
Mohsen Namjoo music video directed by Mostafa Heravi

by Ghormeh Sabzi

Music: Mohsen Namjoo. Direction & Script: Mostafa Heravi. Camera: Navid Tansaz. Editing: Mostafa Heravi. Starring: Human Rawarpoor, Lora Rounevska, Faarjam Saidi. With special thanks to: Eleni Kyrmizaki, Arash Kamali Sarvestani, Dawood Hilmandi... & Radio Zamaneh

Gladiatorha,Mohsen Namjoo by Mostafa Heravi 2010 from Mostafa heravi on Vimeo.


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
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more from Ghormeh Sabzi


by yolanda on

Hi! legofish,

       I agree with your post 100%......thank you! I was nervous to visit IC few days will be tough, too!


NSFW tags?

by legofish on

I just want to add my voice to a comment I read on a similar posting last week. 

I have no objection to nudity of any sort on

But I do sometimes check from work (as I'm sure many others do). I've seen this as common practice on many other sites to refrain from putting nude pictures on the front-page  (or at least make it "click-activated" with a message such as "NSFW - click to see content".)

I wish followed the same practice, and used NSFW (not suitable for work) tags on appropriate stories.

It only takes one embarrassing situation for someone checking the site from work to make them never want to visit from work again.





As a connoisseur, my son

by jamh on

As a connoisseur, my son would not approve of the physique of your gladiator :)

Beautiful poem though, sung with belief.  You'd be appalled at the way I mumble mine.



Political Art

by Yara on

I don't believe this is the "official video" of this song.  It appears to me that this is Mr. Heravi's artistic expression of the poem. 

About what it means, certainly, Iranians have become masters of expressing their meaning behind words and media which would not get them stopped or punished by censors.  Our poets have been doing it for at least a thousand years, and our filmmakers have had to do it since the very first Iranian films were produced.

A film such as Dariush Mahrjui's The Cow, called by many as "Iran's first political film," was not seen as such by many Iranian movie goers in 1969, who thought the story was simple and without a political message.  Hence the censors were defied and the film went on to make history.

To get the meaning of political art is not a contest.  This is not a juvenile competition to try and appear "smart" if we "get it" or to avoid appearing "dumb" if "it goes right over our heads."  Come on!  We must all read things, watch things, and listen to things which are new.  If we find a message, good for us!  If we don't, our IQ has not been challenged or there won't be "intellectual police" who would come and give us a bad grade!  Enjoy the art or not.  Remember that regardless of their education level, today most Iranians believe that they "understand perfectly" what Hafez is telling them.  Hafez's poetry is a perfect example of art becoming an inseparable part of our culture through time, something that may have not been the case when Hafez was writing his poetry.  Today there would be very few people who would not call The Cow a political film after watching it.  Give Namjoo and some of the new Iranian artists a chance.  If their art is any good, it will endure the passage of time.  I believe Namjoo's art will.



Any time, yolanda, any time...

by میرزاقلندر on

Please allow me, yolanda, to give you a very very brief crash course on "THE" most Persian element which has been so artistically, and prominently depicted in here. you see that "red" thing, is like an ID card, a passport, or simply a kind of proof-of-being  for every Iranian person. And yes, as you see there are different ways for carrying it. It's called, let's say it together, it's called AAFTAABEH. Yes; now, you know. Next time you meet your Persian friend ask him, or her about the color of his, or her aaftaabeh. I'm sure (s)he will be delighted to describe it for you. Nowadays, you know, the green is popular. 


I love the song but

by azadi5 on

I didn't understand the video. Is this actually the official video for this song or some mesh?



by Minoo66 on


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

too much 'modern' for 'us' ...



by yolanda on

The watermelon seems to be Persian


and the lyrics is Persian......

I am not sure about any other Persian elements.....

Maybe the whole thing is a publicity stunt to draw attention to the song or the album! Sometimes controversy sells!



by ahmad_ on

man ke chizi nafahmidam az in , vali bazia migan ishoon creative hastan, shayad oona ham nafahmidan vali ye chizi miparoonan ba estefadeh az kalameh CREATIVE. LOL


Gladiator is a reference to the naked agression we face!!!

by farrad02 on

Not a suggestion that ancient Iran had Gladiators! For a nation who prides itself in the poetic sensibility and appreciating the irony and intrigues of poetic langauge, some of you guys are acting wierd! This is ART people! You either get it or you don't! You either like it or you don't! Move on if you don't! Don't try to undermine the artist. Let's grow!!!


And what the heck is that "Aftabeh" on the guy's private part

by Bavafa on

Or am I compeletly missing it?



hmmmm, seems like Namjoo is confused

by spatima on

Interesting video but it lacks any persian substance. Seems like Namjoo is confused about being post-modernist and Iranian at the same time.

