The comfortable generation

My generation of course isn’t blowing up a mall, but we don’t really do anything about anything

20-Jan-2008 (17 comments)
My generation doesn’t understand social justice. Not in the same unified or practical way your generation did. We are scattered around the world and our daily acts of organized or individual charity doesn’t go any where. And for the most part, we don’t care, I’m being honest. It doesn’t bother us that giving some old clothes to Salvation Army doesn’t do much for anyone. We don’t mind what is going on in Iran (talk in mehmoonis, or blogs on don’t count). We do nothing practical. We don’t organize. We’re too busy with ourselves>>>


Modern maturity

My friends, if you have something reasonable to say, say it politely

18-Jan-2008 (35 comments)
We should be grateful to the publishers of this journal for providing this public forum so that fellow Iranians and others can express their opinions and post their comments. We should certainly be able to do that with outmost respect for each other and no verbal harassment. Those who responded to my article with their thoughtfully crafted comments, I appreciate your sincerity. Those who were agitated by my arguments and made hostile remarks merely revealed a lack of analytical capacity to engage the topic. I intentionally didn’t respond to individuals because I didn’t want to legitimize their ad hominem attacks>>>


Freedom to explore

Interview with Mamak Khadem on her new album "Jostojoo"

"I ended up discovering how many things we all share - especially in music. I first thought about doing these beautiful songs in their original languages but I soon realized that I can express myself more openly and effectively in my native language, Farsi. So I married the work of some Persian master poets such as Rumi and Shamloo to the melodies. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to use musicians from Iran as well as non-Iranian musicians and I am so thrilled with the combination of players on this album from folk traditions, contemporary world music and from the jazz scene">>>


یک اسرائیلی ویک ایرانی

گفتگوی رویای صلح خاور میانه

18-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
در نوشته (من دلم فرار میخواهد)، درد دلهای مشکلات و مسائل خاورمیانه را با یاد راشل زرگریان، دوست یهودی دوران کودکی ام در میان گذاشتم. 35 سال پیش قبل از اینکه دست سرنوشت مارا ازهم جدا کند، ما یار ودوست و همکلاسی دوران کودکی هم بودیم. من فقط این را میدانستم که اواز ایران رفته واحتمالا در اسرائیل زندگی میکند. اما او بطور اتفاقی نوشته مرا در سایتی اینترنتی میخواند و بلافاصله در جستجوی من از اسرائیل با من تماس میگیرد و باهیجان و اشتیاق غیر قابل وصفی برای دیداری با من درلندن، بار سفر میبندد.>>>


Are we ready for democracy?

Iran Survey 2008

16-Jan-2008 (6 comments)
If we want to change policy, we have to change the present circumstances, the clichee iranian type. We can change that, by changing the medias attitude. It is us in the west, who have to draw the media´s attention to the, let us call it a fact, that Iranians are Democrats and deserve to be supported. But a fact is something, which needs evidence. Every Iranian can proove and contribute by taking time (5 minutes), just clicking in the survey... I will pass on the results to the media in Germany. Despite the survey naturally may not be representative, it could be seen as a very small step>>>


For your next president

Making sure a candidate wins who supports our positions

15-Jan-2008 (19 comments)
As the California primary comes closer, it is incumbent that our Iranian-American community come show up at the election polls and vote for a candidate which takes a stance against military confrontation with Iran. Unfortunately, many of the Republican and some Democratic candidates have not taken this position and continue to leave the military option on the table. It is important for us as Iranian-Americans to vote in the California Primary, given that it is the state with the largest number of delegates and the state most likely to determine the next US President>>>


Photographing people

Photographing people

Photo essay

by shahireh sharif
14-Jan-2008 (3 comments)



Hollywood’s war on terror

Films: In the Valley of Elah, Rendition, The Kingdom, Lions for Lambs and Redacted

11-Jan-2008 (7 comments)
Wouldn’t it be funny if one day, when all our current political concerns have vanished into the mist of time, we are brought back to life and judged by disheveled archaeologists whose faces are layered with dust? How would we fare if they used our filmography to divine our collective mind the way we use cuneiform tablets to guess at the zeitgeist of the ancient Sumerians? The answer to that question would depend on which shelf of footage is exposed in the dig. We would do quite well if our judges relied on Hollywood’s critique of the American posture at the outset of the 21st century >>>


Mind it!

