Iran, Iran

Nasser Jafarzadeh's loving video of Tehran and Northern Iran

Nice and sweet in a melancholic way, with zendehyad Maziar's song, "Iran, Iran". The lyrics for this Maziar song were written by Alireza Meibodi and the music was composed by Emad Ram:


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Nicely Done

by Sid Sarshar on

I enjoyed it very much.  Thank you.  For a few minutes I was there.  Nice transition between shots, and a great ending.

sid sarshar



by Iran-e man (not verified) on

a beautiful song... the lyrics, his voice and the melody stir feelings in me that I've been trying to supress and forget over the years.... I don't see anything wrong with feeling sorrow or with subbing over this song, on the contrary, if I didn't feel the sadness then there would be something seriously worng with me!
Loving your motherland is as natural as loving your family... seperation from what you love is painful and hurts.... if you pay close attention to the lyrics you would understand why his voice is so Zooooznake, he is concerned and worried about Iran and Iranians, and that's reflected in his voice...


What is the year?

by Mehbod (not verified) on

Anybody knows?


Did you have to make this so soooooznaak?

by Gham (not verified) on

Beautiful footage of the land I last saw over 30 years ago. But I would have much preferred a piano or a Taar accompaniment than some dude sobbing like his leg's being cut off with a dull saw. No wonder we Persians are often depressed.


This Made me Cry

by who cares (not verified) on

As I was watching this video, tears trickled down my face. I guess I just miss my home....