
Shah: 1949

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1949. Photo found on eBay.


more from Darius Kadivar

This system is.......

by Majid on

The "issue", we all,the world ,are dealing with today,is the bastard child of his mistakes!

While he was hanging,shooting and "kabob'ing the the bravest son's of Iran,he gave amnesty to IMAM, sent him to Iraq, just to come back years later and kick his ass!!

Instaed of banning IMAM's "esm, tozih-ol-masaael,kashf'ol asraar"...he should've let us know! what kind of evil this IMAM was!

chon neek nazar kard par-e kheesh dar aan deed

gofta ze ke naaleem ke az maast ke bar maast


God Bless HIM

by Ghool on

The photo seems to be circ 1950’s!?

As he is visiting the assembly line of this automobile manufacturing
company (I can’t tell the brand of the car), he is envisioning, visualizing, and
dreaming a network of transportation highway system connecting all four corners
of Iran where people could freely travel that see the beautiful landscape. Sort
of like America, a quantum leap into the 20th century technology and
exiting out of the era of riding Kharrs and Shotors as the primary means of transportation!?

I am glad that I had spent 18 years of my life in Iran
to see the process of modernization before, it catastrophically took a 180

These kinds of men come once in a century if not a millennium.

God Bless His Soul


roohash shad

by mrclass on

history will prove if not already that he was one of the greateat politicians around. he was way of a head of his time. he was way too modern, too kind and too compasionate for the society that he ruled.


jacob please...........

by mash on

Don't let your anger towards Mollah's blind you from seeing that he loved his country and people too much. Yes he stock piled people's monies and he was a thief but he was not a ruthless murderer like the bastards running the country now. If he was, he and his family would still be rulling the country  right now, and you know I am right. We IRANIANS are the real LOSERS.  LONG LIVE IRAN AND IRANIAN PEOPLE

Kaveh Nouraee

He wasn't perfect but he was ours

by Kaveh Nouraee on


You need to learn your history. Shahanshah's first wife is Egyptian and his second wife was half German. And so what if his third wife was raised by a single mother? Her father DIED, Mr. Considerate. On top of that, you act as though being poor is a crime when ignorance is the crime. Your assertions about lymphoma (which is deadly but hardly rare) and his sexuality are proof that you also lack class.

The Shah was far from perfect, as history has shown. But within the same history lessons the world has learned that he was too good for Iran in some respects, in wanting to bring the country to modern times. The monarchy brought Iran two steps closer to that reality and thanks to Jimmy Carter and that criminal Moussavi, Iran went back 50 steps.

In reality, we Iranians are the ones who are the biggest losers.



by sk on

Not withstanding the political arguments, the foundation that Iran still riding on (industry, Military, etc.) is what he put in place during his reign. No government is perfect. Shah's biggest strength was that he truly loved his country and he did whatever he could to improve it. We were a nation to be reckoned with and we still are. But then, it was for the right reasons. We exported respect, not fear.



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قبول نكرد قدرت را تقسيم كنه وگرنه ميموند. حالا فكر نان باش كه خربزه آب است

Red Wine

M R Shah

by Red Wine on

He was a good man,maybe an real iranian man but not enough good for being a king. R.I.P


loved Iran

by Perisanpage on

Very true, a person who really loved Iran


Poor guy

by Siamack on

He looks so lost and alone...

Siamack Salari



by Iranboy on

Shahanshah Ariamehr, a true patriot who loved only Iran and just Iran.His majesty and his father founded new Iran and left the beautiful fatherland.

I live outside Iran and as a person born after revolution it is quite surprising that foreigners remember his majesty and our beautiful queen Farah Pahlavi. People from diffenet country always ask me about the pahlavi dynasty, and the fun part is this: They ask if Ahmadinejad and other are elected by Iranians.Obviously I would say no.Then they say that they have witnessed 1979 revolution and so many people played role in the emergence of Kholemini!

They don't know one thing!They don't know how whimsical Iranians are. Any way I wish one day I could go back to my country and build it again from the scratch.

Viva Persia!


God bless his soul

by Ghool on


The Shah of Iran was too civilized, too visionary, too advanced, too patriotic, too kind,too ... to be appreciated by the ignorent inhabitants of Iran.

Now, they are paying the price for their ignorence... Let them take it in the ass by the mullahs.... Don't tell us we didn't tell you so!?!


God bless his soul

by Ghool on


The Shah of Iran was too civilized, too visionary, too advanced, too patriotic, too kind,too ... to be appreciated by the ignorent inhabitants of Iran.

Now, they are paying the price for their ignorence... Let them take in the ass by the mullahs.... Don't tell us we didn't tell you so!?!


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