انتخابات آمريکا و انتخاب های ما

جامعهء آمريکا را می توان «آزمايشگاه تاريخ» دانست


انتخابات آمريکا و انتخاب های ما
by Esmail Nooriala

اين روزها مبارزات انتخاباتی در آمريکا برای تعيين رئيس جمهور آيندهء اين کشور سخت جريان دارد و در حال حاضر، با انجام انتخابات اوليه، مردم اين کشور می روند تا کانديداهای احزاب خود را، برای ورود به مبارزات اصلی بين کانديدهای نهائی، انتخاب و معرفی کنند. انتخابات اين دوره، از لحاظ تاريخ مبارزات انسان برای رفع تبعيض، دارای ويژگی های خاصی است که نمی توان آنها را براحتی ناديده گرفت و خود را بخاطر تماشای عملی آن شادمان نيافت.

در اين انتخابات دو تن در حزب دموکرات روبروی هم و عليه يکديگر مبارزه می کنند که يکی سياه پوست است و ديگری زن؛ يعنی آدميانی برآمده از ميان دو قشری که بيشترين تبعيض ها را در تاريخ آمريکا تحمل نموده و برای رفع آنها پی گيرانه و خستگی ناپذير مبارزه کرده اند. در حزب جمهوری خواه نيز يک کانديدای برآمده از کليسای اقليتی «مورمون» ها، با توسل به سکولاريسم مندرج در قانون اساسی اين کشور و تأکيد بر اينکه او نمايندهء و کارگزار مذهب خود نيست، در برابر کانديداهای ديگری که بر تعلق خود به کليساهای اکثريتی اميد بسته اند قد علم کرده است. بدينسان، موضوع بحث روز آمريکا حضور نمايندگان اقليت هاست در مبارزه ای که برای احراز مهمترين شغل دولتی آمريکا در گرفته است ـ اقليت هائی که دقيقاً به دليل در اقليت بودنشان، تا کنون نتوانسته اند بر اين کرسی ها دست بيابند.

برای کسی که تاريخ را همچون داستان «مبارزه انسان عليه تبعيض» ببيند، اين انتخابات نيز همچون نقطهء عطفی می نمايد که نشان از برگذشتن انسان متمدن از يکی ديگر از مراحل تکوينی ـ اجتماعی حيات خود دارد و از برداشته شدن قدم پيشروندهء ديگری به سوی تحقق آرمان های تبعيض ستيز انسان خبر می دهد.

از نگاه «تبعيض شناسی»، آمريکا سرزمين عجايبی است که در آن هزار و يک ملاحظهء گاه سراپا متضاد با هم در کارند. از يکسو در اين جامعه آزادی فردی، مالکيت فردی، توانائی و گشوده بودن راه های ثروتمند شدن، و نيز امکان متفاوت بودن در معيشت و نوع زندگی همچون ارزش هائی مقدس پاسداری می شوند و، از سوی ديگر، قانونی که بر اين مردمان گوناگون و گوناگونی طلب حکم می راند بر بنياد يک اصل مهم بوجود آمده است که فراتر از هر آزادی و حقی قرار دارد: «انسان ها در برابر قانون، و از لحاظ آزادی و حقوق، با هم برابرند و هيچ قانونگزاری نمی تواند بر مدار نابرابری و سلب حق و آزادی افراد جامعه دست بکار شود».

البته تاريخ به ما نشان داده است که بين «وضع قانون» تا «نهادينه شدن» و «اجرائی گشتن» گستردهء آن فاصله ای همچون فاصله زمين تا ماه برقرار است. اما، بهر حال، انسان برتری خواهی که ميليون ها سال هراس از قحطی و کوشش برای گردآوری و ذخيره و، آنگاه، تلاش برای دستيابی به قدرت برای حفظ ذخاير خويش را در ژن های خود حمل می کند و همهء مذاهب و آئين ها و ايدئولوژی هايش را برای نهادينه کردن امتيازهای گرد آورده و توفق و تسلط خود بر ديگران بوجود آورده است، در سحرگاهان بلوغ اجتماعی خود به امکان خروج از وحش و رسيدن به آدميت انديشيده و آن را در «ناکجا آباد بی تبعيضی» يافته و بدان صورتی قانونی داده است.

اينکه بگوئيم در آمريکا نيز تبعيض بشدت برقرار است و حکومت به مدد ايدئولوژی های ليبرالی و کاپيتاليستی و امپرياليستی تبعيض را برقرار می دارد هرگز نمی تواند ناقض اين واقعيت باشد که همان شالودهء ضد تبعيضی که قانون اساسی آمريکا بر فراز آن به عمارت رسيده است همچون چراغ راهنما موجب شده است تا انسان آمريکائی با قدم هائی فراخ به سوی آن ناکجا آباد يا شهر آرمانی گام بردارد و در برابر تبعيض، که معادل زايل شدن حق اوست، در حد توان و امکاناتش بربيآشوبد.

در اين نگاه، جامعهء آمريکا را می توان «آزمايشگاه تاريخ» دانست که در آن کوششی پيگير در راستای يافتن پادزهری برای جلوگيری از شيوع تبعيض در نهادهای مختلف آن همواره ادامه داشته و هر روز چاره ای نو ـ اما نه نهائی ـ برای آلام و دردهای ناشی از تبعيض کشف شده و می شود.

در اين ميان، آنچه، در همان نخستين گام ها، حرکت جامعهء آمريکا را در مسير درست رفع تبعيض انداخته است از توجه دقيق بنيانگزاران آن به رابطهء تنگاتنگ و متقابل بين «تبعيض» و «قدرت» سرچشمه می گيرد. مگر نه اينکه بدون در دست داشتن «ابزار اعمال تبعيض» برقرار کردن تبعيض ناممکن می شود؟ و مگر نه آنکه مذاهب و ايدئولوژی های گوناگون همگی «ابزار اعمال تبعيض» های گوناگون محسوب می شوند؟ پس، ايجاد جامعه ای پيش رونده بسوی «ناکجا آباد بی تبعيضی» تنها از طريق جدا نگاه داشتن «منابع استقرار تبعيض» از «قدرت حکومتی» ممکن می شود و اين درست آن کاری است که بنيانگزاران کشور آمريکا بدان توجه داشته اند.

