Iran 6 - Qatar 1

Iranian footballers slap down Qatar

TEHRAN TIMES – Iranian slap down Qatar in the West Asian Football Federation (WAFF) Championship on Monday. Defending champion Iran destroyed sorry Qatar 6-1 at Tehran’s Takhti Stadium >>>




by Majid on

Qatar has a "second team"? You mean "minor league" ??

Moosh chieh keh kalle paachash baasheh?


not so much

by lat (not verified) on

not fast, the Qatari are using the second teem and the iranians players are in the first teem, so its not so impressive


Just goes to show

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

How humanity in the end works best over technology. (qatar). Sorry, terrible pun, but I simply can't resist.


Sooo proud of our boys!!

by skatermom (not verified) on

Sooo proud of our boys!!


Rezazadeh Iran's Jewel

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

The soccer game was a great one. I hope they keep the consistency. I saw that they are shooting alot more than dribbling that is the key.

But when the game ended I had the options to watch other great video clips and I watched the one from our Hercules, the most powerful man in the world our only Rezazadeh.

The guy makes it look so easy when he lift 23oKG.

He was one of the best Iranian athlete


Hal kardam

by Hajminator on


Belakhareh, a good news from Iran since long time. Iran is now at the top of its football list. Didiri di di di Iran


JJ jan, should it be possible to change the category Misc of this news to Iranians of the day as these azizan deleh in haghiro invareh donia inghadar khosh kardin?