Online Poll: Jon Stewart Is America's Most Trusted Newsman
Huffington Post / Jason Linkens
23-Jul-2009 (5 comments)

Well, in a result that he will probably accept as downright apocalyptic for America, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart has been selected, in an online poll conducted by Time Magazine, as America's Most Trusted Newscaster, post-Cronkite. Matched up against Brian Williams, Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson, Stewart prevailed with 44 percent of the vote. Now, if we're being honest, he probably managed to prevail as the winner precisely because he was the odd man out in a field of network news anchors. Nevertheless, I think Jim Cramer should feel free to SNACK ON THAT.

recommended by capt_ayhab


che khabar e

Is it possible there are

by che khabar e on

Is it possible there are TWO Jon Stewarts?  The one I listen to doesn't sound like yours at all! :-)))

I am in favor of irreverence, to an extent.  I think Jon stands the line between that and what you might perceive as "bashing" America.  One thing I've noticed BIG TIME here on the website.  Iranians can dissect and discuss and diss themselves with great freedom, but let a non say something and watch the proverbial shit hit the fan.  Americans are the same way.  I don't think americans think Stewart blames America.  I think he pretty much just speaks his mind.  And of course we're not going to agree with him all the time!!!!  What fun would that be?  There are certain values that America was built on that have suffered.  I think he's got a good format to reveal them... that being "humor". 

This isn't the time or place for this discussion but as far as being a socialist, I'm not sure I'm that far from one myself.  Somewhere mixed in with a liberal.  But with some conservative values.  What the hell IS a right winger or a leftist or a socialist any more?  The terms are somewhat antiquated in today's global world. 

And remember... it IS a comedy show after all.  :-0

Farhad Kashani

Che khabar jaan,  

by Farhad Kashani on

Che khabar jaan,


First off, thanks for your support. I’ve also seen your postings and I think I agreed with you vast majority of times, if not always. I consider people like you intelligent, realist and a friend to the Iranian people and an individual with character. I’m glad that more and more people like you are speaking out in support of the Iranian people.


Aziz, Jon Stewart is a self proclaimed “secular progressive”. Now, that term in itself is admirable to be labeled by if we don’t take into consideration that the Left hides behinds this label to spread its Socialist agenda. No secular progressive should justify and apologize for the crimes of regimes such as IRI. I have been watching his show for a long time (No more though!) and he belongs to the “blame America first” crowd. He portrays regimes such as IRI as “victims”, I remember one time he said the regime is the “most democratic” in the region! Honestly? A regime that has an unelected criminal clergy on top and a regime that forces half of its people to wear religious cloth is “democratic”?? And we saw what circus their so called “elections” have been! And is he saying Iran is more democratic than Lebanon, or Israel, or even these days Iraq and Afghanistan? He discredits Capitalism and American system, he openly promotes for Socialism, and he justifies for regimes such as IRI! That’s not “secular progressive”! Why do you think he sent crew to Iran during last month’s circus? Comedy bit, in favor of the regime or against the regime? He tried to make a point that unlike what he considers “corrupt and extreme people” in America (by that he means all Republicans, Right Wing, Centrists, and pretty much all non Socialists) say about the regime, IRI has a “democracy!!” and “elections”! Well, we saw what happened there! Also, awhile back he sent correspondent to Sweden praising the Swedish system and trashing the American one. By that, he wasn’t unbiased to say that both systems have their goods and bads, and they both can self correct and that both are among the best in the world although neither one perfect, rather, he made out the American system of Capitalism and health care and things like that, to be like a broken third world system, and the Swedish system a utopian one! That’s promoting for something.


So aziz, we are the true secular progressives, not them. We stand for choice in abortion matters, for gun rights, for gay marriage, for Internationalism (which by the way makes me and you not “right wingers”!),,,all that, but at the same time, we stand firm in the face of brutal regimes such as IRI and others. Committing crimes against your own people in 2009 and blame it on a coup 50 years ago or on “Colonialism” or the so called “Zionists” or things like that, is not “Secular Progressive”.


In any event, keep up the good work.



by capt_ayhab on

Actually it is Faux and MSNBC that are in two extreme spectrum. Jon, although working for a satellite company of Faux[Comedy Channel] is more to the center.



che khabar e

I confess that I am

by che khabar e on

I confess that I am confused by you Farhad.  So many things you've said that I agree with you and yet this attitude?  I think that Jon Stewart provides just about as precise an analogy as can be.  What exactly do you have a problem with?  I never thought of you as being a conservative right winger before.  :-(


Farhad Kashani

That self loathing dumb

by Farhad Kashani on

That self loathing dumb Socialist is part of the elite who has been always getting it wrong. He was wrong on Iran by calling it a “democracy”, wrong on Bush, wrong on Obama. You name it!


Unfortunately, some Americans don’t know better and look for “News”terntainment, versus News. That’s why FOX news and Jon Stewart are so popular. One is extreme right and the other extreme Left. Stewart gets it wrong domestically and internationally, Hannity gets it wrong domestically but right internationally.


Jon Stewart’s numbers will go down. Watch.