Now they're calling Bushehr a "Nuclear Weapons Reactor"
Google Earth via Youtube
24-Apr-2009 (21 comments)

I'm was simply dumbfounded when I discovered this on Google Earth. First the 'Arabian' gulf nonsense and now this. It all seems part of an orchestrated campaign.

recommended by Enriched_Iranian



It's lucky Google didn't

by Enriched_Iranian on

It's lucky Google didn't label it a "Milk Powder factory", or we would have been in serious trouble!

Don't really want to get into the 'conspiracy' debate, but the word does conjure up images of dark-suited men sitting around a large oak table in a dimly lit room,  their faces obscured by swirls of blue cigar smoke, planning the next step in their bid for world domination. Real conspiracies don't resemble the Hollywood version. Powerful people of a similar mindset have a tacit understanding of what needs to be done.

The "nuclear weapons" notation for Bushehr is just part of the politically movitivated narrative that serves to present our country as the most imminent threat to world peace since the Soviet fleet docked in the Bay of Pigs. What's disturbing is the way this narrative is now expounded in such a brazen matter-of-fact way by a 'trusted' name in information and mapping. But what is it they say about lies? If you tell them often enough....

Contrary to a previous poster's suggestion, the Israeli reactor is not labelled a "nuclear weapons" reactor but a Nuclear Research Facility. I would find it just as absurd had Dimona been labelled as a nuclear weapons reactor - even though it's widely acknowledged that it's main purpose is the production of basic fuel for weaponization into atomic bombs.

What people often fail to mention about the ageing Dimona facility is the threat it poses to Isrealis themselves. I believe the reactor is over 40 years old - past the average age for safe operation. I seem to remember a few years ago thousands of Israelis living in its vicinity were issued with anti-radiation tablets to use in the event of a leak. You have to wonder whether Israel's flat refusal to allow any kind of independent inspection isn't at least partly due to this fact. It's entirely possible that the IAEA inspectorate would order it to be decommisioned on grounds of safety.






John - you dense ass


You say "You will automatically defend everything Muslim and Iranian and condemn everything Jewish, Zionist and Israeli without bothering to look at the facts first".  !!!  Now where in what I wrote on this thread I blamed this on Jews, Zionists or Israel???  I directed your attention (non-existent since it needs a mind) to the fact of your bigotry and ignorance regarding Iran's nuclear programme - without NPT regulations and IAEA monitoring all nuclear reactors can potentially produce atom bomb.  


Mola Nasredeen

"What have we learned so far Hasrate shotor?" I asked politely

by Mola Nasredeen on


"We have learned Google is owned by Zionists that's why they change the facts according to their ideology". Said he gently.

"What else may I ask haj agha?" I asked again.

"Dont believe everything that Yahoo publishes about Iran and Middle East either". He replied.

"Damet garm shotor". I said as I filled up his akhor with corn and peanuts (peanuts were on sale).


Dear Mehrnaz

by John on

I'm so sad to discover that you continue to see, hear and comprehend only what you wish to.  You still haven't read, or maybe you're unable to understand, what I have written on this subject. 

More likely the problem is that you will automatically defend everything Muslim and Iranian and condemn everything Jewish, Zionist and Israeli without bothering to look at the facts first.

Although name-calling is probably the lowest form of discussion, I'll accept your correlation of my brain and my a$$ because I know that there is more rational thought emanating from my a$$ than from your brain.


The Bogeyman

by John on

Neither zionist nor jew nor christian.  I realized many years ago that hiding behind any religion or religious dogma is a sure path to unenlightened bigotry, videlicit herein.

Mola Nasredeen

ilikegoodpeople, I like you too

by Mola Nasredeen on

Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks for the information and wise approach.


as simple as this: During

by ilikegoodpeople (not verified) on

as simple as this:

During the good economic times many israelies in US used the opportunity to sponsor their friends and relatives to cvome to US and got permanent residency. I even heard women who were housewives before were brough to run HR department because the company had a branch in Israel so they needed to hire them and they justified it.
Now after that some israelies have gotten jobs at Yahoo and google and other places and if the task is given to them they use it in conjunction with israeli gov's goals. There are examples of that even in yahoo news if the reporter is israeli or israeli supporter.

so i am not surprised to see this. it may not be necessarily conspiracy but individual acts of fanatic jews who are racist otherwise they would allow others to become jewish.
in fact jewish is not religion and it is a race so if there is preference then they are racist.
I for one do not care for youtube, but the truth is that google search is good but i think www, is not too bad.
it is better to support smaller companies so the big ones will not monopolize anyway.


google should call it

by MRX1 on

jayeh bokhor bokhor or chapidan research facility an honor of our beloved russian neighbors who made billions upon billions  (major chapidan) building this piece of garbage nuclear facility. Hope another chernobile is not in the picture....


John - you dense ass


 You say:

"According to Paul Leventhal of the Nuclear Control Institute, if Iran were to withdraw from the Nonproliferation Treaty and renounce the agreement with Russia, the Bushehr reactor could produce a quarter ton of plutonium per year, which Leventhal says is enough for at least 30 atomic bombs.".  The word "if" is not the same as "does".  

In your own words "Get off your fat, lazy a$$ and do something constructive" which in your case is using your brain, hard as it is, a tiny bit:  that 'analysis' you provide applies to most nuclear reactor sites in the world, you dense ass.