می خواهم بگويم که اصلاً مهم نيست که سنت ها و مذاهب و آئين ها و باورها و خرده فرهنگ ها همگی ماشين های تقسيم جوامع به «خودی و غير خودی» هستند، اين يک «مشاهده» ی بديهی است. نيز مهم نيست که مردمان يک جامعه، هر کجا دستشان برسد بر يکديگر تبعيض روا می دارند، صاحبان کار سفيدپوست ها را بر سياه پوستان ترجيح می دهند و معلم در سر کلاس به پروتستان بيشتر از کاتوليک توجه دارد. در واقع، از پشت اتاق های در بسته کسی، جز خود قربانيان تبعيض، نمی تواند از حدوث تبعيض در بسياری از جايگاه های مختلف اجتماعی آگاه شود، چه رسد به آنکه به جلوگيری از آن اقدام کند. اما مهم آن است که قانون حاکم بر يک جامعه طوری تنظيم شده و شکل گرفته باشد که در ساحت آن «اعمال تبعيض» نوعی «ارتکاب جرم» محسوب شود و، از لحاظ قانون، ارتکاب تبعيض قابل تعقيب و مجازات باشد. آنگاه «اعمال تبعيض» و «کشيدن هروئين» يا «زخم زدن باچاقو» هم عرض يکديگر قرار می گيرند. استخدام نکردن متقاضی سياه پوست همانقدر جرم است که دزدی از خانهء ديگران؛ اولويت دادن مردان بر زنان در مشاغل مختلف همانقدر «بی قانونی» است که با سرعت غير مجاز حرکت کردن در خيابان های شهر. بله، ممکن است که کسی بتواند هروئين بکشد، دزدی بکند، با چاقو به جان ديگران بيافتد و مست و لايعقل در خيابان های شهر رانندگی کند و، بی آنکه دستگير شود، خود را به خانه برساند. اما اين «توفيق» چيزی را از عمل تنبيه پذير ضديت او با قانون کم نمی کند.

يعنی، بر بنياد يک قانون اساسی ضد تبعيض است که می توان به امحاء تدريجی تبعيض اميدوار شد و، با سنجه و خط کش آن قانون، ميزان پيشرفت کشورها را در راستای رسيدن به مدينهء فاضله ای انسانی اندازه گيری کرد. بايد بدين واقعيت توجه داشت که در روزگار ما اگرچه ممکن است اکثريت بالائی از مردم آمريکا حاضر نباشند به زنی يا سياه پوستی يا اهل مذهبی اقليتی رأی داده و او را به رياست جمهوری انتخاب کنند اما، در عين حال، هيج کس نمی تواند آن زن و آن سياه پوست و آن مرد مذهبی را از اعلام نامزدی و تبليغ برای جمع آوری آراء بسود خود باز دارد.

بی شک برای اينکه آن «اکثريت مردم» به روزگاری برسند که جنسيت و رنگ پوست و مذهب رئيس جمهورشان تأثيری در تصميمشان نداشته باشد وقت لازم است، اما اگر قانون همچون موتور محرکهء راهپيمائی بسوی «ناکجا آباد بی تبعيض» عمل نکند و جامعه را در اين شاهراه به پيش نراند زمان رسيدن جامعه به نخستين سرمنزل های راه نيز بسيار ديرتر اتفاق می افتد؛ اگر اصلاً چنين امری ممکن شود.

حال اين جامعه (که هيچ از تبعيض خالی نيست) را با جامعه ای مقايسه کنيد که در آن قانون اساسی به نفع يگ گروه از مردم و بر بنياد تبعيض آشکار نوشته می شود و، در نتيجه، راه را برای نهادينه شدن تبعيض هموار می کند و می کوشد تا همهء فرق گذاری ها را برای هميشه در متن جامعه مخلد سازد. چنين قانونی خود بخود برای تضمين حاکميت گروهی که خود را برتر از بقيه می داند بوجود می آيد و می کوشد تا از امتيازهای قشر حاکم پاسداری کند. نيز از دل چنين قانونی است که همهء نهادهای اجتماعی بصورت ماشين های تبعيض گذار موجوديت يافته و عمل می کنند.

ممکن است کسانی به اين نکته اشاره کنند که يک حکومت بد می تواند بهترين قوانين را نيز به سود خويش اجرا کند يا نکند و، در نتيجه، وجود «قانون ضد تبعيض» در دست حاکمانی تبعيض گذار آن را به سالبهء به انتفای موضوع تبديل می کند. اما آيا براستی چنين است؟ آن هم در روزگار ما که ارتجاعی ترين حکومت ها نيز می کوشند چنين جلوه دهند که برآمده از مردم و خادم به منافع آنها هستند؟

شايد هيچ مثالی همچون مورد وجود حکومت اسلامی ايران نتواند ما را در روشن کردن بحث مورد نظر مقالهء حاضر کمک کند. بگذاريد قانون اساسی حکومت اسلامی در ايران را از نظر موضوع تبعيض و نيز از نظر چگونگی اجرای عملی آن مورد توجه قرار داده و در پی آن به امر انتخابات در اين حکومت بپردازيم.

همگان می دانند که قانون اساسی اين حکومت، قانونی تبعيض گذار است و برای اثبات اين سخن نياز چندانی به ارائهء تفصيلات نيست. همين که اين قانون اساسی حاکميت را «جمهوری اسلامی» نام می نهد، همين که از اسلام هم منظورش فرقهء کوچک شيعهء دوازده امامی (در مقايسه با کل جهان اسلام) است، همين که «شرع مقدس» را نسبت به هر قانون سازی و قانونگزاری ديگری ارجحيت می دهد، همين که بالاترين مقام حکومتی را فقط از آن يک «فقيه امامی» می داند، همين که جز تشيع امامی فقط چند مذهب ديگر را بعنوان «مذاهب اقليتی» برسميت شناخته و بقيه را مکاتب شيطانی محسوب می دارد، همين که زن را ارزشی معادل نيم مرد می دهد و او را لايق منصب رياست جمهور و قاضی محکمه نمی داند، و در همهء آزادی ها و حقوق مردم دخالت محدود کننده دارد، برای نشان دادن ذات تبعيض آفرين و تبعيض گذار اين حکومت کافی است.

