هشدارحامیان احمدی‌نژاد : لشکرتابن دندان مسلح را نابود می‌کنیم
28-Apr-2011 (2 comments)

این بیانیه برای نخستین‌بار پس از علنی شدن اختلافات احمدی‌نژاد و خامنه‌ای
و موضع‌گیری صریح فرماندهان سپاه در طرفداری از رهبر جمهوری اسلامی، از
منتقدان دولت با عنوان تازه «لشکر تا بن دندان مسلح» یاد کرده که به نظر
می‌رسد کنایه مستقیمی به سپاه پاسداران است.

recommended by Paykar




by Simorgh5555 on

One the one hand I think this is a farce but if the discord between them is real then I agree this is a positive development. The regime is imploding. First we wtinessed the Reformists against Ahmadinejad and then Ahmadinejad agains the Conservatives. With the help of sanctions and threat of military attacks this regime is slowly unravelling itself. 


dog eat dog

by mahmoudg on

until there were dogs no more. Akohnds and supporters of Antari Nekad, will go at each other's throat.  Hopefully each side will annihilate a few thousand of the other side.  In the end, this cannot be a bad thing, where both bad guys perish.