Seyed Mohammad Marandi

Interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria

Fareed has the rare opportunity to speak with someone on the ground in Tehran about what is really happening, but he then questions why this professor was allowed to speak when high profile opposition figures are not. Watch to find out why:


more from B A H R A M

You're welcome- now let's try to find common ground

by Fair on

I look at all the comments here, and I see where people are coming from. It seems to me that we all agree that Iranian citizens are demanding their legitimate civil rights, and it would be nice if everybody (and I mean everybody, whether they are inside or outside of Iran, for or against an Islamic republic, whatever) did what we could to support this quest.

I also understand Dariush's point, that you have more credibility if you have contributed to Iran in whatever way possible. And indeed, Marandi fought in the war and served his country, and I acknowledge that.

I also see that there is a competition between some wrongs done in the past (in the 80's against Iran by other countries) and wrongs being done today (by IRI against Iranian people). I am sorry, wrong is wrong, and I would rather not have them compete against each other. I stand against both wrongs, it seems that Dariush and others here do too, and I hope everybody else does.

Now the trick is, how do we balance the right to speak one's beliefs with whether or not they fought for their country (or served their country period)?

Everybody will have their own answer and make up their own mind. If it is worth anything, the way I see it is that EVERY Iranian everywhere has a stake in the future of our country and therefore a right to express their views. If someone fought and sacrificed they do not get a higher vote or say- instead they get something else that is very valuable and that is the respect of the people.

The minute somebody who fought and sacrificed for their country turns their back on their own people, in my mind they have done a disservice to their country and their people and themselves, and I ask them, "what did you really fight for? your people or an ideology?" Because history has shown, those who serve the people and the defenseless are the ones who live forever in the hearts and minds of the people, but those who fight for some ideology just come and go, and as Khayyam would say, "Goftand Fesanehee o dar khab shodand".

Let us unite and spend our energy on a worthy cause- freedom for all Iranians. Just my 2 rials worth.



khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

You seem to be absolutely enraged about an IRI goon being labelled the low grade imbecile that he is.

He must be a lucky man to command your love as such. That of course reminds me of Oscar Wilde who said ' Arguments to be avoided as they are always vulgar and often convincing'.

With that I bid you farewell O of friend the baseej and employee of the IRI.  


Fair, thank you for the last post!

by yolanda on

      70% of Iranians are below the age of 30, they did not fight in the I/I war, but it does not mean that they don't have the right to criticize the regime and Marandi. During the interview, Marandi appearred to be emotionally detached when he bashed the protesters, but the guy became emotional when he talked about the I/I war. I wish he showed a "little" symapthy to the people who got beat up and killed during the protests. I wish the guy had  some conscience and basic common sense to  say something comforting to the injured or the deceased protesters. I heard absolutely nothing from him in that aspect! I thought everyone has conscience, you don't need to have a PhD to have conscience, you should be born with conscience........I think the guy really needs to be de-programmed! It is very ironic that IRI's official Press TV has more "balanced" coverage of the current event than Marandi, a private citizen: 


    Press TV "honestly" admitted that Iranians across 6 continents staged anti IRI protests (Yeah!). 

 Marandi is the type of person that if Khamenei asks him to jump, he will say "how high?"


Dariush- it is not up to you

by Fair on

who gets the right to criticize others. Especially when those others stand up for murder and oppression.

And by the way, how much did Mr. Khamenei and Ayatollah Yazdi and Jannati fight at the front when there was war? What sacrifice did they make, and What did they do to earn the right to "criticize others", to put it mildly?

This is the problem with joojeh bassiji mentality- "I went to the front 25 years ago, so I get a blank check to do what I want and the rest of you shut up".

You use the word razmandeh vs siahilashgar. Well razmandeh is a soldier, and a soldier has honor and duty, that is what separates a soldier from a common armed criminal. I can tell you, if you fight for your country, you had better do it out of duty to your people, not as a chip to carry the rest of your life and use it against the people. In the latter case, you are not a razmandeh, you are an oppressive thug. Like this Marandi guy.