اما قانون اساسی همين حکومت نيز، به لحاظ شرايط سياسی حاکم بر سال های نخستين انقلابی که نابخردانه «آزادی و استقلال» را به «جمهوری اسلامی» سنجاق کرده بود، دارای موادی نيز شده است که به تأسی از الگوهای غربي بکار گرفته شده در تهيهء متن های اوليه اش، نشانی از باورهای عصر روشنگری و تمدن غربی را با خود دارد. و حاکمان ايران نيز اکنون نزديک به سه دهه است که با همين بندها و پيش بينی های قانونی گرفتاری دارند و ناچار شده اند برای تعطيل آنها از ده ها راهکار قلابی و کلاه شرعی ساختگی استفاده کنند و، در عين حال، هنوز هم از اينکه مردم بجد از آنها بخواهند که مفاد همين قانون اساسی را بدرستی اجرا کنند هراس و اباء دارند.

در واقع همين قانون اساسی ناقص و پر از تضاد، اگر به درستی اجرا شود، بخشی از کوه تبعيضات اسلامی حاکم بر جامعه از ميان برداشته می شود و بهمين دليل هم هست که همهء ترفندهای سه دههء اخير حاکمان برای دور زدن قانون اساسی خودشان و جستن راه هائی برای اجرائی نشدن آن بکار گرفته شده است.

باری، در ايران نيز در ماه های آينده انتخاباتی نو در راه است که طی آن مجلس هفتم قانونگزاری جای خود را به مجلس هشتم می دهد. مقايسهء اين دو انتخابات، در آمريکا و ايران، بخوبی نشانگر غلظت ايدئولوژيک يکی و رقيق بودن ايدئولوژيک ديگری است، بی آنکه کسی بتواند مدعی آن شود که تبعيض کلاً از جامعهء آمريکا رخت بر بسته است و يا بزودی چنين می شود.

در ايران هرگونه انتخاباتی در واقع نمايش مضحکی است که در آن همهء کوشش ها معطوف به جلوگيری از «انتخاب شدن غير خودی ها» است. آشکار است که حکومت نمی تواند از مزايای برگزاری اين انتخابات در راستای تحکيم پايه های قدرت خود چشم بپوشد؛ اما کل اين انتخابات بر بنياد اعمال تبعيض از جانب يک حکومت ايدئولوژيک ساخته می شود و گروه های مختلف مردم، به دليل نهادينه شدن ايدئولوژی و تبعيض در قانون، از انتخاب شدن (و حتی گاه انتخاب کردن) محروم می شوند.

اگر در آمريکا اين قانون اساسی است که راه را برای حرکت به جانب «ناکجا آباد بی تبعيض» هموار می کند و عاقبت اجازه می دهد که يکی از دو حزب بزرگ کشور مجبور شود يکی از دو تنی را بعنوان نامزد خود انتخاب کند که همواره مورد تبعيض بوده اند، در ايران اين قانون اساسی است که همواره تضادهای درونش را به نفع اعمال مستمر تبعيض حل می کند و با مخمر کردن تبعيض در جزئيات ساختاری خود هر نوع اميد به «اصلاح» را از بين می برد.

آنچه من «سکولاريسم نو» می خوانم و گوهر آن را جدا ساختن ايدئولوژی ها از حکومت، در راستای انحلال تبعيض های اجتماعی، می دانم بر بنياد همين نگاه به تاريخ، صورت های گوناگون تبعيض، رابطهء آنها با قدرت حکومتی، و سير تحولی اعمال «جدائی» بين «تبعيض گذار» و «قدرت» ساخته می شود. به گمان من، تا زمانی که مردم جامعهء ما، که بصورتی مزمن و دائمی از انواع تبعيض ها رنج می برند، در نيابند که تبعيض جزء ذاتی حاکميت های ايدئولوژيک است و تا چنين حکومت هائی بر سر کارند و از قوانينی استفاده می کنند که، در عين تضمين مشروعيت و حقانيت خودشان در امر حکومت کردن، نفس تبعيض عام و گستردهء آنان را در حيات اجتماعی مردمان جاری می کنند، برداشتن هيچ گامی بسوی «ناکجاآباد بی تبعيض» ممکن نيست.

نيز، بنظر من، هنوز حتی در ميان قشر روشنفکر ما توجه به ذات ناانسانی تبعيض و منشاء ايدئولوژيک آن از اولويت خاصی برخوردار نيست و بيشترين وقت و انرژی روشنفکران سياسی ما صرف بحث و مجادله در مورد مفاهيم مجرد و دور از دسترسی همچون «دموکراسی» می شود که خود، همچون «جامعهء بی تبعيض» ماهيتی آرمان شهری و ناکجا آبادی دارد. همين امر موجب آن می گردد که روشنفکر ما از خود توقع دست زدن به فعاليت، و نيز ارائهء برنامه برای رفع مشکلات مردم، که اغلب آنها ناشی از نهادينه شدن تبعيض اند، ندارد و در «آغازگاه» بحث های نظری مربوط به «انتهای راه» راحت تر منزل می کند.

يعنی، پرهيز از انديشه های ايدئولوژيک، وقوف به ذات تبعيض گذار همهء آنها، و کوشش برای ارائهء برنامه های عملی برای امحاء تدريجی تبعيض های وحشتناک حاکم بر جامعهء ايران، هيچ کدام، هنوز جايگاه در خور خود را در بحث های ما پيدا نکرده و تشکلات سياسی ما هم تنها در چهارچوب ايدئولوژی های خود با مسئلهء «تبعيض» برخورد می کنند. براستی نتيجهء برخورد با «تبعيض» از يک ديدگاه «ايدئولوژيک» چه می تواند باشد جز کوششی برای «تغيير ضوابط و معيارهای تبعيض گزاری» و نه امحاء کل آن؟ يعنی، بی توجهی به خطرات مهلک قدرت يابی ايدئولوژی های مذهبی و غير مذهبی، و استفاده از ظاهر فريبندهء ناکجا آبادهای آلوده به ايدئولوژی بمنظور رسيدن به قدرت، منشاء و سرچشمهء دور باطل بازتوليد شرايط تبعيض آفرينی است که جامعه را از حرکت به سوی آزادی و عدالت باز می دارد.

برگرفته از سايت «سکولاريسم نو»:


more from Esmail Nooriala

Anonymous4now, I agree with

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Anonymous4now, I agree with you. No one makes news like Kucinich and no ones name is in the news, including corporate media news, like Kucinich, and he participated in many and many debates, including presidential debates, all over the place, most famous ones on corporate news media, but yet, some Iranians, knowingly or unknowingly, deny that! These folks tend to forget that people like Brownback and Tancredo, fiercely right winger and a hero among right wingers, didn’t make news as much as let say Romney or Obama did. So where was so called “ring wing” media supporting these people? Some of these Iranians’ minds are so clouded and so misguided, its really sad!


