"Marg bar dictator"

Students shouting anti-government slogans at Tehran University

"Marg bar dictator"
by David ET

BeyondMedia writes: On October 8 Ahmadinejad under high security gave speech in closed doors to selected supporters while students of Tehran University were blocked from entering the auditorium.

Some of the Iranian students slogans and posters were:

"Death to Dictator", "Free imprisoned students", "We have questions too, Why only Columbia?" , "Here is Columbia too", "In Columbia yes, in Tehran no?", "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad source of poverty and corruption", "Freedom is our definite right", "Fashist government should be destroyed", "Shame on the regime leave the university", "student torture is condemned". "we don't want dictator regime, we don't want mercenary police", "political prisoners must be freed", "shame on police, leave the university", "Fashist president, university is not your place".


more from David ET


by 3rdoptions (not verified) on

to answer your wuestions , ofcourse many were arrested and abducted arbitraily.How could you not know? and why are you soo much our of touch with the Iranian peoples' pain? At the moment there are at least 60 identified students in prison from Tehran Polytechnic,Alameh Uni.Tabriz Uni.Ahwaz , Ispahan and Elmo Sanat Uni.who are in prison, some under harsh conditions.So UNLIKE your suposition, THERE IS NO FREEDOM and this demonstration has cost them deerly. I suggest you praise thier courage and stop engaing your time with supporters of this regime. AND TO THE ADMIN OF THIS PAGE...PLEASE IDENTIFIY THE SOURCE!! i MEAN THANKS FOR GETTING THI SLINK FROM MY YOUTUBE SOURCE, BUT YOU CANT DELET THE LOGO FROM THE TOP LEFT AND USE IT . please explain you have ny email.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The question is: how many students have shouted? and how many students are studying in the universities in the IRI?
who can help?


Right....we protest 200,000+

by Arshan (not verified) on

Right....we protest 200,000+ in front of the white house and no one gets arrested, just imagine how many people would be hurt/arrested if that happened in front of the presidential palace in Tehran...


Kam naiavord, XERXES !

by Majid on

Kam naiavord ,  "javaab-e ablahaan khaamooshist " !!



by Majid on

You ever heared of something calle INTERNET?? or PHONE ?
Some of us still have relatives in Iran and we're in contact with them, with a few CLICKS , or DIALING!!!!
As of this afternoon, OCT. 11th.  Iranian.com still {{    IS    }}  filtered in Iran!!!!!!
So it's one of the two, either you're out of Iran and you're trying to bull shit everyone.... OR..... you're in Iran and have acsess to filtered sites like iranian.com and radiozamane.com....etc , like other people on SAVAMA's pay roll !!!!!  Get your head out of your ..... other HEAD! AHMAGH!
Yeah yeah yeah! we fell off the turnip truck yesterday !!
You saw us coming back from "posht-e kooh" ! but we were there to PISS on idiots like you!
Who is  "zer zer " ing now ? Open any dictionary and look for "zer zer" , and find your alias "XER XER" in front of it!
You're not even man enough to register! so you can hide behind an honorable name like XERXES !! shame on you! 
KHODETI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   


Seems to me that Mr. Bullshitter kam ovord

by XerXes (not verified) on

I think Bullshitter is a bit slow. How else could he be so arrogant and kind of stupid. A university student (From Tehran University, raised in southern Tehran!)and gets out of Iran and becomes, a Saltanat talab? something doesn't match up here. Maybe he is from Israel or lives there. That's more like it. Regardless who cares. I consider him more as a foreigner than Iranian and that's who he is. He certainly Kam ovord at the end.


Jimmy Joon

by Mard_e Sharghi (not verified) on

دويچه ‌وله :جيمی کارتر رئيس جمهور پيشين آمريکا جرج بوش را متهم کرد که به "اعلاميه جهانی حقوق بشر" پابند نيست و تعريف شخصی خودش را از حقوق بشر ابداع کرده است. کارتر در اين گفت‌وگو همچنين نسبت به گزينه حمله نظامی به ايران هشدار داد.

