Russian Professor Predicts : America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Wall Street Journal / ANDREW OSBORN
28-Dec-2008 (5 comments)

California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

David ET

KGB trying to plant the seed?

by David ET on

Hmmm let's see: Stay in California and learn chinese? That's too much work! plus the earthquake will seperate California from mainland anyway!

Go to New York and join European Union?

Go to Nothern states and become Canadian? Too cold up there

Alaska , Russians can have it as long as they take Palin with it.

Hmmm...South sounds better. I take Mexico, Taco and Tequila!

What is this guy smoking anyway?! 



Interesting, but incomplete

by Objectivizer (not verified) on

It was an interesting article, but provided no links to follow up on.

I'm curious to see the full picture of how he sees things unfolding. Even if it plays out differently, seeing the type of logic that must be included in his theories would be valuable.

Things are sure going to get interesting in the next few months or years. If and when resources run dry we'll see things really accelerate. Will the media support big government and imply that anyone who disagrees is a terrorist? Will the freedom movement supports (ala Ron Paul and others) get rounded up to death "FEMA Relocation cities"?

The key question in my mind, "Is how will the lines be drawn?" - this articles says 'ethnic'. That to me is a warning to be on the look out for an event which would ignite racial hatreds, like the MLK Jr assassination. But I believe that black people know that there are good whites too - so straight ethnic lines seems out.

I think it's more likely that the media will try to draw lines very much like they do in politics (Republicans vs Democrats) - actings as a neutral party - acting as if both sides are valid, yet presenting the worst of both sides to enrage the other. Perhaps it will be white-collar vs blue-collar, perhaps it will be political, perhaps it will be like Mad-Max: every man for himself and roving bands of gangs.

Or perhaps the fight has left us, and we'll just get in line for our daily bread. Perhaps we'll accept the micro-chip-implant-tracking-system/cashless-society-control-grid. Or perhaps Atlas will shrug, and strong honest productive individuals will walk away - finding new homes in new countries to build new lives until the time when they can unite and start a new country based on freedom and self-responsibility - a land were ....


He might have a point

by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

The debt is becoming a big problem for U.S. Unless the politician and general public address this issue and take measures to correct it, then bad things could happen. May be it will not be as bad as Igor paints here but these days, I won't rule anything out.

David ET


by David ET on

Actuallly overall if US keeps printing money as it is and economy continues tanking, eventually green paper becomes worthless and then we can see all kinds of chaos in US streets and the world for that matter.

So not in exact rediculus terms that he put it, but if things don't improve can get much much worse when the bankcrupcy hits the Federal and States as last resort. 


This has to be a joke

by Q on

by 2010?

Either it's a joke or he knows something about the economic crisis that the rest of us don't.