Yes, Fareed did a good thing to call the BULLSHIT that Marandi spewed out for what it was. You don't like it? That's fine. But you know what? This is not the Islamic Republic of Iran- you have no more authority than the person whose views are opposite to yours. So live and let live.

Get used to it.






"Hay" is in the barn, not "hey"!

by yolanda on

whatever?! hey hey hey goodbye!


Yolanda / khaleh mooshe

by Dariush on

Instead of calling names, answer the questions. Here is another one. Why didn't you start a chaos when Bush rigged the election in 2001? 

Khale mooshe, you have picked a perfect name for yourself, You little rat.

You asked, why I defend him?  I find it unjust that people like you who have done nothing, name call someone who has sacrificed so much. Does that make sense?  I also don't think he is 100% wrong.  Is it OK with you, if I think this way? Or should I be crucified as well,  in your beautiful freedom and democracy loving mind?


Yolanda, Hey is in the barn, help yourself. 

You obviously are not Iranian, if you cannot answer my questions, then stop acting like an expert.  If you read all the comments you will see that I call people whatever they ask me to call them.  So what would you like me to call you?  It is your call.

khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

If you want folks to answer your question, make yourself useful and go back to beating confessions out of prisoners in Evin. No doubt you will be materially and spritually well rewarded. 

Anyway whats the deal with Marandi and you. Why do you get so upset when people call a scumbag a scumbag? Is he your boyfriend or something? 


Yolanda / khaleh mooshe

by Dariush on

Answers the questions I asked, then you have the right to criticize others. Otherwise, you are worse than what you call others.


Thank you, khaleh mosheh, for your post!

by yolanda on

MORONdi (sorry, it should be Marandi) is just a spin doctor and lap dog of IRI. It is funny that he called himself an academic (not an official IRI spokesman), but his views are identical to Khamenei's, wow! What a coincidence! The guy does not have the brain of his own! I was wondering if he will still say the same thing if there is a regime change in Iran. You never know! He may say that IRI coerced him to say those things!


khaleh mosheh

Marandi is an IRI pimp

by khaleh mosheh on

Delivering their propaganda to the international media. 

These guys are truly sickening- the extent of their diseased moral and ethical ethical principals and their hypocrasy is clearly demonstrated by their disgraceful show trials. Marandi is not an academic- in terms of moral standards he is lower than a common criminal. 


The you is a general

by Dariush on

The you is a general term.

some of my comments was to you/Fair for defending Fareed when you know what he has done. and some for others who have done nothing for Iran and Iranians and have the nerve to criticise others who have done a lot.

Running away is irrelevant, their silence for 8 years is irrelevant, their support of killing Iranians is irrelevant, western support of Saddam is irrelevant, hundreds of thousand killed is irrelevant, chemical bombs are irrelevant, sanctions are irrelevant, Mr. Maransi's and millions of other Iranians sacrifices are irrelevant, billions spent by west and Israel to bring Iran down is irrelevant, but when Iran says Israel should come down, is wrong and very relevant.  I know why these are irrelevant, because some people have done no good. You have the right to your opinion, so does Mr. Marandi  .  I guess that is irrelevant and the only one matters is you and your opinion.

Then again, as I have said before, it doesn't really matter who, how or what. That wasn't the way government should have acted and continues to act.  It is clear that there are major faults to this government, that needs to be corrected.  The difference between me and you is that, I don't dismiss the facts.  Therefore, it just might have a little effect.  All the political prisoners should be released, under these conditions no confession is confession and no one should be executed, tortured or imprisoned.  Mr. Ebadi has given reasonable solutions to the problems and we all should support her.

