A Senior Fellow at the Institute of Nonexistence
New York Times
14-Nov-2008 (16 comments)

It was among the juicier post-election recriminations: Fox News Channel quoted an unnamed McCain campaign figure as saying that Sarah Palin did not know that Africa was a continent. Turns out it was Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, who has come forward today to identify himself as the source of the leaks. Trouble is, Martin Eisenstadt doesn’t exist. His blog does, but it’s a put-on. And the claim of credit for the Africa anecdote is just the latest ruse by Eisenstadt, who turns out to be a very elaborate hoax that has been going on for months.

recommended by Zion


American Wife


by American Wife on

that was from the wonderful Mark Twain... good job.


Just in case if some of you

by sbglobe on

Just in case if some of you did not get the memo – the election is over and we do have a President Elect. I hope someone let Sara (and some of her supports here) know that too and to let her know that  the best thing to do at this point  is to move on quietly. As the saying says – it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stu… than to talk and remove all doubts (or something like that)

American Wife

you've convinced me too...

by American Wife on

and here I was, thinking that the media told the truth!  That Katie Couric... I bet that was all fake too!

I know!  Let's make a list of ALL the stupid things the candidates have said.  Samsam has started his list.  BTW... I'm assuming you can prove each and everyone of THOSE allegations.

Samsam has got Obama's back and Zion seems to think Sarah is a wizz-kid and will have an excuse for all her, hmmm... misinterpretations so I'll help her with that.  :-)

Desi... you can have McCain.  I know you're busy with the new job but a minute or two a night should yield some goodies.

IRANdokht... take your pick, Cheney or Bush.  :-0

Then we can ALL decide who the biggest idiot is!

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

BTW Zion. We know she's a genius. Why bother posting this?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

We love Sarah Palin here. Can't you tell? She hates Iran and she wants to bomb us if the wingnut president says weird stuff about Israel. Yay Palin! Yay for being an airhead! Yay for failing out of college 3 times and calling it folksy. I'm sure she has detailed knowledge of Africa, her psycho pastor is from Kenya. He killed a witch once, right?

Lawwwwd make a way. BTW I hope you're ready to be perfected from Judaism when the Lord Jesus Christ makes his second coming. 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Mossadegh V. Sarah Palin

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

When Mossadegh dared to say that iranians should have a piece of their nation's oil wealth, and challenged western greed, he was knocked down and even our own people say "he's a commie". When Sarah Palin does it in Alaska, it's patriotic and magnificent. America is hilarious.


Sure. No problem

by Zion on

I didn't mean it as an accusation. I just thought that was his official position (based on this: //www.campaigniran.org/casmii/index.php?q=nod...) but it is of little importance anyway.

Moderator 1234

Dear Zion

by Moderator 1234 on

Your comment has been modified to omit seriously accusatory language towards other registered site members.  Please refrain from using such language again.


The comment was a hoax

by Zion on

The entire nonsense is based on the claims of an alleged unidentified anonymous source. So far the only name to come up as the source proved to be a fraud. Unless the source is identified, stands by his assertions under his real name and can provide evidence to support his innuendos, this remains an exposed media hoax. End of story.


Well than that settles it.

by desi on

Well than that settles it.  The woman is a geo political genius.  


To: Samsam

by IRANdokht on

Whenever you refer to the President elect, please don't forget to say: mashallah hezar mashallah




To: Ali P.

by IRANdokht on

When you look at the report and what Foaad said in his comment, then you may realize that what I said does not fall into the same category after all 



I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

It was not a hoax at all. The source was not Eincrap

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

it's also interesting that she never denied it! She just said "they're jerks". I think we need to know the full extent of this, to use John MCCain's words.

Ali P.

To : IRANdokht

by Ali P. on

"the comment was not so hard to believe anyaway"

That's how it happens:

"I won $6,000,000 in UK email lottory.I bought it, because the comment was not so hard to believe anyaway."

"Oh, I need a $400 cyclo gearbox for my car, the (iranian!)mechanic tells me.The comment was not so hard to believe anyaway."

"He told me he was single.I bought it, because the comment was not so hard to believe anyaway."


Ali P.


What is not a hoax , is the fact that

by samsam1111 on

Prassident Barikallah Hussein & his zombified activist gang & gullible liberal media, are masters of not only falsehood but covering up his subversive past .

According to Imam Hussein, USA has 57 states , Revolutionary guards are actualy Republican guards , The capital of EU is London , William Ayers is an old nanny , Khaled mansur is actualy Donald Trump, Imam of Detroit mosqe is fictional , He never knew reverand "God damn America" , $197 mil unverified foreign internet contribution was not from mullahs & his support for Kenyas murderous thugs was a myth .

According to mullah boy Biden; Abraham Loncoln America had TV, Mullah Khattami is still relevant, $60000 funds from SF hezbollahi/Reformists was from Donald Duck , ....etc

Palin is not that bright on foreign affairs But then, liberal know nothing elites are worse . btw,  How can We believe ,a right wing paper such as New york times to tell the facts on Bimbo Palin ..heeh..


Thank you Foad

by IRANdokht on

When something makes sense, it just does!

and the comment was not so hard to believe anyaway...


Foaad Khosmood

Comment was not a hoax

by Foaad Khosmood on

from the New York Times article cited.

The pranksters behind Eisenstadt acknowledge that he was not, through them, the anonymous source of the Palin leak. He just claimed falsely that he was the leaker--and they say they have no reason to cast doubt on the original story. For its part, Fox News Channel continues to stand behind its story.