Getting into a typical Iranian’s mind

09-Jan-2008 (20 comments)
Although there are many reasons we should believe that Iranians are very bright, intelligent, and ambitious people as individuals, but based on my limited observation and in contrast to my usual way of thinking I respectfully have to admit that most of us are socially stupid. Forgive me! I try hard not to generalize since it is the generalization that is the root cause of our social stupidity. To know how I have reached to this conclusion I should go back and give you some background materials>>>


Hatred tree

No one in my new home could pronounce my name

07-Jan-2008 (4 comments)
Today I asked my mother why she named me Azarin. My name, Azarin, means a type of volcanic rock similar to granite. When volcanoes erupt, granite rocks are thrust into space, and when they first contact air, they lose their heat and turn worthless, items unusable for any kind of jewelry. Granite rocks are two-faced. One minute they are hot, and the next minute they turn cold. One minute they are red, and the next minute black. >>>


Who cares?

I am angry! At me, the girl who stares back at me in the mirror

03-Jan-2008 (6 comments)
“I AM ANGRY?” Is it even important how I feel? What I want? What I write about? Does my anger even matter when Britney Spears’ 16-year-old sister is pregnant? Could I possibly have something provoking to say when Paris Hilton just lost all of her inheritance to charity? Can I possibly have something more enraging to be angry about when so and so just got engaged and the other couple from last year's wedding filed for a divorce? I mean who cares what I have to say? Everyone has so much to worry about already. JC Penny's “16-hour post holiday sale” is ticking down and Macy's has that “two days only end of the year, new year special” going on right now so why would anyone in their right mind be reading this instead?>>>


نیاوران، فرمانیه و مادام ساعی

یادش بخیر روزهای پر از رنگ های نارنجی و آبی

02-Jan-2008 (5 comments)
عاشق رانندگی در اتوبانهای شلوغ تهران بودم .ساعت یازده ی هر روز صبح دوباره به مادام ساعی زنگ می زدم تا از تو خبر بگیرم و تو همیشه به پای تلفن می آمدی و با صدای معصومت می گفتی هنوز ساعت دو نشده که تو بیایی ؟ این عقربه های ساعت هر روز دیر تکان می خورد و من در تب و تاب آمدن برای در آغوش کشیدنت پر و بال می زدم . >>>


Ditch the diet!

Why not add some ‘Super foods’ to your daily diet instead?

02-Jan-2008 (9 comments)
Yet another year goes by and I find myself tracing the same familiar steps I have taken in years gone by. Know the feeling? First, we overdose at Christmas, promising to diet in January, then we make New Years resolutions, normally including some form of diet or exercise commitment, which we solemnly swear to uphold, but by the second week of January, we’re back to our old ways and that extra holiday weight is hanging off our midriffs looking like it’s ready to set up permanent residence. Deja vu? Nice try, but I think we all know it is nothing but pure laziness that holds us back.>>>


Sense of rebellion

Erfan: Modern day Persian poet

02-Jan-2008 (4 comments)
A new generation of Iranian artists are striving for the mutation of our music. For those who have been waiting for a change, the time is now and there is a new wave of talented Rock and Hip-Hop artists reaching out to us. This goes a long way toward explaining the large majority of our Iranian pop music culture. However, every once in a while an album will make its way past reviewer after reviewer and deservedly earn high marks with nary a scratch. I believe this will be the story with Iran’s hip-hop messiah, Erfan, and his debut Album, “Az Khaneh ta Goor”>>>


A visit to see Amma

You feel blue, I have been blue, let me, Amma (Mamma) hug you

30-Dec-2007 (7 comments)
Alexandra Palace in north London on a grey morning in December – a Thursday. An Indian-looking man in a bright orange parka is guarding the driveway to the grand Victorian exhibition centre at the top of Alexandra Park. A banner next to him announces the presence of Amma – born Mata Amritanandamayi – "The hugging saint." White women in white saris, men clad in white, wearing beards, smiles, or looks of utter seriousness, make their way in and out of the main hall which, as their feet testify, you can only enter in socks>>>