Fair, we have been through your other comments about Armed forces before.  Even though, I know exactly what you mean, but I can simply say, basigis were 100% volunteered to go straight to the front lines.  I guess some of them think this is a front line and the public are the enemy. This is where the line is crossed.  I hope they think for themselves and come to their senses.  And I hope to see Mr. Marandi and others among the human right activists in Iran.



by Fair on

You are right, the western media is indeed the all time master of propoganda and manipulation, and has figured out how to become so despite the infinite outlets that were supposed to prevent monopolization of news and thought. It is amazing. Bravo.

And thank you for pointing out the Andijan massacre in Uzbekistan in 2005, at a time when the US had an important airbase there. Notice that in that same article you brought, it states that once western pressure came to investigate the massacre, the Uzbek dictatorship just decided to ally itself with Russia, China, and India, all of which had no problem with the massacre. Bravo again.

So the western media, Russia, China, et al are all evil and don't give a damn about people. Where does that leave us?

When one of those western media evildoers like Fareed Zakaria asks the one "intellectual" that is allowed to speak from Tehran what does he think about the clampdown on Iranian voters who peacefully protested, what should that "intellectual" answer? How should he deal with such evil bloodthirsty murderous jewish indian who sold out all the poor people of India for a piece of pie?

Should he give him a bunch of BULLSHIT like "Mousavi's people came out and disrupted the peace and the security forces felt like they needed to restore order"? That the trouble on the streets in Iran is being orchestrated by 40 channels paid for by the US government? And that we should believe his credibility because he was a survivor of chemical attacks 22 years ago which were supported by the USA? I agree with you on this much- I hand it to him for maintaining his composure and saying such GARBAGE with such a straight face.

In other words, should our answer to evil bloodsucking imperialist pigs be STUPIDITY? Because if this is the case, then this exchange made perfect sense, and that is the end of this discussion.

I on the other hand beg to differ. Millions of Iranians (of which I am one) made our position clear. Our answer to evil, self serving, violent usurpers all over the world, whether they sit in Washington or Atlanta or Tehran or London or Moscow or Beijing or Tel Aviv or Tashkent is the same:



In other words, we want our rights, we want to be left alone, and we want to live in freedom. And we are willing to die for it. We have shown it in the past, and do so again today.

And so the world is watching. Whether those bloodsucking zionist western media puppets are willing and able and allowed to show it or not.




Who Controls the Western Media?

by JahanKhalili on

Hey fair, I agree.

 There is no comparison between the IRI's media, and the Western media.

The IRI's media was very amateurish, full of bombast and self-importance, and wasn't too impressive, as I remember (in the words of Americans it frankly "sucked").

(The opposition's professionalism seems to suck, too). 

The Western media is in another league. THEY - above all - have truly mastered the art of propaganda. 

The average consumer of Western media believes in its propaganda, as fervently as (if not more than) any IRI supporter would believe the IRI's. 

The "Western media" is in fact a misnomer.

It is controlled by Jews.

Their interest in Iran is driven by Israel's interests.

When Fareed Zakaria talks, you are hearing what his Jewish bosses want him to say.

... and I have a suggestion for the IRI: Don't give this guy a visa, unless he signs a legally-binding contract AUTHORIZED BY HIS BOSSES, promising to air UNEDITED any interviews and experiences he has in Iran.

The media here are only reporting on Iran - minute by minute - because they want regime change in Iran.

These former cheerleaders for Saddam are suddenly all full of concern for the rights of Iranians! 

Now they are promoting poor Neda Soltani - who was probably shot by a Basiji who was firing without orders.

Here image is everywhere, being used as a political tool.

The same "Western" media who use Neda Soltani's image, gave very little coverage to the Andijan massacre back in 2005, even though MORE PEOPLE WERE KILLED THERE IN A SINGLE DAY, THAN HAVE BEEN KILLED IN ALL OF IRAN IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS' UPHEAVAL.


You also won't hear from them the names of a single Palestinian who was killed in Ghaza, or a single Lebanese victim from south Lebanon - even though far more people were killed there, by heavy modern weapons in a military operation.