شب گذشته (دهم اکتبر) جيمی کارتر رئيس جمهور پيشين آمريکا در يک مصاحبه تلويزيونی با شبکه "سی ان ان" گفت: ,کشور ما برای نخستين بار در طول زندگی من، اصول اساسی حقوق بشر را زيرپا گذاشته است. ما اعلام کرده‌ايم که مصوبات پيمان ژنو قابل انطباق بر وضعيت زندانيان ابوغريب و گوانتانامو نيست و مي‌توانيم زندانيان را شکنجه دهيم و آنها را از اتهام خود بی خبر نگهداريم.,

جيمی کارتر گفت رئيس جمهور آمريکا تعريف خودش را از حقوق بشر ابداع کرده است. هفته پيش روزنامه نيويورک تايمز از وجود اسنادی در وزارت دادگستری آمريکا پرده برداشت که استفاده از روش‌های خشن اقرار گيری را توصيه کرده بودند. اين روش‌ها هم اکنون در بازجويي‌های افراد مظنون به تروريسم به کار گرفته مي‌شود.

بوش و"ابداع" تعريف جديدی از حقوق بشر

کاخ سفيد وجود اين اسناد را تأييد کرده اما اصل آنها را محرمانه و خارج از دسترس رسانه‌ها نگه‌داشته است. به دنبال اين گزارش جنجالي، جمعه گذشته رئيس جمهور آمريکا به خبرنگاران گفت: ,اين دولت مردم را شکنجه نمي‌دهد.,

جيمی کارتر گفت، اگر هنجارهای بين المللی اعلاميه جهانی حقوق بشر را طی شصت سال گذشته درنظر بگيريم، گفته بوش دقيق نيست. وی افزود: ,اگر ما تعريف خودمان را از حقوق بشر ابداع کنيم و شکنجه را هم به شيوه خودمان تعريف کنيم، آن وقت مي‌توانيم ادعا کنيم که از اصول تخطی نکرده‌ايم.,

کارتر گفته‌های جوليانی درباره‌ی حمله به ايران را "احمقانه" مي‌داند

در مورد احتمال حمله آمريکا به ايران، جيمی کارتر سخنان "رودی جوليانی"، نامزد اول حزب جمهوری خواه در انتخابات مقدماتی رياست جمهوری را "احمقانه" خواند و گفت اميدوار است آقای جوليانی رئيس جمهور نشود. رودی جوليانی گفته است آمريکا برای استفاده از نيروی نظامی عليه ايران بايد خود را آماده نگهدارد.

جيمی کارتر در مورد نامزدان حزب جمهوری خواه و رهبران اين حزب گفت، ,همه آنها به نظر مي‌رسد برای جنگ با ايران مي‌خواهند از يکديگر سبقت بگيرند. آنها برای جلب حمايت نيروهای راستگرای افراطی با يکديگر مسابقه گذاشته اند، در حاليکه اين نيروها اقليت کوچکی را در کشور ما تشکيل مي‌دهند.,


to Daryush

by anti bullshit (not verified) on

And this is the time I was waiting for it:
To prove to everybody how rediculose is when regime supporters try to act like a civilized human being. When it comes to the point that shows how weak is their logic (if there is any!) they start to terrorize the opponents. ( In this case I call them Internetian! terrorists)
"I don't believe you a bit that you went to the University in Iran and lived in Southern Tehran!!??"
Do I give a damn about what you believe? There is no difference between you guys. All are the same. " Hosein Shariatmadari" is your agent. Accusation, cursing, changing the subjects, lying...

There are people in Iran who don't deserve a democracy and you are one of those for sure.
I'm sorry for the time I wasted on talking to you.


