یک میلیارد دلار برای تخریب اسلام در اینترنت!
08-Apr-2009 (6 comments)

بودجه سایت های اینترنتی ضد اسلامی یک میلیارد دلار است. یک تحقیق انجام شده از سوی دانشگاه الازهر نشان می دهد بیش از ده هزار سایت اینترنتی سرگرم فعالیت تخریبی علیه دین مبین اسلام و مسلمانان هستند. بودجه سایت های اینترنتی ضد اسلامی یک میلیارد دلار است. یک تحقیق انجام شده از سوی دانشگاه الازهر نشان می دهد بیش از ده هزار سایت اینترنتی سرگرم فعالیت تخریبی علیه دین مبین اسلام و مسلمانان هستند. این بررسی که به وسیله دکتر « سید مرعی» استاد دانشکده تربیت دانشگاه الازهر انجام گردید و در روزنامه روزالیوسف منتشر شده، میزان هزینه اختصاص یافته برای این سایت ها را بالغ بر یک میلیارد دلار در سال ارزیابی کرده است.

recommended by Ali P.




by Rajab. (not verified) on

Who knows what islam was/is, but we know what it does when it is practiced. Among moslim countries, the more prevalent islam, the more atrocious it is, and the more backward the country.

In iran, islam has had a free rein for 30 years to prove itself deserving of any respect. It has failed miserably by those who claim to have known islam better than anyone else, the ayatollahs. The result: murder of some 50,000 youths calling them mofsedo-fel-arz and moharreb-ba-khoda, waste of another 500,000 lives in a useless war, looting of close to $1 trillion of oil revenue while some live in utmost poverty resorting to prostitution to feed themselves and their children. Such atrocities do not even come close to atrocities of any nasty character in the history of Iran. Tamerlane Tatar, who incidentally had memorized Qoran and could even read it backwards, is known to have killed some 70,000 iranians, no where near what Khomeini killed in his prisons and his war.


In afghanistan, attendance of girls are considered heresy. This past month, acid was thrown at faces of school girls when attending schools by Taleban as a service to enforcing of islamic laws. Before that, a school was set to fire with girls inside, again by Taleban, again to conform to islamic laws:


In Suadi Arabia, a 75 year old woman was lashed 40 times for accompanying a non-relative out of her home:


These are not theories, nor blind cherish of a cult that is no religion but an atrocious cult. This is Islam in practice that deserves destruction and eternal damnation as a service to humanity.

Islam has brought us 30 years of disaster. Islam turned our country into a backward third world disaster after 1400 years of domination. That changed us from a civilized country to a defeated and humiliated country that even IRI supporters and islamists cannot stand living there and run away to the non-islamic west; islam changed us from turning women kings and queens before islam into burying them in sand to their waists and stoning them to death while islamists cheer that one more mofseo-fel-arz is killed by the order of a murderous religion and its coward god who has no courage to practice his atrocities himself and has to delegate them to his fanatic subjects.

Islam is not a religion by empirical data, it is a cult of murder, deceit, and thievery. Those who do not see that are blinded by their glasses of fanaticism that have brain-washed them. Had any secular regime, ideology, or individual committed a tiny tiny fraction of such murders, thievery, or corruption (such as shah did), he would have been thrown out long long time ago and demonized in the eyes of history forever:


Be a human being rather than a blind moslim praising oppression, murder, deceit, and thievery. Lies have been and are an integral part of islam, lies that destroyed iran:




by Monda on

The amount of WASTE in the name of faith just makes my head spin. Good title, good post Ali P.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

برای زندگی بهتر

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

ایکاش این پولهایی را که صرف نفرت و آزار میکردند صرف انسانها میکردند  و برایشان بیمارستان و مدرسه میساختند.   یک میلیارد دلار پول کمی نیست و میشود هزاران نفر را از گرسنگی و آوارگی نجات داد.   متاسفانه دین که بایست سبب الفت و دوستی باشد سبب عناد و دشمنی شده است.   امیر


Lanat bar gardanandegan injur sita

by smhb on

May GOD'S wrath be brought upon all those who initiate and run such sites. With all their cunning, deception and treacherous efforts they have not been able to achieve their objectives and they never will succeed.

As the report clearly indicates the originators of these sites are and were zionists. Guess who was opposing the Prophet (PBUH) from the begining by plotting against him and trying to distort GOD'S message and waging war against Islam and Muslims?

GOD's religion needs no one's help to spread and survive, its rather the men and women of this planet who need the message of GOD to survive and prosper and reach peace and salvation. Those who think they are hurting Islam are only decieving themselves.

GOD bless all people of good faith.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on



Ali P

by capt_ayhab on

Your title says it all: "Mullah have done it for free"

Good post dude, Thanks