You don't need to be a genius to guess the answer. 

When Iranians play ball with the Western media, its like a bunch of kids playing soccer with professional adult soccer players.

They are NOT the ones in control of the relationship. 

(I'm very surprised by how well Marandi did, in that interview with Zakaria - and I would chalk part of his success in it, up to his knowledge of America. ) 

The opposition in Iran may think they are clever by "getting" media coverage in the West, and sending images and video to them.

In reality, they are as clever as cows are, when humans put hay in front of them to eat, and then get milk from them.


Press TV better than Fareed?

by yolanda on

A censored picture from IRI's Press TV, they cut off Iranian rowing world champion's hand from the picture 'cause the guy was wearing a green wrist band:
Please read the comments in Press TV's website for this censored picture , it is great! People are smart and they know what is going on and why the guy's hand got cut off!
Here is the original picture:

    Here is a comment from a reader of Press TV website regarding the censored picture:"Whats next? dry out the green grass in football stadiums? Loooosers."

It cracked me up! Iranaian people will prevail!

Basijis and Marandi can't justify what they did and said during the protests with their I/I war credential!

I have one line comment for Basijis:"They are yesterday' heroes(war time), but today's thugs!"


So what?

by Fair on

Yes, western media is nobody to lecture Iran or anybody on human rights or morals or whatever. Their job is to report.

But same goes for IRI media. They are many times more pathetic in their broadcasts. Who funds and pays them? If IRI media was fair and journalistically professional, so many people in Iran wouldn't be watching foreign media.

Same goes for Russian media. Or Chinese media. And during the Iran Iraq war, western media was beaming things to Iran that you didn't like, but guess what, Iranian media was also beaming the opposite programs to countires in the region, telling their people how the Islamic revolution is so successful and will be coming to them soon, and that how all their governments will be overthrown, and that Khomeini is the "leader of all the world's muslims". Talk about imperialistic and foreign plots!

They all have their agenda.

So what?

What does that have to do with anything?

The people in Iran are upset and protesting and risking their lives to tell their government and the world what they want. Regardless of what any media beams into or out of Iran.

All Fareed and so many other foreign reporters are trying to do is get people to interview in Iran, and there is no dispute that only people like Marandi are allowed to talk to foreign media. No foreign media (or any media for that matter) are allowed to report from Iran.

What does IRI want to hide? The "calm" and "normal" situation on the ground?

What a load of crap.




To Jahankhalili,

by yolanda on

I will never impose my opinions on others, I don't think I ever did! BTW, A-nejad fought in I/I war as a Basiji accordding to IRI's website (I know you don't agree with wikipedia that much), but the Iranian protesters still can't stand him and his BS: "IRI has healthiest election in 30 years, Iran is the most stable country in the world...the protesters are dust.....blah, blah, blah..."

I have no intention to change you and have a nice day!

BTW, I am on Iranian people's side, not on Marandi's side!

sorry that I hurt your feeling so much!


Who is "You"

by Fair on

If you could please clarify. You address your post to Fair, and then further down you start talking about "runaway Iranians" and then keep saying "you" and "you all". If you are referring to me, please confirm. I assume you are not.

Dariush, you need to realize that MANY Iranians fought in the Iran Iraq war, and many of us are here on this site and outside Iran demonstrating for the human rights of Iranians. As far as Iranians abroad demonstrating in favor of Iranian victims of Iraq during Iran Iraq war, I cannot speak since I was not abroad during the war.

If you want to discuss that war and those responsible for the decimation of my generation, I will be glad to. I can tell you, it is not as simple as you say- that the west and Saddam's backers were 100% bad guys, and that Iran's government had no responsibility whatsoever. But that is a whole other discussion, and I am not sure you want to go down that road with me.