Shamsi, again, you can make

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Shamsi, again, you can make simplistic and cliché comparisons between U.S and Iran politics. Although, I think the majority of the people in the world, even the ones who fiercely oppose U.S foreign policy (Including the majority of Arab population by the way), with the exception of some of our leftist Iranians , have no doubt that U.S has always been a beacon of democracy. Remember, France as the creator of modern form of democratic societies, was engaged in brutal occupation of foreign lands during the colonial era, that does not discount in any shape or form its democratic principles and system, same thing applies to the U.S (Although U.S never actually occupied any foreign land). One way of settling arguments like this shamsi Khanoom, is not necessarily listen to me or like minded people, please refer to numerous publicly available sources such as human right watch, amnesty international, U.N sources,,,,,to see where U.S and Iran rank in democracy indexes. Those sources are easily available. I mean just the thought of comparing U.S and Islamic regime’s democratic behavior is really considered astonishing, but again, didn’t you know Shamsi khanoom that our leftist and IRI apologists Iranians are infected with the “U.S love-hate mental disorder”? Not saying you’re one of them. The problem with our leftist Iranian is that, out of “hasoodi” and mean spiritness, have serious issues with the existence of U.S itself, so they bash every aspect of it (like no one else does) including eating habits and sexual behaviors ! Just see some of the postings on this site. Your analysis about “executives” controlling things is so typical of Iranian pessimistic and misguided mentality that in some cases reaches comical stages of analogy. So, like you said, you have your belief, and I and majority of Iranians have ours, one thing that does not lie is history. History has proven which system has worked and which hasn’t. Regards.


Why do two wrongs make it

by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

Why do two wrongs make it right? Why is it that a wrong doing in the U.S. justifies the actions of the IRI?

Here are the facts of the Kucinich story.

"Campbell said MSNBC decided to go with the top three candidates after the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. Kucinich drew less than 2 percent of the Democratic vote in the New Hampshire primary, after attracting little support in the Iowa caucuses."


NBC exercised their first amendment right to have a debate but excluded the bottom candidate. Their decision was challenged in court and the Supreme Court of Nevada agreed with that decision.

In any case, how does any of this, perfect or imperfect, justify the selection and purge of the candidates by a bunch of Mullah's in Iran, with no recourse or objections permitted? Kucinich is not prevented from running, in NBC's view point, he had not qualified for a debate. He can still run for presidency and can win. How is that reciprocated in Iran?



by Shamsi (not verified) on

Agha Farhad, gol-o-bolbol,

I read and re-read your post but there is no answer to my question there. You haven't told me WHO?
The whole point of this article is that there are no filters in place in US elections and that is what the author claims in the first paragraph. But there are filters and he is either trying to fool us or he is kidding himself.
Some executive at the network made the decision to apply this filter to certain candidates. We will never know their criteria nor their reason but that does not change the fact that a filter was applied.
These executives are not representative of the people nor are they accountable to us but they are making a decision that affects who we get to vote for.
You see, in Iran a bunch of Akhoonds made that decision here a bunch of executives make that decision. One wears ammameh the other wears a tie and neither is accountable to the people. same shit, different pile. Some choose to look at the US shit with rose tinted glasses, like the author does and apparently you do. Others say both piles stink to high heaven, like I do.


shamsi, didn't you read my

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

shamsi, didn't you read my posting? I already answered you. Its not my probelm that you're not able to understand the big picture. I'm not gonna copy and paste my answer from the previous posting, would this make you happy: America is an imperialistic nation who hates Islam and Iran and and it opresses the opposition voice and there is a group of neo cons who control everything that happens here and abroad, because they have ultra-human capabilities. Happy?!!! You leftists can go ahead and keep believing in that. The Iranian people have something different in mind.



by Shamsi (not verified) on

Farhad agha,
Nice of you to go on a tangent but you still haven't answered my question.
Who decided to apply the filter of eliminating certain candidates from nationally televised debates and why?
Still awaiting an answer. No tangents please, just one or two sentences.


Khaleel Jabran once said

by Nader - West Covina (not verified) on

Khaleel Jabran once said about Iranians "They are very EIB-JOO". These anti-U.S posting on this site derives from that social disease. They ignore the great things about America and talk about petty things that happens here.


shamsi, I know for a fact

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

shamsi, I know for a fact its not because NBC doesn’t want his voice heard. The guy is an elected U.S representative, highly vocal, writes books and goes on congress floor and writes articles (On corporate newspapers) and goes on every show (on corporate media) such as CNN,FOX,MSNBC to Daily Show to Bill Maher to what have you, highly criticizing the U.S, the guy even met with Bashar Assad in Syria and refused to go to Iraq to greet U.S soldiers. And all that, and what did the “Neo cons” or “business elite” do to him? Did they arrest him? Beat him? Kick him out congress? Prevent him from going on TV? Prevented him from publishing his views? You tell me. Shamsi, here’s my question: Did Kucinich participate in any other debate or not? Are you saying Kucinich never participated in a debate? Do you know how many debates have been lately ?


Pundit, I can never be too

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Pundit, I can never be too surprised by the lack of ability of some of my leftist friends to look at the big picture and stop believing in clichés and stop blindly bash America. First of all, generally speaking, more Americans get their news from online sources than TV, although the single most news source for Americans is the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which we all know is very critical of U.S. But in general, more online sources than TV and Radio. Lot of these right wing shows, whom you guys claim, “brainwash” Americans, have more entertainment value than news value and that’s exactly the reason, lot of people, not all, watch them. Controversy and bashing each other on TV is entertaining for them (Look at the Hannity show). So there goes your 6 owners argument. As well know, most people who get their online sources get it from non-traditional news sources like CNN and FOX, and most non traditional news sources are either leftist sites such as moveon.org, and plenty of blogs. Second, not everyone that watches FOX news or CNN actually blindly believes whatever they say. We’re not robots programmed to believe everything. We make our own judgments. Finally, when news sources such as NBC, FOX and CNN, do not leave a government official or a topic to talk about, and we all know there isn’t a topic they don’t touch on (The biggest problem with corporate media is not that they don’t talk about issues, but they don’t ask the tough questions from the government officials), then I have no problem with them. Everyone should have access to express their opinions, left wingers and right wingers alike, that’s why in this country we got KKK and the communist party of the U.S operating without harassment.



by shamsi (not verified) on

Why don't you try to answer this simple question:
Who decided to eliminated Kucinich from the last nationally televised debate on NBC and why?


