موج اعتصاب عربستان را فرا گرفت
15-Mar-2011 (4 comments)

با اعتصاب كاركنان چاپخانه ملك فهد در مدينه، موج اعتصابات كارگري، كشور عربستان را فرا گرفت.
به گزارش روزنامه «الرياض» چاپ عربستان، كاركنان بزرگترين چاپخانه عربستان در اعتراض به اوضاع معيشتي خود براي هفتمين روز متوالي از حضور بر سر كارهاي خود خودداري كردند.
براساس اين گزارش، چاپخانه ملك فهد در «مدينه منوره»، پس از اينكه 1400 تن از كاركنان آن به خاطر كمي دستمزد و سوء مديريت دست از كار كشيدند، چاپ قرآن كريم در آن به طور كامل متوقف شد.
چاپخانه ملك فهد روزانه 52 هزار نسخه قرآن كريم را چاپ مي كرد، اما اكنون به صورت كامل در اعتصاب به سر مي برد.
كاركنان چاپخانه ملك فهد كه در بدترين شرايط كاري خود به سر مي برند، نسبت به بي توجهي دولت (وزارت حج) به شدت اعتراض كردند.اين در حالي است كه دولت اعتصابيون را به برخورد قهرآميز براي بازگشت به سر كارهاي شان تهديد كرده است.

recommended by Ghalandar


Mash Ghasem

This is from the same Kayhan that advocates elimination of all

by Mash Ghasem on

social protections (subsidies, unemployment insurance,..) in Iran? Strike by Koran printing workers, does not make a national labor movement, when  Oil Workers of Arabia go on strike, then and only then it will fall, some claim the exact same political-economy, logic also applies to Islamic Republic of Hell.



by zuruz on

Being relative with Saudi dictator king Abdulla provides a slim chance for temporary survival of Bahraini dictator king Khalifa but politically he is dead king since he invited foreign forces to save his crown he lost his little dignity as well as his populirity wordwide.  Saudi dictator king Abdulla and his royal family are unstable themselves and sooner or later will have to face the reality of Arabian people revolution. In many decades of Dictatorship Kings of Bahrain let most Sunni Muslim minority migrated from Arab nations of the Persian Gulf region, Asia and Africa to overcome the Shias high population. In contrast he never allowed any Shia migrate and became Bahraini citizen. This was the Bahrain kings’ evil doctrine so far. The Sunnis were given citizenship by Bahrain dictator regime with high paid top jobs, governmental jobs, police/security jobs, military positions and other official jobs. The majority Shias have been treated like slaves, animals, illegal aliens or 3rd class citizens. The Bahrainis never experienced any true elections or taste of democracy and freedom in their lifetime. King of Bahrain was appointed by British colonialism to serve British interest in the Persian Gulf. According to the world history, Bahrain was 14th province of Persia/Iran until 1971 while the Shias population was 90% then late Shah made a political deal with Britain and gave Bahrain away. I also like to know when Saddam occupied Kuwait early 90' America simultaneously jumped in and gathered many coalition forces against Saddam and called it invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.  Now we are doing nothing, but encouraging Saudis& Emiratis to continue murdering & injuring & imprisoning Bahrainis peaceful demonstrators. Our founding father thought America would always be known as  a pro- freedom/democracy movement nation. Now it seems like we using double standard policies regarding invasion of Bahrain by Saudi and Emirati forces. Why do we support Saudis & Emirati invasions of Bahrain which is a sovereign nation? The invaders started massacring innocent Bahrainis as soon as they arrived into Bahrain territory. By killing, injuring, and torturing and imprisoning thousands of peaceful protesters who demand some fundamentals of human rights, ends to slavery and discrimination by corrupt king Khalifa who is related to Saudi dictator king Abdullah and these kings want to rule their slaves forever. Bahraini kings like Saudi kings think the wealth & treasure of Bahrain/Saudi Arabia inherited only for them and their royal family. Having that mentality, majority of population has been disfranchised from all of Bahrain/Saudi national resources. Saudi king and Emirate Sheik should realize the fact that people power soon topples them just like Bin Ali and Mubarak. Because the tsunami of change from dictatorship to democracy is operating like a train moving only forward never backward. We will soon witness downfall of dictators including Kings, Sheiks, Amirs and Mullahs all over the world.



about time

by MM on

& hope it spreads north east


Strike in Saudi Arabia

by shamsi on

Well, you can't hold people hostage forever, it's about time freedom rings in those countries. Long live freedom.