Furthermore, if you are really concerned about support for those who defended our country, perhaps you can address the following question to Mr. Marandi and the IRI government- why was so much preferential treatment given to Basij, when the artesh was treated like crap? The same artesh who stood up to a fully armed to the teeth 6 Iraqi armored divisions in 1980 with only one of our own which was left after Khomeini was done destroying the army? Or the pilots of Dezful air base who refused orders to withdraw, and kept flying missions pounding those Iraqis from a base which was almost captured by Iraqis, and that they did not know would be in Iranian hands by the time they returned? Maybe you can ask these pilots or the army commanders how they were thanked by the IRI for their unimaginable bravery in defending our country?

Tell me, did any of the arteshi's get a scholarship to go study in England, get a professorship in Tehran university, and sit there today on a high bandwidth satellite link to talk to CNN? How many arteshis get special quotas for entering the university?

The Iran Iraq war ended 21 years ago. Khomeini kept this war going for 6 years without any plan and any prospect of even remotely claiming victory. My generation went into the meat grinder as a result. FOR WHAT? So that today's youth can keep getting reminded of the hardships then, and expected to shut up as a result? So that Khomeini gets a gold shrine that everyone should respect, while the burned and mutilated body parts of too many of my friends are in unmarked graves all over southwestern Iran and southeastern Iraq?? Because all of a sudden after 6 years, the grand idiot realized he should "drink poison"?? What about all the poison my friends drank? Did the grand idiot give them any say when he chose their fate for them?


We did not fight Saddam Hussein and kick his thugs and rapists out of our country so that we could live under tyranny of the mullahs with their thugs and their rapists.

We did not stand up to foreign invaders only to have countryless thieves and murderers rule over us. In my mind, these two are no different. And it is unfortunate that in Mr. Marandi's mind, they are.

I don't care if there are 40 or 4 or 4000 TV channels from abroad broadcasting to us with whatever financial support. We the people of Iran have spoken already and made our desire clear- we want our basic rights. To claim (like Mr. Marandi does) that foreign channels provoke the situation and protests of people is to treat our people like idiots or children, like they don't have a mind of their own.





The History of the Iran-Iraq War is More Relevant Than Ever

by JahanKhalili on


Do you think that Zakaria was NOT hand-picked by his employer?

Are you ready to just "move on", and forgive people who represent something that helped Saddam kill hundreds of thousands of Iranians?

That's your decision, if you make it - but you can't force that decision on others.

Because of the support Saddam received from Western countries - including America- hundreds of thousands of Iranians were killed.


They helped demonize Iran, before the international community, but were silent about Saddam's crimes. 

They were Saddam's cheerleader, during the war, beaming Farsi radio programs into Iran, using propaganda to undermine Iran's war effort. 

... and now Mr. Marandi is expected to be here to entertain everyone.

We are all supposed to look at the members of the Western media as little saints who just want to know the truth.

We are supposed to accept at face value the Western media's switch from being a cheerleader for Saddam, to being a cheerleader for demonstrators in Iran, without question.

We are supposed to just give up, and "move beyond", and after the Western media championed Saddam, to just forgive them and role out the red carpet.

There are those who clearly understand Marandi: the West will never be able to pretend it is in a position to lecture the Iranian government about violating the freedoms of Iranians, and to pretend to be a cheerleader for reform in Iran, when IT ITSELF WAS SADDAM'S CHEERLEADER DURING THE IRAN-IRAQ WAR.


Marandi is an IRI hand-picked spokesman!

by yolanda on

Marandi appearred on Al Jazeera also and said the same stuff he said on CNN's GPS. He appearred on NBC's pre-election special by Ann Curry and also got interviewed by NBC's Matt Lauer. He is definitely on IRI's side and not an independent spokesperson! He speaks for IRI, period! He appearred on IRI's Press TV and repeated IRI's line that there is no fraud, one panelist walked out in disgust:


Marandi's war "bravery" won't sway me!!!! We need to go beyond I/I war and move forward!



by Dariush on

It is interesting that I just read your latest posting after I posted mine and I see we have similar views of the situation.