Shaboon Bamokh, It appears

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Shaboon Bamokh, It appears like you need to get your facts straight my friend, not me. The “fairness doctrine” which Reagan got rid of and the equal air time are two different things. The equal air time concept says no federally regulated media (Privates are different) shall prevent a candidate to respond to an attack by an opposing candidate or to run an add. And that’s where the money factor, which we all hear about, comes in to the equation. Offcourse if you have more money, you can run more adds. But lets not forgot, as the current primaries have shown, contrary to popular belief among our Iranian leftists and IRI apologists, money is by far not the only factor which makes you win elections in this country, . Huckabee and Obama have risen far less money than Romney and Clinton , but they both won Iowa. As far as Fox news goes, it actually did they invite the Democrats to participate in its debate, but they refused (Howard Dean made a big mistake here). Don’t you read the news? And let me tell you Mr. Bamokh, only a slight majority of Americans claim they’re religious and most of them believe in a very mild form of it. Yes there is a small extreme minority whom are very vocal and the news media spends incredible amount of time on them ignoring the majority of Americans whom by far are one of the most moderate people in the world. However, the vast majority of Americans believe in the separation of Church and State. That’s why after 200 something years of its existence, church and state are separate in this country. Because its people have enough common sense to understand the importance of this concept. So I have no idea why you say candidates here are Keravaties from church. Are Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinish, Bill Richardson and Joseph Biden from that category too? I’m sorry to tell you, that the 40 years you spent in this country didn’t help you a bit understand the nature and attitudes of this country and its people. How many times in this 40 years Mr. Bimokh have you gotten harassed in this “religious” country by its “religious” people because you’re not a Christian? When was the last time you got denied education, employment and opportunity in this “religious” country? And why is Islam, out of all religions, the fastest growing religion in America, this “religious” country? How come these “religious” people are not doing anything to stop it? Aren’t they supposed to be “enemies of Islam”? Then why everyday you see these “religious” people giving permission for Mulisms and other religious minorities, to open mosques and temples and things like that? Have you ever thought about that Mr. Babokh in the last 40 years?


JJ, delete thugish comments

by Anti thug (not verified) on

JJ, please delete all insulting posts from a thugish IRI's character under "not verified Asghar... Sha'boon..., Prince Ashraf" etc., but with the same volgar and discosting style of attacks and slanders.
Since this thug has appeared on the site, it has degraded the safty and reputation of the site. Many authors are victims of this IRI's mozdoor.


Daie mehrabantar az modar ( before you vote watch this)

by bacheie khuzestan (not verified) on


Daie mehrabantar az modar ( before you vote watch this)

by bacheie khuzestan (not verified) on



by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

This is just a note about your style of argument, which is prevalent amongst many Iranians. Your aggressive and insulting way to put down and crush the opposing point of view is the remnant of the culture of chaghoo keshi or knife stabbing that relies on getting the upper hand psychologically by bluffing and intimidating the opponent. The more extreme the language (“Get you head out of your ass dude”, or “Man you are more clueless than the good "philosopher" here. You have no idea about the structure of media ownership in this country do you?”), the more you are attempting to shore up and secure you own place as the more knowledgeable and the more intelligent of the parties. It would be necessary and imperative for a responsible and balanced democratic point of view to educate us all about what you consider to be reality, without such mental stabbing. It would be great if you could see yourself, in this battle of minds, the way others do. “A monkey can get published here”


The elections in Iran are

by anti-madrasa educated idiots (not verified) on

The elections in Iran are nothing but theatrics to decieve the international community that Iran has some sembelance of elections. Having "democratic elections" in a fascist theocracy is oxymoronic.

Yes, Fascists can elect other fascists who believe in Rahbar and the Islamic rule of sharia but that doesn't make it democractic or democracy...

Hitler had elections too. ...but if you were not in the Nazi party, you wouldn't not have been allowed to be a candidate to run...


re Farhad

by Pundit (not verified) on


"NBC is only one corporation, there are many others,"

Man you are more clueless than the good "philosopher" here. You have no idea about the structure of media ownership in this country do you?
For practical purposes all television in the US is controlled by 6 companies. Newspapers are not much different.
Equal time for all candidates? I am afraid you are either lying or poorly informed. Perhaps you would like to explain why some candidates get eliminated from nationally televised debates? Who makes that decision and on what criteria? I don't know the answer to that but I do know it ain't the voters or those who are accountable to voters.


To: Honey Farhad Kashani (Re: Pundit and Shaboon...)

by Shaboon Bamokh (not verified) on

First of all I am not "Shaboon Bimokh". If you look carefully, I am "Shaboon Bamokh" -- big difference.
Second of all, apparently in addition to the Esmail the "Philosopher", you are also not familiar with the USA election rules. For example there is no such thing as "equal air time" for anyone on radio and TV. My local station here has all th enecons and their candidates, but bever the opposing views. It was the "fainess doctorine" that was giotten rid of by Regean which now does not require equal time for anyone!! So go get your fact right. Fox has, and now legally can, tell the democratic candidates "go stick it in your behind, we are not inviting you to use air time on our news programs for your to express your views" (similarly, NBC and others have done to various other canddiates). The system in US as some on this thread have pointed out is "corrupt". Local screening of canddiates is not unlike our dear homeland. For example, if you are running for a local office and regularly go to the local church, your chances of "being acceptable" improves considerably. For state and national candidates, more than half of "kerevatis" around the president and governors are in fact church leaders in "kerevats". Depending on the candidate, the mix may vary, but if some canddiate avoids these churchis, he will be in deep shit (as Bill Clinton found out after fucking a jewish "girl"). I have lived in US for about 40 years, beleive me, I know what I am talking about. May be not perfectly, but fairly accurately. Lets hope it will not take you 40 years to figure out the same thing (by then philosopher man may be dead!!!)


