Khomeini in hospital

Last days



Your hero is my oppressor and vice versa!

by vali (not verified) on

Whether people like him or not, he was the leader of a revolution that changed the course of history (for better or worse). To some he was an evil man, to many he is a hero. He accomplished his goal of bringing what he believed in (good or bad) into existence. He was an achiever not an intellectual. He is worshiped by many and condemned by others. And that's how history always remembers influential leaders (someone's savior is another's tyrant).


To colonel Hemaghat

by Sibil (not verified) on

You are truly the representative of your king and that dark era of Iran.
Listen to yourself you old fart and don't expect the new generation to listen to your sad ass stories from your glorious past? Get a life you old pervert.



by Ridam too dahane mohammad (not verified) on

Fuck him and his fucking shitty ancestor with him.


To Sarbaz Noghlali Hemayat

by Shahpour Gholam Reza (not verified) on

For your information, Khomeini kicked your master the Shah, who himself was a nokar of US, out of the country. Your God Shahanshah Aryazmehr and his mighty Army (the most powerful in the region) was crushed by him. That's how he had charisma. How come you stupid, coward, and traitor didn't stay in the battle front to defend your master? You disloyal treacherous nokar escaped from the country before him! You must be court martialed and sent to hell. Shame and "tof" on your uniform!



by Saggezard (not verified) on

If there is an afterlife he is paying in hell. If there is no afterlife he is paying with a filthy reputation. He was truly Ruh-Olagh.



امام سلمان ابن رشدیُ و همسر گرامی. اطفال کارت جداگانه دارند (not verified)

شما بگین اون بهتر بود یا این خانم فرح دیبا تون؟

صبر کنین شاه همین روزا بر میگرده....



by Behnam.sezavar on

Well well well , Irannegah is bringing the heat i see alots of people get sensitive when they see khomeini, thats pretty normal tho specially for me!!! ehy dont we watch these videos and learn from them see where Iran went wrong or we went wrong and steps can we take to fix it and lets start the fixing from ourself, istead of going off on khomeini or shah, this is our Iran and lets act like it , agaian Thnx to irannegah to making website this strong


درود برخمینی بت شکن



درود برخمینی بت شکن.....پاسپورت بدهید با یک خونه یک حا ج خانم و یک شغل منا سب در ایران ما کون مانتو کانا دا پار ه شد به خدا چقدر بد بختی عملگی ......درود بر خودم درود بر خدا ....ما آزادی نخوا ستیم.....همه جا گوه .....دختر خانم ها ی مجرد به حاجی هم سری بزنید ...


This JJ became like Khomeni and thinks like khomeni

by ha ha ha (not verified) on

and why he censor your comment others , there is no reason to cut ans delete comment if you not afraid or have any things to hiding from publics ha ha ha jj ha ha ha jj


Read this and say this is Genocide or not and stop deleting

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

Since the coming of theocratic regime to power in Iran, the regime leaders have dedicated significant resources to restructuring Iranian culture and values. Iranians are now vigorously-encouraged to choose Arabic/Islamic names for their children , and a large number of Iranian names have been outlawed . Many pre-Islamic historical and archaeological sites have been devastated under the cover of development projects: destroyed as part of highway and railway track construction ; contaminated irreparably by chemical factories ; undermined by nearby hotels ; obliterated as part of mining ; or submerged beneath dam reservoirs . There have even been threats to bulldoze Persepolis . In general, pre-Islamic Iranian heritage has been downplayed and undermined in favour of the promotion of Islamic culture , the Islamic way of life, and above all the Arabic language. There have even been systematic attempts to change to ‘Farsi’ the name used in the international community for the Persian language – as a political statement .

Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic regime, publicly made no secret of his contempt for pre-Islamic Iranian culture – deriding everything Iranian from Noruz to the Persian language. According to Roya Hakakian :

“. . [Khomeini] made no secret of his contempt for the non-Muslim dimensions of Iranian life. He injected Persian with so many Arabic words that it confounded the ordinary listener, something for which he compensated by repetitiveness.”

This attitude was mirrored in the views of many other prominent members of the Islamic regime. Although the Friday Sermons organised by the Islamic Republic say little about the Persian language – indicating its perceived relative lack of importance – a detailed and explicit statement was made in 1981 by Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in his role as the Islamic Republic’s Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council. On that occasion, he linked the fate of the Persian language directly to that of Persian nationality: in his view of the future, both shall vanish :

“. . we believe that the future [is] Arabic, not Persian . . on the day the united Islamic government is established, certainly its language cannot be anything but Arabic”.