However, I must say, the reason for my fighting was for Iran and people. I didn't go to get killed and go to heaven, I went to kill the enemy and send them to hell.  I don't find the government's actions toward demonstrators in line with Iran and Iranians interest. As I and Fair wrote, there is nothing IRI can say, that can justify their actions.



by Dariush on

You agree with Fareed and say, I wished he would ask the same questions from Bush.  Fareed was an adviser to Bush and his gang.  He recommended the invasion and initiated the troop surge.  He is responsible for the crimes committed. Questioning Bush was questioning himself.

Many of the Basigis from the war times are against government's actions. As Mr. Marandi mentioned, he has been a critic of Ahmadinejad's policies.  I think his position is more an anti-west/imperialism position and no one can blame him for that after what he has gone through.  But there is a fine line that should not be crossed by any of us and that is mistreating people for any reason. 

Just as you recommended, so did I, that it would be good to see Mr. Marandi joining and helping other human rights activists such as Mrs. Ebadi in bringing real democrocy to Iran. The difference is our tone.  Mr. Marandi has bee through much worse threats than being threatened by suckers like Fareed or some soosools on this site.  Perhaps if people give some logical answer to the questions I asked,  they might convince Mr. Marandi.  Otherwise, he will look at you as bunch of traitors and soosools.  Another interesting point is that you all said, is that, he was born in U.S.   So, he was born in U.S.  he goes and fight for Iran then he stays there and works as an academics all his life serving the public, while he could easily leave Iran and make a comfortable life in U.S.   then YOU ( the run away Iranians) call HIM names?  When you have begged just to have what he throw away for IRAN and IRANIAN.  I am not trying to disrespect you and myself, I am just pointing what you dismiss about Mr. Marandi.

You agree with Fareed, that west and media has nothing to do with the situation.  Then why so much support for a few hundred martyred and injured today, but no support for hundreds of thousands martyrs and injured during the war.  Not only there was no support, west was the cause and the supporter of the deaths and destruction, not Saddam.  Saddam was just used.  The same way they are using others now.

Just as you think Mr. Marandi has fought one dictator and defending another one today.  He probably thinks, the opposition is fighting a dictator called IRI by taking side with the longtime enemies, using their resources from dollars, media,  sanctions, threats and much more.



by JahanKhalili on

There's a lot more, though.

While Iranian boys were at the front, back in the 1980s, the Voice of America, the BBC, and other foreign radios were all beaming demoralizing programs into Iran.

They were blatantly pro-Saddam, emphasizing Iraqi victories, while failing to report - or even denying - Iranian ones. 

They interviewed "experts" - people sitting on couches far away, reading books - who "analyzed" the war, and delivered their profound opinions on a subject they knew nothing about.

All of it was designed to demoralize Iranians, and pump-up Iraqi confidence. 

I remember one song that the VOA broadcast, with lyrics about being too young to die, or something like that. 

That's something a real sadist would think of.

What impression do you think that left on boys like Mr. Marandi?

Mr. Marandi asserts in this interview that almost 40 foreign TV channels (coming from Saddam's former friends) are broadcasting into Iran in Farsi, right now, posing as supporters of freedom for Iranians.

Why are they doing this? 



Fair, I agree with you 100%!!!!!!!

by yolanda on

During the Iran/Iraq war, teenager Basijis sacrificed themselves by running thru the minefields, many of them died! They lost their lives defending the country, //

But during the post-election protests, Basijis beat up protesters during the day and vandalized properties during the night........Basijis and Mr. Marandi are on the wrong side of the history this time, they are preventing the country from moving forward! Thank you "Fair" for your fair comments!


jahan khalili

by Dariush on

There is a old saying in Iran. " yek mardeh jangandeh behtar az hezarta siahi lashkareh".      These are those siahilaskars. They criticize IRI for killing Iranians when they have the same mentality.

