Nooshin Hashemi

Iranian-Americans must engage in civic process

Nooshin Hashemi, president of H.A.N.D. foundation encouraging Iranian-Americans to engage in civic process, register and vote and let their community's voice be heard.


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my vote is set and ready to go

by anon mous guide (not verified) on

Sorry for jumping in without any invitations. my vote is for Obama & Biden even though they have certain foreign policy similar to Republican parties. Well, at least Obama is willing to talk to Iranians and smooth the process. Thank you to Nooshin Hashemi for positive steps.


Without voting we wouldn't even have this so called democracy!

by gol-dust on

Wasn't it because of a few hundred votes that Bush cheated, he got into office? Wasn't it the time that many americans would say "oh, they are all the same, it's not going to make a difference who is in the office"?

Now, look and see what not voting for a right person did! 911 (US & Israel worked together to make sure it would happen so they could justify therir plan for middle east wars, oil and security of israel), two wars with a cost of over trillion, many dead and wounded for life american soldiers, millions of iraqis dead, orphans, prostitutes, refugees, AVAREH,with a collapsed econmomy not only in Iraq, in the US as well costing us tax payers trillions. Not even to metion the almost war on Iran!

At the same time, companies connected to bush/cheney got billions including the bailout! When are we going to wake up and see the damages done during the republicans since 1980 where deficit rose from a trillion to 11 trillions? It took the country 200 years to accumulate one trillions! What about the future of this country and our reputation abroad! Remeber, our children are Americans and they are going to pay for that!

Now, you don't want to vote? If not, it shows how ignorant you are, Whoever you are! 


it's ok

by anon mous guide (not verified) on

she is just asking to vote, republicans and democrats have similar agenda; it is just the way both parties execute the process within a democratic society. You still need laws and rules to run the country. It is impossible to just keep the doors open to people for anything they want to do. If you have children you probably let them to play but you continue to supervise them just for the sake of their safety. We still have and will have billions of people that require guidance and rules. The kind of democracy you are looking for never exist and living day to day is going to get even harder (means more rules and corruptions). Sorry, day dreaming is over.


How seriously sad!

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

When someone has to plead others to read a bloody newspaper.

United States of OLIGARCHY.

It has never been a democracy, but as a PR slogan.

A democracy requires ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP.

They don't even read a paper?


democracy !!!!!!!

by mony on

I think you are very naive.  democracy here? in usa!!!!!!!!!