Vartan Gregorian

Life as an immigrant from Iran in America

Extremely inspiring! Tabriz-born Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation and former President of the New York Public Library and Brown University, delivers the keynote address for advanced-degree candidates at Stanford University's 115th Commencement at Elliott Field. "We have to learn to be good ancestors to the future," he reminds students.'


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A very inspiring speach

by yinzer (not verified) on

A very inspiring speach by a very eloquent Iranian. I highly recommend listening to it in it's entirety.

Party Girl

Don't miss this chance to get inspired!

by Party Girl on

I highly recommend watching this clip and showing it to your children and all the young Iranians you know.  I know it is a bit long, but certainly worth the time.  Vartan Gregorian is a remarkable individual and someone who is proud of his Iranian identity, even though he was so young when he came to US in 1956, and yes, even though as an Armenian Iranian, it would have been relatively easy for him to drop the "Iranian" bit of his identity.  Spend some time and learn about this amazing man and his message to his audience.  I believe it will be time well-spent.