Anti-Zionism for children

Iranian toddlers taught about martyrdom and hatred of Israel

Aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV on December 29, 2008.



Anti-Palestinian for children

by Observer (not verified) on

Right Zionists, Wrong everybody else:



Child Abuse!

by aaminian on

This kind of brain conditioning leaves irreparable damage to these poor kids.  If this sort of thing happened in the US it would end up in a whole slew of lawsuits for the parents/tv station/producers etc..  Anyhow, all I can say is that it is appalling and should NOT be tolerated.



by Anonymous-iranian (not verified) on

All these nonsenses are just because Iran is ruled by non-iranians. Where is Kamaneie from? Where are Mullahs from? They are all non-Iranians and that is the reason why they don't care about Iran, iranian people and are more concern with their arab brothers.


Anti-Zionism for children

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I am glad having watched the praying children. may God give power to all beings to resist the savagery of imperialism. In these days first of all to Gaza citizens. It is wonderfull to see how the Iranians show their solidarity with Palstine and pray to God for their conquery over great satan`s minimi the occupires. Praying gives souls silence and helps getting healthy in Body and mind. Iranians have allways practiced solidarity with victims of savagery. That is an unnegligible part of their Cukture with a 7 thausends years of history. In western countries they bring children - boys and girls - in the same age as those Iranians in the video to gether and teach them audio-visualy the difference between Boys and girls. As soon as they are in their pubertery they beginn with practicing sex and after a while they are all sick on impotentia and are sex-tired AND: They are APOLITICAL. The governments can do with them whatever they want. If neccessary they are sent to Vietnam, Irak, Afghanistan. BUT NOT TO the Islamic republic of Iran. And why not? Just because of the teachings the youth in that country enjoys. Iranians demonstrate the most and the deepest heartly solidarity with poeple of gaza and help them practically. And what do "IRANIAN"s? They get sick and are frustrated because of lost culture from which they have disconnected themselves actively and without any reasonable motive. And stil they call it their culture. What ahelpless situation, what a unsolvable problem. Greeting

Jahanshah Javid

Off the chart

by Jahanshah Javid on

Good thing is I'm not sure if kids inside Iran watch this crap. Like all kids around the world, they prefer Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street, like it or not.


The good news

by Fred on

After three decades of unsuccessful attempts at inculcating these core values of the Islamist ideology; the Islamists in Iran are scared to death of the very same “children of the revolution”. Having been  inoculated at home and by observing the Islamists' hypocrisies first hand the children are wholly immune to the Islamists’  array of viruses. The old-timer Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies are a dying breed in Iran.



by Zion on

but hardly surprising. Matches perfectly with what goes on here and the kind of aggressive anti-Israel propaganda campaign the same type of people are engaged in here. Poor kids. I doubt it has the desired effects though. Reality has a way of defusing such attempts of brainwashing in case of psychologically healthy individuals.


Poor kids...

by Princess on

So that's how they breed martyrs? My heart goes out to these kids who deserve to be out playing without a care in the world. 

I am so sick of this mentality.


ultimate propogamnda

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

it's okay though. they will know better when they grow up, they did the same thing to us when we were going to school. they will know better when they grow up.


I can't believe this

by cyclicforward on

Our culture has been reduced to this...



by Saman on

Just sick!