Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World"
Democracy Now / Noam Chomsky Is Inteviewed
11-May-2011 (6 comments)

Speaking at the 25th anniversary celebration of the national media watch group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky analyzes the U.S. response to the popular uprisings sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. "Across the [Middle East], an overwhelming majority of the population regards the United States as the main threat to their interests," Chomsky says. "The reason is very simple... Plainly, the U.S. and its allies are not going to want governments which are responsive to the will of the people. If that happens, not only will the U.S. not control the region, but it will be thrown out." [includes rush transcript]

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What is this guy a genius or is it me?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The USA used human rights to bring islamic fundamentalism, they don't even care about human dignity of course they don't want democracy.

If they really wanted democracy they would have supported the Shah, who's son would have by now been able to bring Iran to a state close to that of the UK, With the monarchy having few to no autocratic powers being used.  But that needs education, cultural shifts, institutions and patience.

So in reality we are back to step one, needing an autocratic secular monarchy, with no other realistic option for freedom and justice.





US wants Islamic

by vildemose on

US wants Islamic fundemantalism in the region either a la Khomeni or a la Salafi/MB....Nothing new.


Listening to the content of this talk

by Bavafa on

There is no part that is not supported by facts or room to argue against. Examining the history and current posture of the West (US mainly) towards democracy in ME, it begs the question how some of our friends who think of the best for their birth place, still look to US to intervene and in some cases, expects military intervention to remove and bring a new regime to Iran.

Thanks again for posting it.


Darius Kadivar

Oh and before you complain about the links ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Terribly Sorry if I disappoint Amy Goodman's Favorite Gauche Caviar ANN TELLECTUAL for having Given extensive alternative Thought to the issues raised by his recurrent diatribes on Democracy Now :    

SATIRE: Shahbanou Farah and Inspector Clouseau in "The Return of the Pink Panther" ;0)                

Where are the White Women At ?        

PS: Hope in these challenging times you humorless Liberals have nothing against Some Creative License for a change ? All the more that it's got Presidential Approval ...


KNIGHTHOOD: Obama Honors Mel Brooks at Kennedy Center ( X Mas 2009)     LOL 

Darius Kadivar

Wasn't that what You Liberal Nerds always wanted ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

The Fall of the American Empire so as to end their meddling in the affaires of other nations ...

PAX AMERICANA: Hitchens VS Kondracke on Reality or Fantasy of American "Imperialism" (1991)

So What are You Hypocrites complaining About ? ...

Barack Jaan So was it "Yes We Can" Or Was It Just "Hot Air"?
            If the Arab Spring is coming to an end it's thanks to You Peaceniks and otherGAUCHE CAVIAR CITIZENS OF THE WORLD hypocrites who did EVERYTHING to oppose aQuick and Rapid Ousting of Libya's Tyrant:


US, UN, Europe and the Arab League SHAME ON YOU !

IMPOTENCE IN ACTION: Western Powers Can't Figure Out How To Deal with Gaddafi

  in the name of some vague notion of Brotherly Love and Preservation of a dishonerable Peace instead of supporting a Military Action which was Just From Day One :     Arabs Will Be Free : Roger Cohen’s Advice On Libya « Be Ruthless of Stay Out » (NY Times) 

But which most of you Liberals So called "Experts" CHOSE to overlook:

WHO'S THE EXPERT? John Simpson Proves Barbara Slavin Wrong on Libya

So No Need to come back and complaining for a situation which You Yourselves are entirely responsible for due to mixed signals and double standards you hypocritically claim to denounce whilst indulging in when it suits you ...

Is There Really an Obama Doctrine? - Room for Debate

Best,   DK 

Related Blogs:

PRECISION DRILLING: Allied Military Operations in Libya in Progress ... 

BREAD & CIRCUS: It Ain't about Democracy or HR Stupid, It's About Show Business

WHO'S THE EXPERT? John Simpson Proves Barbara Slavin Wrong on Libya

US, UN, Europe and the Arab League SHAME ON YOU !

IMPOTENCE IN ACTION: Western Powers Can't Figure Out How To Deal with Gaddafi

QUO VADIS ? Nero Sings While Tripoli and Tehran burn

Libya's Exiled Crown Prince calls on world to stop 'massacre,' remove Gaddafi

SATIRE: Egypt's "Papyrus Revolution"

CAMEL SPOTTING: First reactions to Mubarak's Speech on Tahrir Square

AUTHENTIC FRONTIER GIBBERISH: Egypt's Rebuffs Washington's Speed Up Calls ;0)



Not every where in the world

by Bavafa on

But certainly there are places, specially in ME that America would not want to see democracy.  They already refused to recognize/work with the democratically elected goverment in Palestian and Lebenon.
