Ali Ghalenoei

Football coach quarrels with reporters at press conference


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by kouroshS (not verified) on

I know exactky what he is saying,

Mige Ali boro vase agha ye chayi byar. bodo binam bache!


استقلالی از این بهتر نمیشه!

قرمز (not verified)

استقلالی از این بهتر نمیشه!

واسه همین شیش تایی شون کردیم دیگه...

! once shihtayee, always shihtayee

زنده باد پرسپولیس!

PS: شیش هیچ یادت نره!


same old thing

by shirazie (not verified) on

They call "Ali" in US - "security"


who is this idiot? is he a

by Worcester Mo (not verified) on

who is this idiot? is he a club coach?


He looks amazingly

by Hehbod (not verified) on

like Alberto Gonzales in this clip. He doesn't look Persian. Did his ancestor originally migrated from South America?


Low life...

by Football Lover (not verified) on

Amir Ghalenoei (Shahre'-Noei) is an Islamic Rupublic thug with ZERO academic & football education who as once Team Melli coach took the entire poor Iranian team to Hazrat Rooghieh/Zaynab shrine in Damscus/Syria before an important international match for Iran and was crying like a baby (barefooted) in the Haram to take photos and pretend he is a Mosalmoon MOMEN... That summoned up his tactics and strategies that lead to Iran national team's terrible failure in last Asian Cup!!!!
He should be shipped to Siberia to dig ditches for at least 5 years before setting his foot back in Iran.
Another major LOW LIFE LOSER in Islamic Republic....


‫اون مخلص من

Mokhlesse (not verified)

‫بقیة این فیلم خدمدتون نیست ببینیم این منظورش آخر فیلم چی بود؟

‫ این چندتا فرضیه:

‫− علی، خِرشو بگیر بندازش بیرون

‫− علی، برو دهنشو سرویس کن

‫−علی، برو خفش کن

− علی مرگ ... ‫‫علی چی بابا؟



by ThePope on

His name is AMIR Ghalenoei (he's from Nazi Abaad)


-A loser with no manners...