Letter to His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of The United Nations
rezapahlavi.org / Reza Pahlavi Crown Prince of Iran
29-May-2010 (one comment)

: Another round of executions in Iran

Your Excellency:

My compatriots and I are greatly concerned about the continued violation of human rights in Iran. The clerical regime continues to repress citizens, arresting activists and dissidents, and threatening them with executions, in an attempt to intimidate our compatriots.

On numerous occasions I have issued statements to the press and sent urgent letters to your esteemed office stressing the dire conditions of my compatriots who have been maimed and tortured in prisons. I wish to draw your attention in particular to the case of the following individuals:

Mr. Ahmad Daneshpour Moghaddam
Mr. Mohsen Daneshpour Moghaddam
Mr. Abdulreza Ghanbari
Mr. Hadi Ghaemi
Mr. Mohammad Ali Saremi
Mr. Jaafar Kazemi
Mr. Mohammad Ali Hadj Agha-ee

The crime of these prisoners, has been their protesting of the last “so-called” election, and have consequently been sentenced to death. Their execution is imminent!

recommended by Darius Kadivar



I hope it has some effect.

by benross on

I hope it has some effect.