Pundit and Shaboon bimokh,

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Pundit and Shaboon bimokh, you’re both amazingly missing the point. “Is NBC which is owned by General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors, going to give an anti-war candidate equal time as a pro-war candidate”. Maybe you need to do more research as far as how the system works. 1- There are federal and state laws ensuring all candidates receiving equal air time. NBC is only one corporation, there are many others, (who by the way pay close to 70% of taxes and employ millions of Americans), that engage in the political process. You got your right wing fox, and left wing CNN. Have you watched TV recently? I’ve seen more Ron Paul, an anti-war candidate, adds than anyone else. 2- What is the “business establishment”? How do you define it? Its kind a laughable how sadly we Iranians believe in so many “shadow and underground groups” controlling things everywhere!!! 3- “Thanks God we don't have the corrupt US system of election in Iran where a president after all sort of vote fixing and rigging is appointed by a court order, and the real populist leaders are not even in the game or are totally ignored”. I didn’t vote for Bush, but, I highly admire a system where political issues are settled in a court, in a civilized and democratic manner, versus countries like Iran, where political rivalries are settled using bloodshed and destruction. Also, so you’re saying we should adopt a system like in Iran, where A- A candidate should pass an actual test analyzing his (never a her since IRI laws do not allow women, 50% of society and the other kind of human beings to become so called “president”), religious belief, just like the middle ages? B- Candidate should swear loyalty to vali faghih, a tyrannical, fundamentalist, un elected, 7th century concept, Islamic caliphate? C- Where the actual unchallenged, god-like, brutal ruler of the country is the same vali faghih (See definition above). A so called “president” in Iran is nothing but a PR manager for Vali Faghih. D- Where a group of close to 200 individuals, of a group compromising close to 1-2% of the population, from a distinguish different religious and social class, holding extremely fundamental ideas, with absolutely no regards to human life or dignity of its own citizens, undemocratically elected (If elected at all), hold power with no sign of giving it up in a free election, any election for that matter, for close to 30 years now? E- Where not only individual who think slightly different than the elite Mullahs, (Let alone Liberals, socialists, monarchists, republicans, ….) are either don’t bother to run in so called “elections” since they know they will immediately get rejected, or when running, get disqualified. Many of them get imprisoned, harassed by the government and face other consequences, for expressing their slightly different views. News flash : American basijis ( I guess you guys call them “Neo cons” and “corporate people”!!) have arrested Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Mike Gravel and took them to secret prisons in D.C. Yes, you’re right, I wish we had the Iranian system. I miss the Basijis!



by pundit (not verified) on

Is this guy for real? Does he actually think that no one is going to keep a person from becoming a president? What fantasy land does he live in? Is NBC which is owned by General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors, going to give an anti-war candidate equal time as a pro-war candidate? If the author thinks so which he seems to do, then he understand nothing about business either in addition to not understanding politics here. Get you head out of your ass dude. No candidate will ever pass the filters if that candidate is not acceptable to the business establishment just like no candidate in Iran will ever be allowed to run if that candidate is not completely acceptable to the NEZAM e Islami.
I find it amazing that this clown who clearly has no understanding of how the system works in the US keeps getting a forum to write his hyperboles and drivel. What is more amazing is people like JJ who praise him with DASTMAL YAZDI in hand. Enough of this Khaye Mali please.
ooops, sorry I forgot this was Iranian.com. Not exactly known for its superb editorial policy. A monkey can get published here. If you happen to use any opportunity to bash Iran and lick America's ass at the same time, then your chances of getting published here improves considerably.


Thanks God ....

by Shaboon Bamokh (not verified) on

Thanks God we don't have the corrupt US system of election in Iran where a president after all sort of vote fixing and rigging is appointed by a court order, and the real populist leaders are not even in the game or are totally ignored. It is sad that a so called "philosopher" is praising the corrupt system in america whithout fully understanding it. The process of emplosion of US has started and as we all have witnessed it is mostly due to lack of interest and attention by the general public to what the US government and its politicians do. Not that US public is stupid, but because the process of election is tigged and produces "leaders" who care less about the public. Why do we want this broken system for Iran? If iran's is not right, lets fix it the right way,not by reprlacing it with a broken one. For God's sake even in India votes can be properly counted and protected. In most third world countires they have learnt this first step towards democracy. But not in the US of A!!! And now Mr Esmail the "Philosopher" wants Iran to do the same!!! Are you out of your little mind?

Shaboon Bamokh


The retarded ex-hizballahis

by Anonymous3 (not verified) on

The retarded ex-hizballahis have just discovered the concept of lobbies and corporations in a capital free market economy and they act as if these concepts have been kept secret from the masses and it is only being exposed by the upstart Khamenie's constituents on welfare (read IR's subsidized basiji and IRGC and the families) for the first time here on Iranian...tragically humorous...hahaha


Good analysis

by Sera (not verified) on

Thanks for your analysis. You are absolutely right that discrimination is profoundly institutionalized in Iran. Another discrimination that is hardly felt in Iran is in treating previous and current generations differently. I try to explain it. I was a teenager when we had the revolution. if I remember correctly within a year or two we voted for our constitution. I don't remember what the eligible age for voting was but lets assume it was 18. if the voting was 26-27 years ago, then the voting generation would be at least 44-45 now. It means every one under 45-46 hasn't had a "say" in our constitution while is affected and subjected to it. That means, given that Iran has a very young population, almost more that 80% of Iran's population. This is beside the fact that a good portion of those who voted either died, executed, or simply left Iran. Leave alone those, among the 20% of over 44-45, who regret voting to it. The current generation is not even allowed to object the constitution and every attempt for improvement or change is suppressed. I hope I could make my point that the current generation is discriminated compared to our generation.
As far as the coming election in the US, I also see the possibility of another big step toward equality of different groups of society. whether one of the candidates from the 3 categories, black, woman, minority, wins or not, the possibility and acceptability of that kind of candidates will be introduced to the psyche of the American people and many others out of America. If none of them gets elected this round, the likelihood of seeing these kind of candidates will increase more and more in future elections anyway. This is a big step toward the ideal society, that unlike utopia or as you put it "nakoja abad" that imply very idealistic and out of reach state, are quite within reach of humans. Intellectually first and then gradually in practice. That's how new views and ideas find their place. They may sound bohemian, outrageous and radical at the beginning, and generally resisted and rejected, but as soon as they are introduced to the mass and got into the mainstream they become norm.

