بهائیان نیز باید از حقوق شهروندی برخوردار باشند
Human Righs Activists In Iran
11-Jun-2009 (6 comments)

حجت الاسلام مهدی کروبی با اشاره به سوابق حمايت خود از حقوق اقشار مختلف مردم، گفتند: "من چه زماني كه مسووليت داشته ام و چه زماني كه در مسووليت نبوده ام همواره از حقوق همه مردم، فارغ از سليقه سياسي آنان دفاع كرده ام و امروز نيز به عنوان يك مسلمان علاقه مند به سرنوشت كشور بر خود واجب مي دانم از حقوق همه مردم دفاع كنم." دبيركل حزب اعتماد ملي سپس با اشاره به اقدامات خود در دفاع از حقوق شهروندی تمام اقشار مردم، گفتند: " من همیشه با موضوع محرومیت ها مخالف بوده ام و با اين برخوردها مخصوصا ايجاد محروميت از تحصيل براي دانشجويان مخالفم و اين روش را در تعارض با قانون اساسي، آرمان هاي انقلاب اسلامي و خط امام مي دانم و هنگامی که در شورای انقلاب فرهنگی و مجلس حضور داشتم به این مسائل اعتراض کرده ام و گفته ام که "حتی" اگر کسی به خدا هم اعتقاد نداشته باشد باید از حق شهروندی خود محروم نشود. "

recommended by farshadjon



rosie is roxy is roshan

by smhb on

Rosie, I agree with your statement about Karoubi. Those who oppose the revolution and the IRI and were advocating no participation during the election have egg on their face and are hard pressed on how to spin things. But realities on the ground speak for themselves. Only the blind and the biased are unable to fathom the reality.

The IRI is not perfect by any stretch of imagination and noone is claiming that either but put in proper historical context its light years ahead of everything we have had so far and its light years ahead of those who oppose it outside the borders of Iran.

The IRI has produced alot of young, educated, talented, socialy and politicaly  aware youth that it now has to listen to them and accomodate them without pushing Iran to the brink of unrest. Iran's independence and territorial integrity comes first in my book as the painful histoy of the Qajar dynasty and former Yugoslavia and ........ tell us.

However the IRI has to be able to manage both the national security issue which it has done a great job at and the domestic issues regarding civil liberties, justice, poverty, economics, addiction / drugs, unemployment and etc... 

I am proud that the people of Iran participated in such huge numbers with a great deal of passion. Its a historical moment indeed no matter who wins the election. 

rosie is roxy is roshan

"Yes, we can hope but we can't fool ourselves, can we?"

by rosie is roxy is roshan on











....but, Rosie !!

by Souri on

The news was in Persian, how could you read it? How did you understand what is was about dear? Strange !!


dear Rosie

by Souri on

What you are saying would be right in a democratic country, but unfortunately you have only a slight impression on what is going behind the beneath in our system in

Iran. Everything look so much democratic and progressive during the "revolution" or the "election" but the after math is a total disaster. Nobody keep promise and nobody care, there's no real opposition during a whole presidential period and indeed, a president is really nothing, compared to the supreme power (velayat faghih)

Yes, we can hope but we can't fool ourselves, can we? for how long?

Having said that, my heart goes with the democracy and my wish is for the best of Iran and true Iranian.

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on



















Too good to be true!

by Souri on

I wish that was true, but you know how its going on during the election. This is the same in all countries. There are some candidates only to get the  votes from some especial group or minorities. Then they will be eliminated and their votes will go for the one who is designed to be elected!!

Here, Karoubi will get the Bahais votes, while everybody knows that Karoubi's chance for being elected are minors. Then he will ask the Bahais to vote for Mousavi. The elected Mousavi then will say, who said that the Bahais will get back all their civil rights? Wasn't me!!