Just as i expected, no one has any answer to the questions i asked on behalf of Mr. Marandi.


Respect and be respected

by Fair on

It is wrong of anybody to bash Arabs, and claiming superiority of any kind. That is called xenophobia. Furthermore, I thank Mr. Marandi and all his comrades who fought to defend our country (even though some of them would say it was more for Islam than for country, whatever).


On the other hand, what IS condemnable is fascism and dictatorship. It is unfortunate that Mr. Marandi fought one of the world's worst criminal dictators in the 1980's, only to stand up for another one today. Fareed was absolutely right to tell him what a ludicrous claim it is to hold foreign media responsible for fanning the flames of unrest in Iran, not to mention the blame being put on "Mousavi's people", and only very slight blame being put on AN's "speech being provocative". Shame on this man for not joining the rest of Iranians in Iran and around the world and demanding the upholding of Iranians' human rights, and the release of political prisoners.

No amount of fighting for your country makes up for siding against the people. And to hold up such a past to defend yourself in your stance today is even more pathetic.

Thank you Fareed, for making the difficult but right judgement call that a journalist must make sometimes- to stand up to carefully crafted and presented lies. As others have mentioned here, I wish you had done that to the Bush administration in 2002-2003 as well.




I Personally Know Mr. Marandi

by JahanKhalili on

Mr. Marandi volunteered to fight during the Iran-Iraq war, at the age of 15.

He served in Kurdistan and Khuzestan, and was in operation Kheibar (when Iran captured Jazireh Majnoon from Iraq).

Once, his unit was surrounded for three days, and they had nothing to eat or drink.

He was also wounded and exposed to chemical weapons, and many of his friends were killed.

"Afraid", indeed. 

There are lots of gondegooz Iranians here in America who talk sh-t against Arabs, but who ran away when they had the opportunity to fight them on behalf of Iran, back in the 1980s.

I don't think Mr. Marandi has anything to prove to these Arab-bashing fake Iranian armchair patriots. 



by Dariush on

I am not familiar with city called shahreno.  what part of that city were you born?   You said one-eye gholamali would come on women and children.  Sorry to hear that, you and your mother must have a very bad memories from one-eye-gholamali.  You should test your DNA, I think he probably is your father, but you mother has kept that a secret.  I can tell you must be a whore now.


No thanks darioush

by SAara on

Your foul mouth is no surprise to me. I konw you and other IRI thugs, just like your mothers, are directly coming out of SHAHRE-NOW. You are the one-eyed-gholamali, especially when it comes to women and children. Good luck and enjoy your last days of chelcheli.



by Dariush on

You are right, I am not Darioush, I am Dariush.

Don't make a fool out of yourself! This might be your first time posting on this site, but I have been doing so for a year and everyone knows me. One way to prove to you is that, I am not so polite like Mr. Marandi 

Would you like to give it a try?


Darioush is Mr Marandi ( himself)

by SAara on

You are so brave to leave such a comment on your own speech Mr Marandi (Darioush) !

Mr Marandi? didn't you and your family get paid enough for being wounded by chemical bombs? Your father became aminiter and you have got many privileges such as, scholarship from iran government to study in UK, being the head of north American Studies in Tehran Univirsity, running Sahar Chanel in Iranian TV and having a bilion dollar familly palace in shahrake gharb, none of thowas were enogh for your wounds in war?   

You and your close firend Mr Mojtaba khameneiy have killed a lot of Iranian people during the last 30 years for many different reasons. Is it not enough yet? Do you have to kill more to make up for your being wounded by chemical bombs?

According to you, USA has been behind selling chemical weapons to Saddam, why then you take your revenge upon Iranian youth in Kahrizak prisons?

I still can remember that you were always worrying about the safety of Iraqi and Palestinians people, and now that Iranian people are being killed, you say everything is normal?

Now If you don't consider yourself as an Arab, so where are you from?