To Bull

by Daryush on

You are even shy of saying that you are saltanat talab, and want to try "Regime change". I don't believe you a bit that you went to the University in Iran and lived in Southern Tehran!!?? Good for you. Go Bush, Go Reza, and go all the people who just want democracy, not the way to it, just the word. Yeah Hurray. hip hip.. Hurray to democracy. Forget working for it. Are you in welfare in the US? if not why not? You need to work buddy, work. You can't just get it. And if you were in Iran you would know what I just had said. If 1906 revolution was not taken by a bully khan, then we wouldn't have the Islamic Republic today. but we do, now you go hurray the "Secular" shahanshahi (A dead dream) good for you.


To Dariush

by anti bullshit (not verified) on

For you information, first of all I don't live in the USA and I've been in Iran enough and even I was in university in Iran during the Rafsanjani's era and I've been in military service and I've grown up in south of Tehran and never was rich and I know the culture very well so please don't patronize me because I know the reality of Iran is not what you describe.

If you are really patriotic stop the regime handing over the Caspean sea to the Russians then get ready to fight the America or Israel.
That's very funny the statistics you are giving about the Shah's time. You should think about the rate of growing not the result after 30 years.
Imagine a bucket is getting full by dripping and a bucket is getting full by puring the water but you stop that flow but you let the drops come in, of course after a while the first one is full and the second is not but you must be joking if you say the first one was a better and more efficient system. Since everybody knows about the improvement in Shah's era I really don't see any necessity to talk about it just keep in mind all the gas you are using for your car is coming from the refineries that Shah made...
Another cliche you are bring up about Reza shah and Britain is really useless buddy!
Since Reza shah did everything he could against the British interests, closing the British bank, defeating Khazaal, the list is very long and I am not going to mention it but I surprise even you don't see the fact he asked the Germans to make the railroad not British people. (People like you claim he made the railroad for England!)

You know what, there is no point for this discussion because I grown up in Islamic regime and what you say I've heard for years and I've studied a lot of books that were published in Iran and a lot of propaganda from leftists but I concluded what I believe now.
I respect Pahlavies but I am not a monorchist nessearily. I believe a Democratic and Liberal and sechular system in a monarchy or republic and I believe Iranians deserve to have it and they will get it soon.
By the way I don't get something;
How come Iranian people deserved a democracy in 85 years ago and based on your logic Reza shah deprived them from having it but now people still are not ready for a democracy?

Dear Dariush:

You try for your reform and I try for a regime change.


Service my country!!!

by IraniValiAzad (not verified) on

"I am among those who has returned to service my country".

What a bull$hiter you are Mr. Daryush, I am surely amazed. First of all Islamic goons are doing a fine job of "servicing" the country, particularly the "mouth" part, and I am sure they don't need your help.

Since when an Islamic society can be considered, even remotely, a "democratic" entity (as you called Iran a democratic state)? Islamic culture which breeds Islamic government, as in Fascism, is a tyrannical government and it doesn’t matter if you or those who pay you, change its name to “Rose”, it will stink to high heaven and no amount of perfume can help it, except to burry it, and burry it deep.


