Iran stoning case lawyer arrested in Turkey after escaping across border
Guardian / Saeed Kamali Dehghan
04-Aug-2010 (15 comments)

Turkish police have arrested an Iranian lawyer who represented Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.....Mostafaei was apparently smuggled into Turkey but was arrested on immigration charges on Monday.

David ET

Mohammad Mostafaei update

by David ET on

gooya News 

دستگيری محمد مصطفايی فعال حقوق بشر و وکيل دادگستری، در حالی که همسر وی همچنان در زندان اوين به سر ميبرد، باعث نگرانی مدافعان حقوق بشر شد.

همسر وی در حال حاضر به عنوان گروگان در زندان اوين است و محمد مصطفايی طی نامه سرگشاده ای به دادستانی تهران عنوان کرد که زير بار اين بی قانونی نخواهد رفت و موکدا خواهان آزادی همسرش و برادر وی شد.

به نظر می آيد تنها راه نجات وی از زندان ترکيه فشار به مقامات دولت ترکيه است تا وی را هر چه سريعتر آزاد کنند تا راهی کشور امن و ثالث شود. دولت ترکيه با توجه به تقاضايش برای پيوستن به اتحاديه اروپا و ادعای رعايت حقوق بشر که اتفاقا يکی از موارد مورد مشاجره برای پذيرش و عضويت در اتحاديه اروپا بوده است، بايستی نشان دهد که به اين ابتدايی ترين موازين حقوق بشر پايبند ميماند و اجازه نميدهد که يک فعال حقوق بشر قربانی فشار جمهوری اسلامی گردد

سازمان عفو بين الملل نيز در جريان پرونده آقای مصطفايی قرار داشته و از دولت ترکيه آزادی سريع و بی قيد و شرط وی را خواستار شده است. دولت ترکيه تا کنون از آزادی وی امتناع کرده است.

بايستی وسيعا و از طرق مختلف از دولت ترکيه خواست که در نقض حقوق انسانی محمد مصطفايی همکاری نکرده و او را آزاد کند.

شبکه سراسری همکاری زنان ايرانی (شبکه)

راديو فردا در اين مورد مينويسد:
متين چوراب‌آتر، سخنگوی کميساريای عالی پناهندگان سازمان ملل متحد در ترکيه، روز چهارشنبه، ۱۳ مردادماه، در گفت‌وگو با راديوفردا اعلام کرد که به نام فردی به نام محمد مصطفايی در دفتر امور پناهندگان اين سازمان در ترکيه پرونده درخواست پناهندگی باز شده است.

همچنين به گزارش خبرگزاری آسوشيتدپرس، کميساريای عالی پناهندگان سازمان ملل اعلام کرده است که در حال بررسی پرونده محمد مصطفايی است و راه‌های درخواست پناهندگی برای آقای مصطفايی باز است.

اين خبرگزاری به نقل از يک روزنامه چاپ ترکيه می‌نويسد که آقای مصطفايی پس از ورود به ترکيه به دليل برخی مشکلاتی «که به پاسپورت وی مربوط می‌شد» بازداشت شده است.

محمد مصطفايی، وکيل دادگستری و فعال حقوق بشر، روز شنبه،‌۲ مردادماه، برای ارائه پاره‌ای از توضيحات به زندان اوين مراجعه و پس از بازجويی زندان را ترک کرد، اما پس از خروج وی، مقامات زندان بار ديگر با وی تماس گرفته و وی را برای بار دوم به زندان احضار کردند.

پس از آن که محمد مصطفايی برای بار دوم به زندان مراجعه نکرد، مأموران امنيتی همسر و برادر همسر محمد مصطفايی را به اتهام مخفی کردن آقای مصطفايی بازداشت کرده و آزادی آن‌ها را منوط به مراجعه آقای مصطفايی به شعبه دوم دادسرای شهيد مقدس در زندان اوين کردند.

پس از اين بازداشت، آقای مصطفايی در نامه‌ سرگشاده‌ای به عباس جعفری دولت‌آبادی، دادستان تهران،‌از وی و قوه قضائيه خواست تا به «گروگان‌گيری» نزديکانش پايان دهند.

وی در اين نامه می‌نويسد که پس از شنيدن خبر بازداشت نزديکانش قصد مراجعه به زندان اوين را داشته است، اما «طاقت اين قدر بی‌قانونی و نقض حقوق اوليه‌ای را که يک انسان می‌تواند داشته باشد» را نداشته و برای همين ترجيح داده خود را معرفی نکند.

محمد مصطفايی وکالت شماری از پرونده‌هايی را برعهده داشته است که متهمان آنها به اعدام يا سنگسار محکوم شده بودند. پرونده بهنود شجاعی و سکينه محمدی آشتيانی که کمپينی بين‌المللی را به دنبال داشت از جمله اين پرونده‌هاست



Sargord, it is true that..

by Rosie. on

the coverage of these high-profile cases from outside Iran is not perfect and has its own slants and sometimes omissions, to greater or lesser degree. But I don't really want to debate the fine points right now. I am just concerned about the fact that one of the top human rights lawyers in Iran, whose two areas of specialty are stoning ,and stopping the execution of juvenile offenders, Iran being signatory to an international covenant against this practice but routinely violating it, is now a stateless, uprooted refugee who is also being used as a political football, and his wife is in jail.