 I didnt get whatever message this video was trying to convey, but oh well, thats Namjoo, you sometimes get him and you sometimes dont.

 Thanks for the upload

In hope of a Free, Independent and Secular Iran


This type of art is totally an alienated and perverted

by Kooshan on

This type of art is totally an alienated and perverted approach in visualization of political protest. There is no scent of Parsi in this - A totally alienated exhibition delaminated from the essence of persian culture.

I have nothing against grasping something from other cultures, neither I think our culture is the BEST; on the contrary, we can learn in major ways from the Far East and West!

........but come on guys...this sounds like a brain fart with convulsive scent!



by Souri on

Oun yeki ke migin osteoprosis dareh, mardeh!

How could you be so much confused! You never saw a naked woman body? Look at his butts!

Guys, You surprise me !  I am very much disappointed of you :)

Mola Nasredeen

"a naked woman, a naked man, an Iranian man in a

by Mola Nasredeen on

gladiator uniform, a telescope and a watermelon.

I'm not gonna eat that watermelon" Said Hazrate shotor.


Darius Kadivar

by statira on

I think gladiator were from ancient Rome. 300 character were from Greece.

I wonder if Namjo picked the gladiators to represent extremist goons and basijis or normal people?



by statira on

The naked one on the rt is not a woman. He's a man. To my surprise, video was too X-rated for an Iranian artist. Even in the U.S they blurr the private area!

We, Iranians are always go way too far in anything.


Vallah chi begam?

by Souri on


Man aslan nemidounestam ke dar Iran e baastan, gladiator ham vojoud dashteh!

Kill me if you want, but I can never feel this kind of "Art" works!

Glad you guys can understand this (leave alone liking it, LOL)



by Amir Normandi on


A vanguard surreal work by visionary artists,

Depicting reality in Iran… what a concept.

Poetry, Voice, Music, Image and editing . . .

This is not a music video for fanatic dummies.

This is not the type of art for IRI mercenaries and volunteers.

Thank you Mohsen Namjoo

Thank you Mostafa Heravi

Amir Normandi



by fussygorilla on

The naked woman on the right looks like she has osteoprosis and the one on the left, what a pity, she can't find anything better than a watermelon to hold on to? This must be "Modernization" Iranian style! 



I love Namjoo, he is no

by PERS66 on

I love Namjoo, he is no doubt one of a kind.

But I would appreciate it if other fans that have a deeper understanding of poetry and cultural metaphors of this song to help de code it for the rest of us that are seeking a deeper understanding.

I left Iran in my early teens 1982 and was able to keep up with my Farsi and preserve it a great deal,

But I feel that Mohsen writes and sings his songs in the voice and language of a generation that grew up and endured the revaluation and has its own flavor, a mix of classical Persian poetry and modern Farsi slang.

The Gladiator: the bassiegi forces that charged the people.

The naked women with the watermelon: the naked women could stand as the symbol of the Iranian woman seeking freedom or mother Iran wanting to give birth to a new fruit, a new life, a new beginning, and the fruit of freedom (the hindooneh)

And as for the naked guy looking into the telescope while erecting a “red aftabeh” ? I haven’t figured that out yet ;)

I look forward to further de coding the poetry and video, this is constructive art.

Darius Kadivar

Thanks Yara

by Darius Kadivar on

Very interesting indeed !

And Really Creative Video work !

Thanks for your feedbacks !

Appreciated !


Darius Kadivar

by Yara on

I believe this poem and song are Namjoo's reaction to watching video clips of Basijis attacking unarmed people on Tehran streets and reports of abuse at detention centers.  He wrote it last summer.  I think the poetry is brilliant and this song one of his best ever.  The video clip is a very interesting visual rendition of the song.  Excellent work, very effective.

Darius Kadivar

After seeing this I Won't be able to Criticize Namjoo anymore o)

by Darius Kadivar on

Is this supposed to be our answer to Zach Snyder's 300 with a Ridley Scott Gladiatorial Twist ?

Not sure I understood the exact message he is trying to convey ( is it about resistance or fighting back for one's freedom ? ) but this was really Cool Stuff !

Bravo !