To Bull

by Daryush on

I live in Iran and I see the people on a daily basis. I travel because of
my job and can easily tell you that the Iranian situation is more economical
than political. The government has changed since the 30 years of revolution and is
becoming more stable and confident. The days of revolution is long gone. I
invite you to come and visit this beautiful country for yourself. When this regime
began, it was a lot of killing and murder and war, now the new generation (Even
Bache elkhounds) are more educated and modern than many shah people in LA. Now
you may dislike the ideological philosophy that the regime represents, but that
is the government of Iran. People do want a more relax system that allows them to
express themselves comfortably but nothing is given and freedom must be taken. I am
among those who has returned to service my country. I lived and worked in the US
for more than 20 years and I had enough of being a foreigner and wanted to live
in my homeland. I don't care for Akhunds, nor Shah agha gol. Unlike you, I see
Iran the way it is, with the culture and people. Frustration is obvious wherever
you go in the country, but no one will ever allow Shah to come back, impossible.
So as I mentioned in the last comment, there are no opposition exists right now
that is genuine and trustworthy. Therefore, realistically this is the regime
that we need to work with. But unfortunately you disappointed me by going to
empty Sho'aar (Akhund and people who get money from the regime). Let's say you
topple the regime tomorrow, do you think all the LA TV and opposition or even
reza kuchulu will be the voice of the new democratic Iran? If yes than you I
have nothing more to say, but realistically you know that it is more complicated
than that. As I have mentioned before, many of our problems(Also solutions) are
cultural. and needs time. Iran is moving forward, why don't YOU put the hate a
side and begin to help Iranians and the regime to reform? This regime is as
diverse as the country of Iran. Depending which voice you like, it is available
to be heard! You really don't know this Iran so I have to tell you every little
thing. Iran is not 5% northern Tehran, remember that when next time you want to
comment. About Reza Shah, whatever he did was for his time. They are things that
arguably good about his rule, but generally everything was done because the
British wanted an stable Iran so they have access to the goods in India and
transfer route. That is really another topic. The present Iran is much more
brighter than ever in the modern history of Iran. Remember that during the Shah,
with all the world's help and economical backings, only 35 mil population, we didn't have
school,electricity, drinking water in more than 80% of the country. You also you
may have your opinion, as long as your government doesn't attack my country! Iran is new to democracy and will make it. Your country (Where you live) still
struggles and supposedly is democratic for century or so...



To Daryush

by anti bullshit (not verified) on

You consider your theory as a theorem and start to reason based on that.
How do you know this regime represents a mass majority of Iranians? Did you have a referendum? Are you a psychic?
Why mass majority of Iranians should like this regime? Because of the disasterous situation of the economy? Because of the people that are dancing on the gallows in the streets? Because of the stolen money from them and given to Palestinans and at the same time 27000 death toll in road accidents due to unsafe roads conditions?
A person must be out of his mind to like this regime or getting benefits from them.

However I know something as a fact some people like this regime because a creature called "AKHOOND" never allowed them to think.
Sentence by sentence of your comment is chanting and yourself know better than anyone what you are talking about is not true. We are living in 21th century and there is no more time left to waste.
You are entitled to have your opinion and as long as you don't impose it to anyone by violence is respected but please talk for yourself and keep in mind" YOU ARE NOT IRANIAN PEOPLE SPOKESPERSON".

About Reza shah or what you say Reza khan for one time in your life stop being full of hate and think. There is a united Iran today because of Reza shah.
Reza shah didn't abolish constitutional revolution and democracy, the constitutional revolution was abolished and democracy was a "pure chaos" that Reza shah took the power.


To Anti Bull

by Daryush on

Fighting when attacked is defending your country and land. There are no
excuses. You may not like Bush but in the military you have to obey, whether you
agree or disagree with the war and/or the government.

I am somehow puzzled by some of you. I am not a supporter of IRI but I don't
see any options at this time. I am a realist and think that we need to work this
system out and reach where we like to be. We can't sit in a country outside and
prescribe democracy for the people. The government of Iran is Corrupt,
dictatorial, Religious and many other things, but the people of Iran are not all
what you frame them to be. Believe me when I say that this IRI represents a mass
majority of the Iranians and their mentality. Take a trip here and go from north
to south, to villages and towns and country sides. What do you think you are
going to encounter? People need to grow culturally first before understanding
the meaning of Democracy or Mardomgarayee. We are not there yet, and never a
group of people or military can prescribe democratic formula. IRI is the
legitimate government of Iran. You and many might disagree with it, but instead
of thinking demolish, think reform. Because that's where we are in Iran,
realistically. If we all merge our paths, then we have hope to reach a dream of
a prosperous country. We can have that once we work with the tools that we have.
We can't hand our land to a foreigner or a westerner. We have worked too hard to
have our independence. Many countries around the world envy us. Why do you think
that the west is so against Iran? because of Nukes or IRI? Think again. Because
we are strong and have an independent ideology that endangers western dominance
and interests. We in Iran demand the westerners to comply with our regional
interests that in the long run will be theirs also. Iran is not fighting anyone
and the movements in Iran for Rights, is well and alive. Would you like to stop
that and bring the "image" of democratic regime in Iran instead?  Most Iranians
don't. (We won't be better than Egypt, besides the fact that our movements will be pushed back at least 50-70 years-refer to the 1906 revolution and Reza khan take over)think about what I have written here. No one will allow Iran to succeed and reach her potentials but the people


About XerXes I can just say"

by Anti bullshit (not verified) on


nothing else!