Mola Nasredeen

"Is this guy who is into angels a Zionist?"

by Mola Nasredeen on

My camel asked me suspiciously. I told him: "Haj Agha he could be classified more as an ignorant"

"Why do you call him ignorant though?" My camel asked while in deep thought.

I answered: "Hazrate shotor, he doesn't know the difference between a Zionist and a Jew." 

"But he may know the difference and he's only pretending?" Said the wise camel.

"Ahsannat! Ahsannat!" I replied. 



Read more than just the title...

by John on

If you did read more than just the title of the Google Earth articles then you would see that the description of the Israeli site is unequivocally condemning in tone, and is very specific in identifying the Negev facility as a producer of nuclear weapons.

You would also see that the description of Bushehr only refers to its potential use, not to its actual use: "According to Paul Leventhal of the Nuclear Control Institute, if Iran were to withdraw from the Nonproliferation Treaty and renounce the agreement with Russia, the Bushehr reactor could produce a quarter ton of plutonium per year, which Leventhal says is enough for at least 30 atomic bombs.".  The word "if" is not the same as "does".

The knee-jerk anti-zionists who often post comments on this site see only what they want to see, and far too often jump to erroneous conclusions.

Is Google owned by Jewish-Americans?  I don't know, nor do I care.  Jewish-Americans own many businesses in all fields of endeavour;  should they be prevented from doing so?  If you don't like their businesses or their products then feel free not to use them or, even better, start up your own competing businesses.  Aren't half of Beverly Hills residents filthy rich Iranian-Americans?  Aren't there thousands of filthy rich Arabs in oil producing countries?  Why don't some of these people start up their own Googles, Warner Brothers, MGMs, etc. instead of just complaining about the Zionist boogiemen that they see all around them?

That's what I mean by "you guys are pathetic".  Get off your fat, lazy a$$es and do something constructive instead of just complaining about how evil the big, bad Jews are.


Bushehr a "Nuclear Weapons Reactor"

by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

It is probably true about Bushehr- I am not going to wait to find out later that that site was or is indeed a facility for making Nuclear Bombs. and NO Iran has no rights to them either, because the regime is very irresponsible towards her people.

Those who are ranting about Zionist, Jews, etc etc. are just want to blame on others for their failure of their country. Just like Ahamaghi and the Islamic terrorist Sate of Iran.

The world is not going to take chance and see because it will too late.

Why would Iranian state will want to start to care for it people? They lie about everything, why not their intention of peaceful intentions? Islamic regime of Iran must be stopped and will be stopped.

Now start yapping about Zion this Jewish that till the hell freezes.


Dear John


I appreciate your concern for accuracy and not to jump into conclusions, however, Dimona IS a 'suspected' (sic) nuclear weapons site whereas Bushehr is a nuclear energy production plant (not yet in operation) which is subject to the NPT and monitored by the IAEA inspectors.  So, there is a big difference.  

Mola Nasredeen

Thanks Gol-dust, If it talks like a duck and walks

by Mola Nasredeen on

like a duck, then, it's probably a duck. The one whose head is in the cloud is pathetic (John), we know what we're talking about. On a few occation I have tried to find documents about Middle East, Palestine and Israel and I have noticed the search results are not what I'd asked for.  That's when I started to question the motives of people at Google who organize and publish documents that are related to Israel. And now I'm told by Gol-dust that Google is owned/started by a Zionist. 


Paul Leventhal named it! Isn't he and Google owners zionists?

by gol-dust on

Well, are you surprised? And they are the ones who are changing all these names including calling it Arabian Gulf! Why do you think they are the world's masters? They own the media along everything else!


You guys are pathetic!!

by John on

What miserable lives you must lead to be able to see a Zionist conspiracy behind every single event.

Have you no capacity for independent thought?  If you enter "nuclear weapons reactor" in Google Earth, the first location identified is "Negev Nuclear Research Center", which is in (oh my god!!) Israel, and Google Earth further states that:

"The purpose of Dimona is widely assumed to be the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and the majority of defense experts have concluded that it does in fact do that. However, the Israeli government refuses to confirm or deny this publicly, as part of a policy of deliberate ambiguity."

Iran's Bushehr reactor is only the fourth one listed by Google Earth.

Zionist alert!!!  All Jew-fearing, Jew-hating Muslims please leap to the defense of Iran!!!

What a beautiful world we all live in, and how fortunate we are to be alive;  and how unfortunate that some of us feel inclined to cower in an atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia.


Yes, Google is Zionist

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

They have research facilities in Israel

Mola Nasredeen

Is Google Zionist?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Does anybody have any information regarding the above question?


Ignore my comment, it was

by OmidKarimi on

Ignore my comment, it was my fault, my wireless messed up. It works perfectly, nice vid.


For movies/clips about Iranian society, check out my website at:



Well, you can't fault me

by Enriched_Iranian on

Well, you can't fault me for Bravado! :>

But you yank my chain, Omid. They haven't removed it. Yet!


You placed your video on

by OmidKarimi on

You placed your video on Youtube, instead of, for example, or You know Google owns Youtube, and your video has been removed :)


For movies/clips about Iranian society, check out my website at: