Make them wait: the case for a tactical pause with iran
foreign policy / trita parsi
30-Jul-2009 (5 comments)

No one said diplomacy with Iran would be easy. And now, before it even started, the Iranian election crisis has left Tehran politically paralyzed and Washington without a clear diplomatic path ahead. Iranian centrifuges keep spinning, leading some to think that September should be the deadline for Iran to accept the U.S. offer of talks. Although diplomacy must remain the policy, the momentous upheaval in Iran has completely changed the political landscape. Opening talks with Iran’s current government at this decisive moment could backfire severely. Indeed, now is the time for a tactical pause with Iran.




Skinning the Islamist cat

by Fred on

Islamist cutthroats republic in all its many skins is an outlaw entity, just like Apartheid S. Africa was.  There are many precedence on how to defeat outlaw entities, in all of them part of the formula includes severely restricting commerce, almost total travel ban on its officials and their families, material and moral support for the internal opposition.

I’ve always advocated that and all the “warmongering” and alike labels not only does not deter me, on the contrary seeing where they are originating from, it is an indication of being on the right path. And it should not have escaped any interested one’s attention that a certain spokesman of one of the internal factions of the regime has openly called for total commercial boycott of the IRI.  

The Islamist cuttroats republic is going full force for the A bomb, and the civilized world will not stand for it. And all this nonsense about the limited military ability and availability of U.S. is only good to fool retarded brainwashed Basijies and their counterparts in the West.

The frighteningly awesome might of the U.S. Air force and her surface and submarine force is barely engaged in anything and should they be tasked to can make a wilderness out of Iran in matter of days. That is my nightmare scenario for I believe once the West gives up on the idea of stopping the mad mullahs, and they are diabolically mad, without use of force, the human rights of Iranian nation will quickly turn to be just a collateral damage consideration. That is why based on historical facts I’m big on helping Iranians who are quite capable to do the job and save the nation from a sure disaster of biblical proportion and in the mean time rid the world of one of the main sources of Islamist pandemic.


This is not a defence of this lobby group

by fozolie on

I believe for once the Americans may be smart in dealing with Iran.  With regards to Obama's stance on the fraudulent elections in Iran, the US
must be careful in its output.  Imbicile Bush and Neocons through their
incompetence became the biggest guarantors of the Akhoonds' regime. By
careful choice of words and actions the current administration will do
the movement in Iran the biggest favour by robbing the Akhoonds of a

The Akhoonds don't care about what the US says. The US should pursue a multilateral approach. It should put pressure on the turncoats in EU to stop supplying and dealing with the regime. It should support Iranian efforts to have the leaders of the regime endicted for crimes against humanity as well as pressure to have their assets overseas frozen.  

As for the dialogue with Iran, when it comes to the nuclear issue I doubt if the US will care about legitimacy (North Korea is the example and model followed by Akhoonds). In practice it will be the regime that will have to pause to deal with the unrest and the divisions in its own ranks will prevent it from doing anything.

Mr. Fozolie

che khabar e

Ok... talk to me Fred

by che khabar e on

What exactly are you suggesting as the alternative?  Are you in favor of (god forbid) a military action?  The usual suspects WILL show up and accuse you of that so answer it right now... just for the record.  But I'm just not sure I understand what you expect. 


Spinning to their heart’s content

by Fred on

What in essence the NIAC lobbyist is proposing is to withdraw the September timeframe and leave the decision on the timetable, even if it is never, to the Islamist cutthroats republic. How convenient of the lobbyist!

 All those who have always thought one does not negotiate with the cutthroats and if makes the unwise decision to do so, does not wait till the cutthroat recovers fully from a self inflicted wound, need to learn a lesson from the lifetime president of NIAC lobby.

che khabar e

I'm not sure that I agree

by che khabar e on

I'm not sure that I agree with Parsi very often but in this case, I do.  I don't think there is any advantage to the movement for Obama to become too active or aggressive at this point.

Well done Rosie... a timely article.