PS: Nude Scenes Too ... Vive La Decadence ! ;0)


شعر کامل فقیه خوشگله (گلادیاتور ها) اثر محسن نامجو


امان از دستت ای مقام معظم برتری
مقام از دستت ای امان معظم که مقام از تو بر آید از دستت
فغان از تو بر آید ای مقام که امان تو می دهی
نمی دانم مربوط به کدام موسیقی مقامی هستی
چه کس تو را ساخته؟ کیان نواخته اند؟
خود من مربوط به کدام موسیقم که مقامی نیست آن
که مقامی نیست مرا در کوی قائم مقامان جهان
ای برهم رساننده ی دو خط حتی موازی
که هیچ کس را چون تو خداوند نکرده است نزدیکی
گویند حکایت به این جا رسید که فرزندانش سوراخ سنبه های تمام راز آلودگیش را عیان کرده اند
امان از دستشان
گویند بریده است و از همه بریده، صد و بیست و چهار هزار زن خویش را طلاق داده که عشق پیریش تو بودی و آن جیر پماران
امان از دستت
گویند فرزندانش همه تباه شده اند و خلاف میکنند و تو را برگزیده است برای روزهای پیریش
برای روزهای پیریت تا در آغوش هم به حال دشمن گریه کنید
چه راز آمیز ترینی است نزدیکی های او با تو و عشق انسانی تو به توهم یک همسر
چه رازآمیز!
تو کدبانوترین زن خداوندی
آن چنان که برایت محمد را نیز حتی طلاق داد
و آن فرزندان که از شکم تو زاده اند همه ماده اند
مادگانی چون من
سهم ارث ما نیم است و باید چون تو خانه دار شویم
به امید آنکه خداوند شبی از شبها به بالین تک تکمان بغلتد
خود من از آن دخترانم
از آن مادگان بی مقام که بی مربوط هستم به هر نوع موسیق چون تو ای مادرم
مقام معظم سروری
نمیدانم کدام ژن در من نفوذ کرد که شوهرت یا توهمش هیچگاه به بسترم نیامد
من عاشق فرزندان خلافکار تباه شده بودم از همان زمان خودم نیز
آخر شوهرت مرا باکره گذاشت
که چیزی از این غمینتر نیست
چیزی غمینتر از بی پناهی پیوند معصومانه ی تو و شوهر پیرت
و چیزی غمینتر از خوشبختی ناب آنان که نامشان را دشمن تر از حتی نام من به یاد داری
و لذتی شهوانیست در تلفظت از آن عیان
دشمن حتی نیم نگاهی هم به من و تو نمی اندازد
و چیزی غمینتر از این هم حتی
و چیزی غمینتر از آهنگ آمرف تو
ای مقام! ای معظم! ای رهبری!
معونت از آن‌ توست
آه، الهاکم التکاثر
معونت از آن‌ توست
آه، الهاکم التکاثر
که آوخ میچکد از چشمم
‌ز شر این همه هیاهوی علیل
چه ماراست بس؟
چه ماراست بس؟
چه این دویدن و بلعیدن ماراست پس؟
معونت از آن‌ توست
آاااه، الهاکم التکاثر
حتی رنج
حتی زرتم المقابر
حتی حضور بی‌ غش
آی گلادیاتورهای پارک وی
آی صف ساکن آهن
چیدمان حسرت
نیزه ‌ها بردار، که دم غروب است
جا نماند خود نمای کسی‌ ‌ز پارک، ز وی
نیزه‌ ها بگذار، که دم غروب است
جا نماند خود نماز کسی‌ ‌ز جوانمرد قصاب، ‌ز شهر ری
معونت از آن‌ توست
آه، الهاکم التکاثر
آی گلادیاتورها بتازید بر جرس
آی گلادیاتورها برینید بر ارس
آی گلادیاتورها بتازید بر جرس
آی گلادیاتورها برینید بر ارس
آی گلادیاتورها بخندید بر صفا
آی گلادیاتورها بگریید بر درد ها
آی گلادیاتورها بیفتید روی زن
آی گلادیاتورها بپوشید موی زن
آی گلادیاتورها ببلعید هفت من
آی گلادیاتورها بغرید روی هم
آی گلادیاتورها بپیچیید جلوی هم
آی گلادیاتورها فرعیه در برین
آی گلادیاتورها شرعیه در بیارین
آی گلادیاتورها سمیه پخش کنین
آی گلادیاتورها هرویینه تخس کنین
آی گلادیاتورها بتازید بر جرس
آی گلادیاتورها برینید بر ارس
آی گلادیاتورها بخندید بر صف ها
آی گلادیاتورها بگریید بر در ها
آی گلادیاتورها بیفتید روی زن
آی گلادیاتورها بپوشید موی زن
آی گلادیاتورها ببلعید هفت من
آی گلادیاتورها بغرید روی هم
آی گلادیاتورها بپیچیید جلوی هم
آی گلادیاتورها فرعیه در برین
آی گلادیاتورها شرعیه در بیارین
آی گلادیاتورها سمیه پخش کنین
آی گلادیاتورها هرویینه تخس کنین