Congressman to Introduce Resolution to support Israeli Air Strike on Iran
NIAC / Staff
26-Mar-2010 (one comment)
Congressman to Introduce Resolution Supporting Israeli Strike on Iran 01:41:45 am by zirzamee, Categories: Background

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Congressman to Introduce Resolution Supporting Israeli Strike on Iran Written by NIAC Staff    Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Washington, DC - A draft resolution is circulating among members of the House of Representatives that endorses an Israeli military attack on Iran "if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time." 

The resolution, written by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) an... >>>

Brian Appleton

Israeli Air Strike on Iran

by Brian Appleton on


let's see Bush got us into two wars we can't seem to get out of. His position against stem cell research, global warming, environment, the World Court, nuclear disarmanent set us back 30 years as a progressive nation.  He let the American Enterprise Institute with their Zionists run rampant over the White House and Congress...he let the fundamentalist Christian right influence education, he increased military spending beyond any precident, to the point where the military budget was larger than all former US budgets combined and the entire military spending of the rest of the world put together.  Obama was elected into office to end the wars and instead has enlarged them. He was given the Nobel Peace Prize by a committee of wishful thinkers...and had to hem and haw through his acceptance speech trying to convince the world that sending 30,000 fresh troops at a cost of 30 billion dollars to American tax payers, to Afghanistan was in the interests of peace....

Where do all these ignorant neo conservative war mongering miscreants come from? Were the 1930's not enough of a lesson for humanity that Facism is evil and the worst of all forms of government? We have Sarkosy in France, Berlusconi in Italy, Gordon Brown continuing Tony Blairs belicosity in UK, Netanyahu in Israel, where do all these damn ultra right wing reactionary neo fascists come from? Their propoganda appeals to the worst qualities in humanity: racism and imperialism...what moral authority does the US have to criticize Iran for perhaps not even contemplating a nuclear bomb when the US has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and is the only nation to ever use atomic bombs against a civilian population? What right does Israel have to continuously threaten to attack Iran on suspicion it may be developing a nuclear weapon when Israel has a large nuclear arsenal and is not a member of the NPT. Iran has voluntarily subjected itself to UN inpsections for years which no other member of NPT has endured.

We may not like the human rights abuses of the IRI but that does not give any outside power the right to invade and subjugate Iran when the clear motive is oil and not humanitarian interest. I never forget during the presidential election debates between Bush and Kerry when Bush was trying to justify his invasion of Iraq by saying the world was better off without Saddam, thereby endorsing vigilantiism and flaunting the rule of law....and setting a dangerous precident that if you don't like a country's leader or government that you can attack them...his "war on terrorism" exploiting the 911 fear was a war on dissidence and an excuse to abuse the power of the executive branch of our government and destroy civil liberties...the war powers act and Patriot act need to be curtailed by a less emotional and more rational administration..."crippling sanctions" are another complete and total mistake, they do not result in the fall of any government and only punish the people...the gasoline embargo is another demonstration of demogogery and an opportunistic attempt for our  pathetically uninformed and unimaginative representatives to show their constituents how tough minded they are, which costs them nothing...conveniently far removed from the misery they inflict on the Iranian people waiting in gasoline lines and going without heating oil...Hillary during her bid for presidency was not above pandering to the Zionist and hawk voters with sound bytes about obliterating Iran and McCain with his "Bomb bomb bomb Iran." We call ourselves a Christian nation and we call these people leaders?


