Yek tir va dow neshaan
06-Aug-2008 (6 comments)
دختر شيرين عبادي به فرقه ضاله بهائيت گرويد تهران-خبرگزاری جمهوری اسلامی (ایرنا): يک منبع آگاه در گفت و گو با ايرنا اعلام کرد دختر شيرين عبادي حدود يکسال است که به عضويت فرقه ضاله بهائيت گرويده است دختر شيرين عبادي به فرقه ضاله بهائيت گرويد

يک منبع آگاه در گفت و گو با ايرنا اعلام کرد دختر شيرين عبادي حدود يکسال است که به عضويت فرقه ضاله بهائيت گرويده است.
اين منبع آگاه در عين حال افزود: شيرين عبادي در تلاش است تا با اين محمل و با ادعاي تهديدات احتمالي عليه خانواده خود دريافت امکانات مضاعف از غرب براي خود و دخترش را ميسر نمايد.
گفتني است طي يکسال گذشته شيرين عبادي حجم وسيعي از اقدامات خود را بر تطهير فرقه ضاله و وابسته بهائيت متمرکز نموده تا آنجا که تحرکات مشکوک وي چندي پيش از سوي بيت العدل اعظم بهائيان مستقر در اسرائيل مورد تقدير قرار گرفت.

recommended by jimzbund



Its a lie, its a claim the

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

Its a lie, its a claim the gov is using to have excuses to put pressure on the Ebadi family.



by jimzbund on

Anyone out of Islam is a bonus but the whether true or false they have been trying to silence Shirin Ebadi and this seems to be one of their tactics by saying she is getting money from Israel and bahai spies blah blah blah and the regular Shiite stuff .... 


Bund, Jimz Bund


How pathetic these mullahs can be!

by BIG DEAL (not verified) on

I read this morning that Ebadi in "her defense" (like being Bahai is equal to being Hitler!! ) said that the whole thing was a big lie and that she was proud that she and her entire family were Shiite Muslims.


Good for her. What should we do now?

by mostaghel on



James, I mean Mr Bund!

by Tahirih on

I am not saying this news is correct or not, I have no reliable sources,but I just want to say it can happen:))))

I did become a bahai, so can she, why not?

with most respect for you Mr Bund



Shah Baha'i Shodeh

by jimzbund on

LOL, this reminds me of anyone opposing the Islamic Fundamentalists or of higher standards and principles being labled a Baha'i . I am sure all the UN ,EU , Security Coucil are controlled by Baha'is and Jews as Muslims are busy building a new world order or disorder .

Bund, JimzBund,