Some senior regime members are less negative – at least in their words, if not in their actions. Ali Khamenei, then the state President and the current Spiritual Leader of the Islamic Republic, emphasised the importance of the Persian language in 1988 in a speech entitled “The Greatness of the Persian Language and the Necessity of Protecting it” . He spoke about:

“[the] revolutionary duty to promote the national language, and [how] that national language constitutes the most important and original determinant of cultural identity for any nation”.

He then asserted the past and present international importance of the Persian language in the Islamic world, and especially in India and Central Asia, concluding that:

“[Today,] Persian is the language of true . . and revolutionary Islam”.

More recently, various Islamic commentators have been somewhat less committed to the Persian language. For example, in 2003, Naser Pourpirar demanded that the national language of Iran should be replaced with Arabic :

“It is very unfortunate that we cannot put the Persian language aside and replace it with the language of Qur’an. However the future of Iran is at the hand of Islamic Unity. Spreading the Arabic language among Iranian youths and incorporating it more seriously into the education system . . can make a foundation for such Islamic Unity.”



WHY? Isn’t that true?

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

Why my post about genocide of Iranian and Iranian culture got deleted? WHY? Isn’t that true?


SO WHAT?????

by Anonymous2 (not verified) on

I really dont know why this video was put here!! are you trying to prove the freedom of speech??? are you defending this regym??? i really dont understand what are you guys trying to prove??? This is the same old shit all Iranians already know!!! oh my god give us a break!!!


again from "Emam Khomeini"

by "Emam Khomeini" (not verified) on

man oon ahmaghyiee ro ke darmorede ma khoob harfe mizanand, va hanooz nafahmideand ke ma che khaki be sareshan zadeem, toye dahaneshan, shyayad ham toye goosheshan mizanam.

faghat in nabashad ke man tanha dar jahanam besoozam. as sheytaneh bozoorg mikhaham ke shoma bad bakht haye be adab ra be dared ma dochar konad, dar miyane atash besazo besooz...


خدایش بیامرزاد

Anonymous1 (not verified)

خدایش بیامرزاد


form Emam Khomeini

by "Emam Khomeini" (not verified) on

man oon ahmaghyiee ro ke darmorede ma khoob harfe mizanand, va hanooz nafahmideand ke ma che khaki be sareshan zadeem, toye dahaneshan, shyayad ham toye goosheshan mizanam.

faghat in nabashad ke man tanha dar jahanam besoozam. as sheytaneh bozoorg mikhaham ke shoma bad bakht haye be adab ra be dared ma dochar konad, dar miyane atash besazo besooz...


Consciousness !!!!!

by Consciousness (not verified) on

After this unfortunate experience in our history, what lesson has been learnt?
Please allow me to tell you this little story:
According to modern cosmologists, Our Galaxy was created 13.8 billion years ago! Our own planet Earth was formed 3.8 billion years ago. The first Organisms : 2 billion years ago which later evolved into Plants & then Animals & finally to us, THE HOMOSPIENS!
According to extensive scientific facts through DNA, the oldest trace of human beings goes between 60,000 to 150,000 thousand years only! Our oldest known civilizations & languages are only about 5000 years old on an average! (oldest 15,000 years old...)
So, it is fair to say that we are at the very early stages of our infancy & evolution on this planet!
If we look at history at this past 5000 years, it is also fair to say that we have not learnt much ! We are the only spicies on this planet that has managed to kill others and most frequently in the name of GOD!!! We have been equipped with formidable technologies and we are on the verge of this planet's destruction & self extinction, unless we MAKE A RADICAL SHIFT IN OUR LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS ONE BY ONE, AND ONE PERSON AT THE TIME TO BREAK THIS IMATURE, STUPID & VICIOUS CYCLE!
For more info please see Deepak Chopra's lecture on peace at the United Nations

Kouroush Sassanian

Khalyegh arche laegh!

by Kouroush Sassanian on

He, like Ghangis was sent to punish the Persians for having sold out their religion, language and their dignity. I think it was a blessing he came back to Iran. It has to get a lot worse, before it gets better. Perhaps a day will come when Persians realize Islam is what has kept them ignorant, if not no biggie at all, as I am laughing all the way to the Bank!

Thank you for posting this old video, because it reminds these morons it was their choice. Hala bekeshen va bekeshen paen!

Oh, I have got to take my dog to the Mosque again. He has to go everytime I mention Islam or khomieni. Go Figure!



by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

What kind of charisma did he have exactly have? Was he like Franko; kicking Spain off the Reds ? did he Crush the Nazi war machine like Stalin did?  or he was like General Tito keeping a falling nation together? was he like Hitler  fucking up the whole wide world? for SHIT's sake, did he shake the world by a 911 like event? Did he have the guts to defeat SADDAMM?  This smelly peice of shit, named KHOMANAIEE, was NOTHING but a BAD OMEN for IRAN.





