Iran and Nuclear Latency
Informed Comment: Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion / Juan Cole
08-Oct-2009 (one comment)

When you tool around the blogosphere and the news sites, the discourse about Iran's nuclear program is maddeningly contradictory. But I think a single hypothesis can account for all the known facts. These are:

1. Iran is making a drive to close the fuel cycle and to be capable of independently enriching uranium to at least the 5 percent or so needed for energy reactors and also to the 20 percent needed for its medical reactor.

2. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei gave a fatwa in 2005 that no Islamic state may possess or use atomic weapons because they willy nilly kill masses of innocent civilians when used, which is contrary to the Islamic law of war (which forbids killing innocent non-combatants).


Cole's thoughts on Iran's nuclear program.

by DM on

Cole thinks Iran doesn't really want the bomb, just the capablity to make one if they needed to--like Japan.

This is just spectulation, but he lays out a convincing case and if forced to guess I would say he is right.
