Daron Malakian

Rock singer, guitarist

Former lead guitarist, songwriter and singer in System of a Down until their hiatus in 2006 -- and now the lead singer and guitarist in Scars on Broadway -- is half Iranian. He was born of an Iraqi-Armenian father, Vartan Malakian and an Iranian-Armenian mother Zepur Malakian. His bio on this clip says he has relatives in Iran and Iraq and has visited both countries.


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I like SOAD too, but too bad they broke up

by Ali Sefati (not verified) on

and their singles sucks!


Love, love, loved system of

by skatermom (not verified) on

Love, love, loved system of the down. Didn't think that I would be a fan of Scars on Broadway. I was mistaken. Took my son to see them. Great band. Serj Tankian's solo project is good too. Thanks Party Girl. I was wondering why these guys were never highlighted on this site. I thought it was because they were mostly Armenian.