
Messing with a lion

Fill in the blank... what is it? Mickey Mouse!
Winner: Mehran Azhar. 100 Afarin!

Send us your answer! FIRST answer wins!

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Thanks Iraniolasl

by Bahador Barin (not verified) on

Thanks for the new word Iraniolasl. I'll have to ask my azizam to describe "partibazi" to me. I've only recently come to grips with "taaroff", so maybe this will be equally informative.

Actually I am neither Iranian nor young, but I invented Bahador Barin as a heroic-sounding nom-de-plume to test whether or not the person selecting quiz winners would show bias for a "Persian" name over a "Western" name. I can't draw any conclusions yet.

Rosie T.

Something fishy...?

by Rosie T. on

Well, swim forever, little golfish, and you can demand forever probably too.

 Aaaah, at LAST someone who agrees with me that I'm not the ONLY mehmoon here!

 Love you jj...Shahanshah David.



To Bahador Barin

by Iraniolasl (not verified) on

I don't know how old you are and how familiar you are with Iranian culture but this is what you got to know. There is a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in Iranian culture and is called "Partibazi". In our Iranian society no matter where we reside and despite of the influence exerted by the host’s culture, there is no measure in place to evaluate intelligence and fairness towards one another. If you know someone, then you get what you desire, regardless of whether you deserve it or not. This is what plagued the Iranian society since the beginning of time.
What we are going through today, socially, economically and politically is the result of this evil phenomenon. Iranian .com is no exception.
Good day sir.


Quiz answer discrimation

by Bahador Barin (not verified) on

I think something is fishy with these quizzes. I have answered many of them over the past couple of months (since the new website came on-line) within minutes of the questions being posted, and have yet to win one, even though the winner's name is only posted one, two or three days later.

I demand an investigation!!!!