Please do continue writing and sharing your thoughts. Thanks


For Corporations Only

by Ardavaan (not verified) on

You need a few more years to truly understand how the American system works. Aside from the money needed to run for an office, you also need to support of corporations NOT the support of the people. As they say, the American government is by the corporations for the corporations.
More importantly, the primaries in the American elections are voted by ONLY six percent of the population. So, it makes no difference who winds the general elections, he or she has been elected by six percent of the people. Now you can see that the whole presidential election is deeply flawed and all of these shows are really about nothing.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

1. Once I dared to write my opinion about secularly backed science and Religion powered scince as a comment to the article from same respectable author. Now I have also some points which explain ways and methods by which the Americans are politically dumbed and made to a zero since centuries. my first point is: IN America there are the so called LOBIES. They back the presidential candidate with a fixed amount of mony and She/He has to promiss to "HELP" them if She/He gets the "JOB". I can only say: Thanks God, in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN they have the death sentence. If in that country somebody comes to a candidate and give something similar to understand so is She/He a dead Person. No Body can deny this fact. This is the first difference between the Elections. Before I go on I will emphasize: The Iranians in the diaspora can not use the word OUR when they think about Elections in The ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN. Because they are not only indifferent, unconcerned, uninvolved but moreover: They are out of question. The Iranian Nation - to which count those who have founded their ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, are living there and are willing to protect what they have achieved during the last 30 years - can think about its Elections, it is up to my opinion only their Elections.
2. In the United States are some poeple factually prevented to gather votes for themselves. Please acknowledge the Following:
Gingrich quits presidential race
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 04:57:18
Head of American Solutions, Newt Gingrich
Former House of Representatives Speaker, Newt Gingrich, has decided against participating in the 2008 Republican presidential elections.
"For the moment, I'm just going to watch the race," Gingrich told FOX News in an exclusive interview.
The decision was made after he discovered he is not legally allowed to simultaneously bid for the election and occupy his post as the head of American Solutions (for Winning the Future), a group aimed at developing ideas to solve the nation's problems.
Gingrich said his final decision this month hinged on whether he felt there was a Republican candidate who could win the race over the Democratic rivals, and whether he could raise USD 30 million by October 21 for his presidential election campaign.
He also hinted at Republican and especially Conservative dissatisfaction with the presidential candidates already in the race.
3. As long as History is documented Iranians have never tried to influence the Elections in other countries and US-Imperialism knowes no better Hobby than that. Please acknowledge the following:
Wed, 09 Jan 2008 18:08:02
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said US support for any political party is considered 'disgrace' by the Iranian nation.
Speaking to scholars in the central city of Qom on Wednesday, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the Iranian nation should actively participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections to be held in March. The Leader added that political parties that the US has voiced its support for should reconsider their policies and find their mistakes.
"They should think why the US seeks to back them. These parties and their members should figure their flaws that prompted the Americans to support them," Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized.
The Leader slammed certain politicians and factions for calling on international observers to monitor elections in Iran. Inviting international election monitors is shameful and an insult to the Iranian nation, said Ayatollah Khamenei. The Leader also cautioned that all parties should draw the lines between themselves and 'the enemy's puppets' as well as the enemy itself. As a matter of fact Mr. Bush has damaged the so called Reformists by their Struggles getting some seats in the Parliament.
4. Iranians have never asked or made suggestions to wwhat time has a foreign country hold up Election. But, please acknowledge the Following:Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:12:44
The White House
The Bush administration urges Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to hold the Jan. elections despite Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
“Proceeding on or about on schedule with the Jan. 8 election through which Bhutto hoped to return to power is the biggest immediate concern in sustaining an American policy of promoting stability, moderation and democracy in the volatile nuclear-armed nation,” a US official claimed on Friday. According to the White House, US President George W. Bush held a one hour meeting with his national security team discussing Pakistan in Crawford, Texas. "The President told his senior national security team that the United States needs to support democracy in Pakistan and help Pakistan in its struggle against extremism and terrorism," Spokesman Scott Stanzel said. Despite a serious breakdown in Pakistan's constitutional order, US officials did not see the need for new restrictions on a $300 million aid package for Musharraf's government in 2008. The State Department said its team in Washington, Islamabad and other Pakistani cities were in close contact with representatives of the 'broad political spectrum.'
5. In the United States they are just trying to put aside the immigrants which should get ith american nationality from passive voting. Please acknowledge the following:Immigrants being denied vote in US
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 03:53:32
The induction of a group of new American citizens
The US Department of Homeland Security is likely to exclude many people from taking part in the country's 2008 presidential elections.
Inundated with paperwork, the department's officials failed to streamline immigration processes for several thousands of immigrants awaiting citizenship.
The avalanche of paperwork was triggered by applicants hurriedly forwarding their applications alarmed at the news that there might be a hike in the fees for citizenship applications.
"We expected [the fee increase] might stimulate demand from some folks to file who wouldn't have otherwise, and some from folks to file earlier than they would have," said Michael Aytes, associate director of USCIS, "but we never anticipated" the extent of the growth. "It went off the charts," he said. The issue has provoked disquiet among Hispanic leaders and voter-mobilization groups who protested the immigrants having been denied the right to vote in the November 2008 elections. The bottleneck, which follows a similar obstruction a few months ago in providing millions of Americans with passports, is going to take 15 to18 months to remove.
6. As far as I know in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN the Foreign und Internal Politics go on the same line. But not in the USA. They abuse allways their foriegn politics to win the Elections. Please acknowledge the following:
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:53:17
Mehran Kamrava is a Political Science professor at Georgetown. An Iranian lecturer at Georgetown University says US sanctions against Iran are aimed at gaining the support of American voters.
Mehran Kamrava, a lecturer at Georgetown University, noted that the main reason for such a move by the US administration against Iran is meant to gain more votes by the neoconservatives in the upcoming US presidential elections scheduled for November 4, 2008. He pointed out that the US has increased its pressures on Iran because of close diplomatic relationship between Iran and Russia, IRIB reported.
Commenting on the impact of the US move on the international community, Kamrava asserted that other countries will not back US in its anti-Iran drive.
He said that China and Russia have shown that they act independently from the European Union and the US. "It seems that after the Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the Caspian Sea summit held in Tehran last week and his strong support for Iran's peaceful nuclear program, the US has increased its pressure on Iran.” When asked about foreign trade with Iran amid US sanctions, he asserted that the Chinese and Indian businessmen will continue with their trade relationships with Iran.
7. --
8. again an example of the american mess-Politics trying allways to interfere in the other countries affaires and make the politicians in other countries to their agents, please just acknowledge:
Source: The Int'l Herald Tribune
Political analysts believe that Lebanon's former president Amin Gemayel's support by the US administration helped doom him.
Political spin masters in Lebanon have been trying in recent days to explain the results of a pivotal special election last Sunday, which saw a relative unknown from the opposition narrowly beat Gemayel, the International Herald Tribune wrote in a political commentary on Thursday.
There has been talk of the Christian vote and the Armenian vote, of history and betrayal. One explanation, however, that all agree on proved crucial in this race: Gemayel's support by the White House and the implied agendas behind such support, seem to have inflicted a narrow but heavy defeat on Gemayel. Turki al- Rasheed, a Saudi reformer who watched Sunday's elections closely, said "The minute you are counted on or backed by the Americans, kiss it goodbye, you will never win."
The same can be said about "Reformists" in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN. I think also those individuals can kiss it and say good by thanks the "HELP" which Mr. Bush has offered them.
The paradox of American policy in the Middle East - promoting democracy on the assumption it will bring countries closer to the West - is that almost everywhere there are free elections, the American - backed side tends to lose. In part, regional analysts say, candidates are tainted by the baggage of American foreign policy - from support for Tel-Aviv to the violence in Iraq. But more important, US support is often applied to one faction instead of institutions, causing further division rather than bringing about stability.
"Last Sunday we saw that even if you are a former president running for a seat in parliament, in a small area where everybody knows you, you can't make it with American support," Rasheed said.
Alain Aoun, a political adviser to the opposition Free Patriotic Movement led by his uncle, General Michel Aoun, said, "We call on the US to learn from this experience; they should not take part in any internal conflict or take sides, they should support all Lebanese." "The Americans think that supporting democracy should create positive reactions," said Nicola Nassif, a columnist for the left-leaning Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar. "No one can be against democracy, sovereignty, independence and freedom. But not if it upsets the internal power balance, not if it empowers one party against the other, especially in a country where supporting one group can lead to violence and even civil wars."
The problem is not necessarily the support itself, Nassif said, but that it invariably skews conflicts, worsening rather than easing sectarian and ethnic tensions. "When the US interferes in favor of one party, their interference leads to an explosion," Nassif said. "The US openly says it supports the Siniora government; but it should say we support the Lebanese government." It seems the US-Imperialism just loves Explosions.
9. US Intereferes in Lebanon. Just acknowledge: the 'US meddles in Lebanon's affairs'
Sun, 05 Aug 2007 11:01:20
US Ambassador to Beirut accused of meddling in Lebanon's internal affairs
The Free National Current of Lebanon says the United States wants to plunge Lebanon into chaos like what it has done in Iraq and Palestine.
A member of the Free National Current of Lebanon Antoine Khoury Harb condemned the US Ambassador's to Beirut Jeffrey Feltman for interfering in Lebanon's internal affairs, saying Feltman always holds meetings with leaders of March 14 ruling party.
Khoury Harb also accused Feltman of provoking the Christian faction of March 14 group to counter the popular powers being developed in National Free Current and confront the presidency win of Michel Aoun, leader of the Free Patriotic Movement Party.
Referring to US and western countries' support for March 14 Ruling Party, he said," Americans want to slide Lebanon's internal situation into chaos like Iraq and Palestine.
The prominent member of Free National Current added that according to polls the Free National Current's candidate will win the parliamentary by-elections on Sunday. Voters in Beirut and northern Matn will cast votes to replace the two dead lawmakers.

