دفاع اداره سیاسی سپاه از اظهارات 'سردار مشفق'
14-Aug-2010 (one comment)


سرتیپ یدالله جوانی، رئیس اداره سیاسی سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی ایران،
اصالت اظهارات منسوب به "سردار مشفق" را تلویحا تأیید و از آن دفاع کرد.

کسانی که دل در گرو انقلاب دارند و دلداده حضرت امام و آرمان های ایشان
هستند و با شهدا عهد و پیمان بسته اند، برای دفاع از انقلاب وارد صحنه شدند
و به هیچ عنوان تحت تأثیر چنین فضاسازی هایی قرار نخواهند گرفت و این
روشنگری ها را به عنوان یک وظیفه انقلابی ادامه خواهند داد.


An Islamic Terrorist SS- IRGC

by Fair on

Here is the open threat of the chief of the "Political Office" of the IRGC against 7 reformists who are already illegally imprisoned without trial. Which military in the world has a "political office" that can make open threats against its citizens?  Simple- Nazi Germany, the USSR, North Korea and China- fascist regimes.   This terrorist general openly says that his fellow terrorist IRGC general moshfeq was right in his illegal actions and that this was the revolutionary duty of the IRGC to suppress civilians, and that imprisoning members of the opposition party is justified.

You know, just like the US in the 1960's! The US Army used to go and tell the civilian government what to do, attack and threaten American citizens in Washington, and the Republican government was imprisoning democrats and demanding that they repent:)
