
'Who Exactly Is The Provocateur?'

Ahmadinejad interview in New York

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National Public Radio, Morning Edition, September 23, 2008: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is expected to criticize the U.S. during an address this week to the United Nations General Assembly. But in an interview with NPR, Ahmadinejad disputed that was his intention — up to a point. Speaking to Steve Inskeep through an interpreter, Ahmadinejad said, "We do not have confrontations with anyone. The U.S. administration interferes, and we defend ourselves." Ahmadinejad said that diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States should continue to open up, citing a willingness to cooperate to uphold security in Iraq >>> FULL TEXT



حاجی آقا

امیر کبیر در راه مبارزه با کشت خشخاش و دفع شیعه و مالاریا (not verified)

انشالله اگر شما تصمیم گرفتید بر گردید ایران، هیچ خطری شما را تهدید نمیکند. بطور کلی دولت ایران افرادی که به اشتباه خود معترفند و خطری برای بقای انگلیس ایجاد نمیکنند را کاری بکارشان ندارد.

بهرصورت در آن مملکت به شما بیشتر خوش خواهد گذشت و از شر گرفتاریهای کانادا نیز راحت خواهید شد.

شاید یک همسر کپل مپل نیز پیدا کنید و جبران گذشته.

ماراهم در جریان بگذارید

Darius Kadivar

Adieu Mahmoud ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Ciao ...


 La Résistance s'organise


Ami, entends-tu le vol noir des corbeaux sur nos plaines ?
Ami, entends-tu les cris sourds du pays qu'on enchaîne ?
Ohé, partisans, ouvriers et paysans, c'est l'alarme.
Ce soir l'ennemi connaîtra le prix du sang et les larmes.

Montez de la mine, descendez des collines, camarades !
Sortez de la paille les fusils, la mitraille, les grenades.
Ohé, les tueurs à la balle et au couteau, tuez vite !
Ohé, saboteur, attention à ton fardeau : dynamite...

C'est nous qui brisons les barreaux des prisons pour nos frères.
La haine à nos trousses et la faim qui nous pousse, la misère.
Il y a des pays où les gens au creux des lits font des rêves.
Ici, nous, vois-tu, nous on marche et nous on tue, nous on crève...

Ici chacun sait ce qu'il veut, ce qu'il fait quand il passe.
Ami, si tu tombes un ami sort de l'ombre à ta place.
Demain du sang noir sèchera au grand soleil sur les routes.
Chantez, compagnons, dans la nuit la Liberté nous écoute...

Ami, entends-tu ces cris sourds du pays qu'on enchaîne ?
Ami, entends-tu le vol noir des corbeaux sur nos plaines ?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...

Darius Kadivar

Tehranis Fed up with Ahmadinejad (bbc)

by Darius Kadivar on

Tehran - A tale of two cities?

The political mood in the bustling bazaars of the Iranian capital may be changing.

Iran's conservative non-reformist President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces re-election next year - and many of the country's senior figures are despairing of his record in power and looking for other potential candidates.

For Radio 4's From Our Own Correspondent, Hugh Sykes went to Tehran to gauge the feeling on the streets.

In the city's crowded bread shops and vegetable markets, he found many people wanting change.




by choghok on

First of all you should improve your English (or learn French) so that Canadian authorities can understand you.

Also nobody forces you to live in Canada you can buy a ticket and go to your promise land and buy a house next to your hero Ahmadinejad and worship the ground he walks on.

The meaning of tax is the benefit it gives you like health care, school and social welfare. If you earn that much money that you would not want that from the state then you earn a lot and should not complain about Canada. If you do earn little or normal then you are protected by the state.

So stop whining and do something about your situation cause hazrate Abbas is busy helping 70 million people in Iran.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


antarinejad speech in UN & lary king

by gold fish (not verified) on



by hajiagha on

I was send my video to them ans I hops I get answer ?

why no one complain about canada or human right in canada ?

why always Iran?

Canada have over 200.000 homeless,

we have so many land few population but government of canada have hand over every things and we are not free to move and live in are land? they send police and charge the people with jail,

they collect large tax, they are selling are oil or gas or are wood industry, we have diamond or gold...we do not know where are this money go?

and why I should complain about Iran?


he is good man I trust him

by hajiagha on

I am not afraid to call him my hero and Chops one day I back in Iran and work for him, because I learn some things from Canadian , and never trust united nation or any one talk about human right, If you had chance to live in canada and if you do not? you should be worry about are life and are future in canada as Iranian. every things in canada are controlled by the Canadian police or law , from are land stolen or belong to government or every things should be free here and not? we pay large tax , and after all day after day a new law from are stupid government to collect more money from us, I never saw worst regime as Canadian government in my life and why I change my ideas about Iranian government because they are nice people they are not collect tax like canada or pass the law every day to rub the Iranian, expensive cost of the living in canada for low income and better life for those are working for government of canada, is like dictatorship program here, I send e-mail or complain but no one care ? no answer? I send only one e-mail to Dr, Ahmadinejad and he return my e-mail from his office , he is nice man he understand Iranian what they want he need support also Mr, JJ

لطفا کاریکاتور های من را از روی ایرانیان بردار من ادم دیگری هستم درکانادا ظلم و بی عدالتی را بدتر از ایران دیدم و چه بلا های بر سر من امده که شما خبر ندارید لطفا کاریکاتور ها را بردار
حسین حاجی اقا


Ahmadinejad: 'American empire' nearing its end

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad Says He Is Willing to Meet With Obama Without Preconditions

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be a guest on "Larry King Live" tonight on CNN.
