Never Mind the Facts, Let's Have a War...
GlobalResarch.Ca / Finian Cunningham

ulf Daily News - 2009-12-23

A missile test-fired by Iran last week was reported on the BBC World Service as being “capable of striking Israel”.
The choice of words was not unusual. On previous occasions when Iran has test-fired a long-range rocket, the BBC and other western news media dutifully inform us that the said device is “capable of striking Israel”. The well-worn phrase is so reliably heard in these news bulletins that its use betrays a coded script. The not-too subliminal implications are that Iran is: a) a hostile state; b) doing something illegal in test-firing a long-range missile; and c) gearing up to deliver on its alleged threat to wipe out the state of Israel.
Within hours of these reports last week, the US government weighed in with the pious accusation that the test-firing “undermines Iran's claims of peaceful intentions”.
This is a propaganda system at work: the choice of words and framework of logic designed to condition people into accepting certain options. In this case, the pre-determined option is a unilateral military strike on Iran either by the US or Israel. In that event, it will of course be reported by the BBC and other western media as a “pre-emptive” military measure to “prevent” Iran from attacking western interests in the region. Reported too, no doubt, will be the “collateral damage” of civilian casualties – unfortunate victims in an otherwise “just cause”... >>>

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