Any one arrested or Hurt?

by Puya (not verified) on

As far as I know no students were hurt or arrested. That shows at least a semi-democratic presence!


To Answer

by XerXes (not verified) on

--Anti (not really anti) bullshit: You said it dude. Stay there in the US and shut up about my country. And yes if your US army attacks I will with my brothers fight for MY COUNTRY. You stay and fight for yours and your flag and president. Look you "maahiyat" is very well known, you can't hide behind the so called "Democratic American Ideology and come here preach freedom to us Iranians who are more mature and educated than you and know our history and region. You might know California or mid-west US, so go to their site and preach to them about Bush or presidential candidates and leave Iran for Iranians (Since you have said also that any attack on Iran would be on Iranian regime, that shows how concern you are as an American for the Iranian People in Iran that I am one of them).
--Majid: You will never see Iran becoming the land under the US or west control. We will reach our democracy our way. So I now wake up and tell you that Iran is for me and my brothers and country man and women who are living, fighting, building and struggling inside the country to make it better and YOU and LIKE you should stay in your home and country (USA) and be concern about them. If people want your mentality to be the dominant one, then they will fight here and reach it (God forbid) but for better of worse, we are in Iran very awake and for am American to tell me to wake up is the joke of the century. (You may have forgotten how stupid American metality was when for the first time encountering it, from geography to politics or whatever...that is if you are a first generation, if not the others will know what I am saying, You now sound just like those arrogant bastards who like to bully because they now THINK they have the power living in the US.) Come to Iran the zerzer kon or you like your kind bullshitter dude shuuuuuut uuuuup.
XerXes out. Iran for Iranians (Not you Americans)



by Majid on

Don't we wish you would get wise and wake up from your dream? 


what you thinks?

by what you thinks (not verified) on

در گوگول من یک گزرشگر ایرانی را دیدم که یک نفر را با نقا ب نشان میداد ومیگفت ما اینها را به ایران از انگلیسمی فرستیم تا سدها وماکز صنعتی ایران را بمب بگذارند....این مردک احمق ایرانی تروریست چطوراحآ زه دارد در انگلیس و یا حای دیگر برنامه دا شته و ملت دیگری را تحد ید کند.....آگر با آخوندا مشگل دا رند بروند آخوند ها را ترور کنند.....نه ملت......یآ اماکن صنعتی ایران.....که اگر من هم دستم به یک آدم خرآبکاری مانند این میرسید حتما دستور اعدام او را صادر میکردم.....ما بآ ملت آیران مشگل نداریم یآ کا رخا نه ها و یا سد ها و آثار باستا نی و زن وبچه مردم.....



by old mcdonald (not verified) on

marg bar dictator... i wish you guyz the best of luck. thanks for standing up againts this disgusting regime.



by Proud Iranian (not verified) on


Thank you for your courage, for the bravery to state the obvious despite the fear that has been instilled in your hearts. We hear your voices loud and clear! And please know that the Iranian diaspora stands with you!

This horrific, demonic, faschist, anti-Iranian, and anti-Semitic regime will come to an end one day. BELIEVE.....EVIL CANNOT LAST FOREVER!!


Fighting for my land is

by anti bullshit (not verified) on

Fighting for my land is different from fighting for the regime's interests.

Let me explain it in an example:

When Iraq attacked Iran people were fighting for their land and when saddam asked for peace but Khomeini denied Basiji and pasdars were fighting for their regime and khomeini not their country. ( Of course the army is different because they have no choice but listen to oeders).