RE: "Shahrokh T " shoma ham be hamchenin

by Shahrokh T (not verified) on

pas gradani 98.2% be khoshon zandand. If you are one of those, how does it feel?
Shahrokh T


Khomeini pushed Iran and the

by Anonymous13 (not verified) on

Khomeini pushed Iran and the Iranian culture further into the cesspool of medievalism and barberity of original Islamic Occupiers. Iran might never survive this latest assault and might forever be discareded to a dustbin of history as a culture and people among other wiped out civilizations. Iranians in 20 years or so will be all speaking Arabic...

He was a vengeful, brutal psychopath like Charles Manson who had some kind of "charisma", which I will never comprehend, among the Islamic thugs and their savage families.


To Greatest Leader

by Anony (not verified) on

You and your son of a bitch "Emam Khomeini" should rot in hell! "Directing people toward their true objective in life"...what a bunch of crock! You son of bitch and the rest of those filthy, flee-infested akhoonds know nothing BUT tan-parvari and shekam parasti va payeeh taneh parasti! you haven't worked a day in your life and live off of people's blood sweat and tears, what the hell do you know about God you filthy swine? "Independence after 25 years of Shah's dictatorship", bullshit. First of all Shah was in power for 37 years so get your facts straight you illiterate child molester! Second, Iran has never been MORE DEPENDENT on foreign power, economies than it is now...I spit on you and your sheep-fucker, Khomeini...


Into His Grave

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

 I proudly piss on HIS grave, I dedicate my KEER to KHOOMANIE and his family, and specially I want IT ALL to sucked by JJ =, JOE JERKOFF on



To Sibil

by Reesh (not verified) on

"BOZAK NAMEER BAHAR ME-OWD, KOM-BOW-ZEH BA KHIAR ME-OWD" Trans: "O' You Lamb(s), Do not die since spring on its way with lots of goodies to come." Can you guess what kind of goodies have the lambs been receiving so far? Remember for one that hundred thousands were taken to slaughter houses for 8 yrs. fighting other lambs over those promised goodies.


God will hold responsible Religious Leaders...

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

Leaders of Religion, in every age, have hindered their people from attaining the shores of eternal salvation, inasmuch as they held the reins of authority in their mighty grasp.

Some for the lust of leadership, others through want of knowledge and understanding, have been the cause of the deprivation of the people.

God will hold responsible religious leaders for this tragedy,who have presumed to speak for Him throughout history. Their attempts to make the Word of God a PRIVATE preserve, and its exposition a means for PERSONAL aggrandizement, have been the greatest single handicap against which the advancement of civilization has struggled.


Khomeini forced the lazy pople of Iran

by Sibil (not verified) on

Into a transition mode that is a prerequisite for a different (non-stagnant) future not for the current generation but for the incoming ones.
So for the short term thinker, you are going to see nothing nice out of this change, your grand or may be great grand children will. So, for those angry ones who keep cursing him like old geezers, get use to it.


Is Khomaini at fault

by MRX on

your point is quite valid XerXes, however let's not forget it was Khomeini who put a monster like Khalkhali in charge. a sicko who spilled blood from evin to Kordestan. And it was khoemini who ordered the execution of thousends of political prisoners . I belive if you search the internet you will find the execution document that he personaly signed.

Now what gives a rise to a monster like this, is sadly people who are: backward, khorofati, superstisous, leave in 9th century mentality and like goosfand they follow some one!


To Nina

by Beena (not verified) on

"The Sheep" is a herd, either small or as big as a nation, who either hears or sees anything & hardly ever uses its GOD given brain. As such it follows its shephard by his beautifully riddled songs or will be forcefully quided by the shephard's big dog(s).
Now if one feels any similiarity with any group that he or she might mark itself with, that is the first stage of brain to work.


To beena

by NinaT (not verified) on

Beena Are you trying to say people of iran are sheep!!!!!

Your comment "Pray that we do not ever turn into the sheep crying foul for the loss of the shepherd!!!"


Is Khomaini at fault

by XerXes (not verified) on

Is he the problem or the people who called and call him Imam? Is he the problem to kill or the people who lawlessly would through acid on girls face that had no hejab? be fair, he might be evil, but people followed him all the way to his death. He was illiterate and did all he knew about running a nation, but what about the people? They took his word no question asked.
Did he get rich? did he accomplish a kingdom for his family? Do any of the members of Khomaini house hold today own anything big?
Why not look to the people and realize that "Khaneh az payeh viraan ast". Now go and try to learn so you won't be the next generation idiot who follows another khomaini, maybe this time in a secular cloth!!!



by Beena (not verified) on

Pray that we do not ever turn into the sheep crying foul for the loss of the shepherd!!!