter and its residents.



Kfravon Jan,

by Bavafa on

Thank you for the quick response. My wife found some info and she thinks there was an organization in the US that one could donate $$$ thru them. I see there is a phone number and an e-mail address in the link. With that inof I think I can do it from Iran to make sure they get what little we can help. My dad lives in Iran and I will ask him to help us with this. Again, I appreciate your response.



mehrdad jan:

by kfravon on

You can visit their website:
There is an email address under "how can you help"
Fyi- they also have a fan page on Facebook with tons more information under their "info" section. Their fan page is called Vafa Animal Shelter
Oh and if you missed my first posting about vafa, its here: // Don't miss it!
Hope this helps


Dasteshon dard nakone and my hat off to them

by Bavafa on

of the founder if this place. 

If one has info about this organization or place, I would like to donate some money.  Does any one know the name of the orgainzation and where in Iran? 



One day when I live again in Iran ...

by didani on

I will open a shelter for cats. God bless the founders of this one.


They are so Cute

by Vattan on

God Bless whoever behind this.


I completely agree with Fouzul Bashi

by kfravon on

I've been asked --on more than one occasion: "why help animals when there are so many hungry people in Iran and elsewhere?"

I personally believe that folks who ask such questions, don't necessarily do much to help those hungry people either.

If a human being has a soft spot for the misunderstood animals, you bet there's tons of room in their hearts for the human kind as well. They may just not 'brag' about it.

There is so much to do and to give in the world. If each of us takes a piece of that responsibility, there will be less poverty all around  and so much goodness out there. 

Just my 2-cents :)

Fouzul Bashi

پیام جان مگه نمی شه؟

Fouzul Bashi

مگه نمی شه که آدم هم دلش برای مردم ایران بسوزه و هم برای حیوانات ایران؟!  من فکر می کنم اونهایی که واقعا دلشون می سوزه، دلشون هم برای مردم ایران می سوزه، هم برای حیوانات می سوزه، هم برای محیط زیست می سوزه، و هم برای مردم مظلوم و حیوانات رنجور هر کجا که باشن می سوزه ..  



وای چه پدر سگ‌‌هایی‌ هستند.


خدا مسئولان این سگ‌ دونی رو خیر بده که به فکر این جونور‌های
بی‌ پناه هستند. حالا یکی‌ بیاد و دلش برای مردم ایران بسوزه.