Now let me answer to you bluntly:
Nobody wants to attack my land but possibly some countries will attack the regime that already has occupied my land and no, I AM NOT GOING TO DEFEND THIS REGIME AND PARTICIPATE IN ANY WAR WITH THEM LET PEOPLE WHO GOT BENEFITED BY THESE MULLAHS DIE FOR THESE MULLAHS.

Let Palestinans and Hezbollahis die for them since Iranian money is going to their pocket.
It is very interesting when the regime comes to danger they play with patriotism cards. No dude! This regime has nothing to do with Iran and Iranians and Iranian culture.


To Anti Bull

by Daryush on

What? Very interesting. You are right, talk is cheap because you don't pay a cent for your opinion here. But let me ask you something, regardless of what happened to my father,whether is a dream (Or done by this regime). Are you going to come home and fight for your land? if you have kids are you willing to come and fight with them? Talk IS cheap. I AM in Iran. I Will fight. Hope to see you when this country needs you. You should know better where you are standing. I am here in my country, for good or bad, working to make it better. I choose to be here to make it better. Talk IS cheap. You are right. 


First the question of

by Alborzi (not verified) on

First the question of passing the filter, essentially if you
got money/or power then you have access to proxies that bypass the filter.
On a different subject, its really useless to debate which regime was worst, its very easy to say Shah was the cowardest,
he left Hoveida in jail as gift to Khomeini. While his generals were fighting he left them to be killed. I think their defense in
Iraq-Iran war was just heroic. I do not agree with some of their policies, including population control, but only Iranians (the ones who put up with mullahs daily) should do what they want and foreigners (the one outside Iran) should not say "jofteshkon"???


Dariush To my knowledge just

by anti bullshit (not verified) on


To my knowledge just the Islamic regime cuts the fingers.
Lotfollah meisami has no hands and no eyes and he didn't loose them because of savak but because he was making a bomb and it exploded.( Don't take it as an insult but talking is cheap and cutting somebody's fingers by savak to me is not credible.

However everybody knows the situation of everything and specially the university in Shah's era and the current regime.
Most people found out and some people don't want to find out.

Savak use to fight with terrorists. Mojahed, chreek or moslem terrorist. That's good this revolution exactly declared these people's identity.
Even talking about savak brutality in Islamic regime presence is a joke...


To Anti Bull

by Daryush on

I am not pro IRI, but I am not pro any opposition either. I do believe in the gradual trial and error that will make our culture ready for change rather than just the regime. Like many things in Iran, forbitten doen't mean anything. That is true that many laws are stupid, but so what. The regime knows that everyone breaks them too. But again, so what? We are not an static society that have a unchangable government, rather Iran is very dynamic and the regime will adjust based on the movements. There are no quick answer. We have to find our ways. And My father was jailed and totured (Missing five fingers) in Iran because the Savak thought he was anti regime (He wasn't). So to me University in Iran was as dark as it could get. I am much older than you ( I assume) and believe me when I say there is NO WAY during the shah students could demonstrate like this. Savak was frightening. You don't know, I know. You go find out...



by Faisal (not verified) on

...then this what we call irony, they called him dictator, if he is, they wont be able to call him that 'like that'


Dariush Ask your older

by anti bulshit (not verified) on


Ask your older relatives how the university was in Shah's era then come here and wright these stupid comments.
Even Dr. Maleki whose identity is fighting with shah says comparing freedom and independence of universities in Shah's and Mullah's regime is absurd.
I don't understand something:
If Iranian.com is filtered in Iran why even the regime supporters like you have no respect for the laws passed by their favorite regime and visit it?
Either they know these laws like the others are stupid that it rises this question why they like a regime that passes stupid laws or they get paid to visit these websites and wright these stuff.


Another example of Freedom in Iran

by Daryush on

Here goes to show the "opposition" that Iran is not like the Shah era when no one could even think of "looking" suspicious. Iran is a vibrant democratic nation that is moving to become freer. It is my country and I am proud to live in it


Don't you wish you were as free

by XerXes (not verified) on

Don't you wish you were as free as we are here in Iran. We are more democratic than we get credit for.