Iran Will Not Ship Uranium Abroad, Minister Says
New York Times / Jack Healy
18-Nov-2009 (3 comments)

Iran’s foreign minister said in remarks reported Wednesday that he opposes sending the country’s enriched uranium abroad under a tentative deal negotiated with the United States and other big powers last month. The foreign minister’s remarks cast further doubt on the deal, which the Obama administration had hoped would defuse a standoff over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, told the student news agency ISNA that Iran would consider a simultaneous swap of its nuclear fuel for other uranium. But he told ISNA that, “definitely, Iran will not send its 3.5 percent enriched fuel out.”


Another Bait and Switch Deal

by DM on

Confirming once again you can't accept at face value anything the IRI says.


Shah Ghollam

Do you dare to.....

by Shah Ghollam on

Confirming once again you can't accept at face value anything the IRI says.

Do you also dare to say the same about the US/NATO/Israel ? Or you think they are such "man of their word" countries!

Iran is against bunch of bullies that think the law is them and them alone. They have been the first in breaking numerous International laws and regulation anytime they saw it fitting their interest. Iran has to play it tough that is the only way Iran can safeguard its International rights. Any other way, Iran is seen as weak and thus subject to abuse.



A wise choice I would say.

by Bavafa on

Are they any guarantees that the West will hold their end of the bargain?

"You fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"