I assure you that if there was a previous 'warrant' for his arrest, it wasn't for armed robbery or child molesting. Nevertheless, if you want to research the details of whatever irregularites you feel you find in the reporting of his case, and voice your speculations, please do so and I for one will try to give you some feedback.


No. There is a particular order to what happened,

by Rosie. on

which I don't have the time to google about now, but which David probably knows. It went something like this:

He was called in on no grounds and appeared, then released, then he was called in again on no grounds and did not go right away, then they arrested his wife and brother-in-law, then he was going to go there but he realized that if he did that he would be condoning the taking of his family as hostage, having people summoned and arrested on no charges, having lawyers harrassed, etc. etc., and he still had no guarantee that his family would be released if he appeared.

So he decided not to go to make the point challenging the system, refusing to cooperate, and I think that is a much harder decison to make than not to go. Almost anyone would have gone, but he had to make the choice about which were the priorities: himself (i.e. his loved ones), or society (refusing to comply with an ILlegal system). He made the tougher choice. .


I'm sorry, but I don't think that I like what I hear

by Onlyiran on

This guy left his family detained in Evin and tried to save his own skin by crossing the border to Turkey?  "che bi gheirat" as we say.

I was all for supporting him, but now I'm having second thoughts.  he should have toughed it out and presented himself to Evin and freed his wife.  That would have shown courage and conviction.   


The good thing about islamist regime of Iran is...

by fooladi on

That they are very good at digging their own grave! I mean look, with all the adverse publicity around this case, they could had just let go of it and released the woman. But instead, they dont let her go, piss off even their very few potential allies (Brasil) and then go after the poor lawyers' relatives and himself. My goodness, the mullahs stupidity knows no boundaries, but all good news to my ears :)

Sargord Pirouz

Curious. A visa isn't

by Sargord Pirouz on

Curious. A visa isn't required to visit Turkey from Iran. His travel documents must be out of order. And/or there may be an outstanding arrest warrant.

Unfortunately, the Guardian article is substandard in its reporting.


Fair and others,

by Rosie. on

What sense do you have of the level of support of the populace in Iran for the sanctions in general, and how did you arrive at it?


You know what, Rea (and all),

by Rosie. on

I wonder if this is a case where we could actually do something that might have an effect. Maybe writing to the body (bodies) involved in Norway (immigraton, UN representativea, etc.)to request they make this a priority.

What do you think?




by Rea on

True, people are better off with UNHCR (speaking from experience). But only if we are talking UNHCR-friendly countries. 

In this particular case, I'd opt for Norwegians. For, they have both Americans (talking Turkey) and UNHCR behind.

Norway is the eminence grise of the UN.


Murderous uncivilized barbarian regime

by Fair on

Thank you for posting this sad news, and thank you Nazanin for getting involved as always.

What kind of terrorist regime sentences a woman to stoning after getting a confession by lashing her, goes after its victim's lawyer, and then when it cannot get its hand on this innocent man arrests his family as hostages?  All in the name of Allah?

These are the uncivilized barbarians we are dealing with.  It is not possible to reason with such criminals. No more lies, the cat is out of the bag, no more whitewashing and spinning, despite the best effort of the propagandists on this website and elsewhere.  You can put lipstick on a pedophile rapist mullah, he is still a pedophile rapist mullah.

it is high time the international community unite against this barbarian apartheid regime, boycott it, and all those who support it- especially the equally barbarian regime of China.


Terrible news

by Rea on

I hope things work out for him. Hope they will let his wife and daughter out of the country.


I encourage hamvatans to boycott this AIPAC dominated website

by BoycottIraniandotcom on

As you can see from the articles and comments, this purportedly Iranian site's content is
anti Iranian and comes largely from an Israeli/AIPAC perspective, which is
offensive to the vast majority of Iranians. Please do not engage with this site
except to warn other Iranians.


But we don't know anything about the wife?

by Rosie. on

Will they release her?


When you pst things abut this in Persian, can you make sure to give a brief English summary, please?

He should go to Canada.

David ET

UNHCR is cooperating in providing asylum.

by David ET on

Nazanin Afshin-Jam is also working on obtaining asylum in Canada if Mostafaei chose to do so.

In my response email email that I wrote to Nazanin today, I said:

"He hated being outside and away from family. Just being away for few days in EU last year, he kept saying how much he missed his wife and daughter. This is the beginning of a sad journey for them. I hope they get together soon......... Turkey is NOT safe for him.." . Stop Child Executions' attorney DW Duke summarized the situation well in a email from his Iphone: "This is apalling."


Oh, this is awful.

by Rosie. on


But wait...maybe he's better off at the UNHCR, don't you think? Is that where they're sending him finally?