Ahmad Nasri

Governor of Qazvin


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De Ammallah bejasb-e be kaar

by Dr. A. Hassan Danesh (not verified) on

De boro sar be agab-e orosaa bezaar ke dar-yaayee khazaremaan raa az changeshaan dar beeyaaree...

De bechasb bekaar! MOntazer hazrat khezr nashoo ke az bahr-e khazar baraat maahee seffeed... naft... gaaz... khaaveeyaar o ghair o zaaleck beeyaarad...

De ammallah bechasb be kaar! be jaayee een hammah kallah mellagh zadan...



Mokoshammet agar sar be aghebeshaan nazaari...


انانیموس ایرانی‌


 نوشته‌های روی دیوار‌های تهران........

من متا ثرم به حال اینها که بازی خورده اند از آنها ..........."امام خمینی" اقتصاد مال خره...................."امام خمینی" لکن اینطور نباشد که ما بگوییم چه و چه و آنها بگویند چه و چه ...."امام خمینی" "دیوار پادگان عشرت آباد" اسلام همان چیزیست که همه ما باید فدا بشویم تا او تحقق پیدا کند...."امام خمینی" "دیوار ترمینال غرب" خدا را شکر می‌کنم که مرا در راهی‌ قرار داد که سر انجام به شهادتم انجامید....." دیوار شهرک اکباتان" (شهید این رو قبل از شهادت گفته بود یا بعد) ؟؟؟؟ ما هر چه میکشیم از دست این دانشگاهیان است......"امام خمینی" "دیوار دانشگاه تهران" جنگ خیلی‌ چیز خوبیست............"امام خمینی" "دیوار سفارت آمریکا"


I wish I was a Basiji!

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

This saying was written on the walls in Iran and they said it was a Khomeini saying.


Balaam ingadar "kallah malagh" nazan honoz ham hamoon amalah-ee

by Dr. A. Hassan Danesh (not verified) on


The Roots of Autumn

The season of fall
Has stripped the tall stark trees
From all their leaves
Turning it into a complete naked one
Now after the undressing
The tree looks like
And inverted one in upsetting
With all the underground roots exposed
But this time facing the heaven
With head got stuck in the dark underworld
In complete invisibility

Hassan Danesh
Copyright ©2008 Hassan Danesh


I have yet to see more bigot and prejudice than shahparasts!

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

I admire all the Iranians from all walk of lives and economic backgrounds excepts the thugs (bale ghorban goo hay shahi). Let's be human and do not look down to any people in society that are economically challeged. The hell with Shah or gardan-koloft mollas, let's learn from Takhti's.


So what?

by so what? (not verified) on

What's so special about this clip?


Kaaregar boodi not Aamale

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

I think you are lying that you are saying that you are not ashamed of what you did, or else you wouldn't referred to it as an "Aamale" which is more degrading way of describing a work that is done by thousands of hardworking Iranian.

I think it is your ignorance and your character people will judge you not the work you did in the past.

I think based on the clip you are ignorant and have shown indifferent to million hardworking blue collar workers or Kaaregar in Iran.

It is referred to as Kaaregar.


Some people are just mean

by I.W. (not verified) on

Just because he works for the government doesn't mean he's a bad person.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

I'd give him a chance. 

I used to be a 'hammal'!

I solute his humility and honesty.



by Ajam (not verified) on

It's so unfair to take a soundbite out of the context of a statement and make a joke out of it. I don't know (and I don't care) who this guy is, but judging by his position he could have recited a sureh from Koran and kiss up, but he's pouring his heart out for the people (albeit in Qazvin!!!)...
Yet in all seriousness, at least he's honest (a rare trait in IRI). I believe he deserved a chance to finish his sentence!


he is more qualified than GW

by shirazie (not verified) on

nothing wrong with that. he has done more than all the other Mullahs

Is Gavine now a Province? Why?


الهی بمیرم، مدرک آکسفورد دیگه نبود؟




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وقتی‌ هر چی‌ گاریچی، پینه دوز، گردو یی، کاسه بشقابی، رمال، روزه خون ۲ تومنی، قاری سر قبر آقا........مصدر امور بشن، چرا عمله نه؟


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by Anonymous456 (not verified) on

Hanoozham hasti!