10. Conclusions: I can say with Mr. Javid to Dr. Nooriala: I find your essays more and more interesting and refreshing. since they open the way for reasonable Discussions. Your thoughts on democracy, secularism and tolerance are clear examples of how far we have come in understanding, appreciating and advocating ideas that are essential for a free, healthy, dynamic, modern, open society. But not regarding how many of us - we in the diaspora - put aside the basics of Logic und get more and more distance to a neutral point of view it will change nothin and nowhere. And the future will be bright. Keep on shining! Greeting


To compare US election

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

To compare US election process with Iran's fascistic elections (read selection) is disingenious and delusional. It's beneath any serious intellectual debate...


Mr. Esmail, you are a simple minded man

by Esmall007 (not verified) on

For you to think that in US of A there is no filters to exclude candiates not only for presidency, but even for local and state elections, means you don't really know this country at all or you are JUST SIMPLE MINDED. For your information, when someone registers to run here in US (for any office) there is a whole slue of background checks and police/FBI/CIA investigations to make sure this person is "acceptable". Not only these checks are on criminal background, but are also on ones' ideology, affiliations, past bank account activities, neighbors' comments and interviews, work place interviews with colleagues and friends, and .... and .... and ....
So, if you don't know what is going on, you don't need to put down your own country -- at least. In this case you will be called an anti-iran parasite.


Didn't make it past the first sentence

by AAA (not verified) on

در روزگار ما اگرچه ممکن است اکثريت بالائی از مردم آمريکا حاضر نباشند به زنی يا سياه پوستی يا اهل مذهبی اقليتی رأی داده و او را به رياست جمهوری انتخاب کنند اما، در عين حال، هيج کس نمی تواند آن زن و آن سياه پوست و آن مرد مذهبی را از اعلام نامزدی و تبليغ برای جمع آوری آراء بسود خود باز دارد.

Absolute nonsense. Candidates are kept from getting their message out not but a Guardian Council but the mainstream media establishment in the US.
You clearly have very little understanding of how the political system works in the US. Only those candidates who are deemed acceptable to the establishment are allowed to be heard. The media in this country is owned by the few powerful elite that decides which candidate gets heard and which don't. Those who get heard stand a chance to get votes and those who are not heard have no hope.
In Iran the filter is Guardian Council which is not accountable to the people whereas in the US the filter is media owners which are not accountable to the people.
If your assertion is true, perhaps you would like to explain why some candidates get eliminated from debates and get very little or no media coverage. The media argues that those who are ranking low in the polls are eliminated. But they are ranking low in the polls because they get no media coverage and voters don't get to hear their message. A self fulfilling prophecy.
Why are candidate like Paul Ron or Kucinch eliminated from the debates? Who made that decision? Ron Paul consistently polls higher than Guiliani yet the former is kept from getting his message out while the latter is given plenty of coverage. Which democratic body has make that decision for us voters?

Jahanshah Javid

Moving forward

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thank you Dr. Nooriala. I find your essays more and more interesting and refreshing. Your thoughts on democracy, secularism and tolerance are clear examples of how far we have come in understanding, appreciating and advocating ideas that are essential for a free, healthy, dynamic, modern, open society. If more of us see the light and begin to believe and practice these basic principles, the future will be bright. Keep on shining!