The word “diplomatic” is derived from “diplomacy” which is the art of international mediation or negotiation for the purpose of maintaining peaceful relations. Imposing sanctions on a country to enhance diplomatic efforts is as absurd a notion as bombing to preserve peace or engaging in sexual assault to preserve virginity.
Like it or not, we are not Arabs. For the most part, we look different, we are smarter and our culture and heritage is infinitely richer than any culture in any Arab country.
A video of the event has been posted at
Akbar Ganji, the Iranian dissident and journalist who spent six years in prison for criticizing state repression, sent an open letter to UN Secretary General :
I hope this answers the question:
How many times a month do we have to read the loads of jibberish Afrasiabi writes?
There is no argument that any form of distruction of human life is unacceptable. Wants it to be the holocaust or death in Iraq for what ever reason. But ....
Apparent from the crowd of cheering onlookers who turned out in droves to execute the verbal equivalent of such hideous practice on the Iranian president, not much has changed in the last few decades.
A computer is still not a television, so when and how can I interactively seamlessly purchase commercial goods relevant to programs I am watching on television via television?
An unacceptable behavior!
چه گم كس ميتواند باشد
تا بدنبال معنی خويش سرگردان؟
>>>'s better to be a homosexual in our country then heterosexual."
This is a golden opportunity, and he has the power to make a difference
During this month of Ramazan and fasting and worship and introspection, I have taken it upon myself to examine one of the crossroads of religion and politics, and to think about the concept of "Amr b maroof va nahyeh az monkar", and to consider some of its preconditions.
It is time to stand up and take action. It is time for the United Nations to enforce action when International human rights laws are breached. It is time for citizens of the world to unite and say "no more". If we chose to remain silent, then we should all be held accountable to human suffering. The good news is that our voices do count for something. " -- From Nazanin Afshin-Jam's speech in Berlin September 2007
While the word is technically the same "President" of Iran carries a quite different definition.
Ahmadinejad comments on gays only displays the degree of his ignorance.
Four video clips of NBC Today's program's Matt Lauer in Tehrun
Just a quick anouncement about the SF Beta Birthday Bash on Tuesday Sep 25th. This is a great networking event for all up and coming internet entrepenuers. If you have start up or thinking of founding one, you might want to drop by to mingle with others, network and more. There are still a few tickets left I am told (free for founders).
My fears of turning my car in upon lease expiration.
Someone I know recently turned their leased car in with approximately 3000 less miles than the 30,000 miles allowed under their lease, but did they get any credit for that under-usage? No sir!
In light of president Ahmadinejad’s statement that we do not have homosexuals in Iran, I would like to personally apologize to all those that I accused of being gay including:
I was thinking, wouldn't it be wonderful if thousands of gays marched down the Vali-E-Asr street in Tehran tomorrow and embarrassed the Islamic regime while this guy Ahmadinejad was still in New York!!! That would be awsome, wouldn't it?
Divesting from Islamic Republic
Lets get this straight folks, the vicious, ugly attack by Columbia university president was not about saving women rights and freedom in Iran it was about saving his own job!
After age 14 or so, Ahmadinejad's sexual experience has been limited to monkeys; the species he most closely feels at home with. So, because his sex partners after adolesence have been chimps and other variety of primates, he cannot relate to homosexual behavior as it exist in the U.S.
Happy Hour at the Bubble Lounge for Iranian law students and lawyers
Mullah's Rhetoric vs Naive American Press
Reason dictates that Iran will be the loser in any potential armed confrontation with the United States of America, so reason dictates that Iran should ratchet down rhetoric and provocation and seek an alternate resolution.
Ahmadinejad is scheduled to speak at Columbia University tomorrow and there are already news trucks lined up on Broadway. Protesters are getting ready for a rally, and there are pictures of hangings and people who have been lashed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
از مسائل عمده جنسي ميباشند و به دليل افزايش روزافزون اين بيماري ها بخصوص افزايش شديد بروز بريماري ايدز داري اهميت زيادي ميباشند و آشنايي با آنها براي همه افراد جامعه بخصوص جوان نيازي مبرم و ضروري است ، هرچقدر كه آگاهي افرد از اين بيماري ها بيشتر باشد ، احتمال ابتلا به بيماري كمتر خواهد بود ،
فعالان حقوق كودك و وكلاي دادگستري در نامهاي به مجلس شوراي اسلامي و رييس قوه قضاييه، توقف اجراي احكام اعدام براي افراد زير 18 سال را تا زمان تصويب لايحه تشكيل دادگاه اطفال و نوجوانان خواستار شدند.
In Iran Bahai's are being denied access to higher education. Bahai’s are a discriminated class in Iran and are often ignored by the Diaspora completely. In Iran, they have in many cases been uprooted from their homes, denied access to resources equal and on par with other Iranians, and even violently attacked strictly on the basis of their religion.
The marketing of Iraq's oil resources to foreign oil companies through regional authorities versus Iraq's central government sets a bad precedent for the entire region, and sets in motion forces which will lead to civil strife, regional instability, and the disintegration of national unity, as oil neo-colonialists bait resource rich regions into splitting from national unions in the hopes of carting-off those resources "on the cheap." This strategy is commonly referred to as "divide and conquer."
Beza emshab ea sher ya shayd mer bashe ya nemidonam ,man migam WORDS,ya Harf , hala Bikhiyal sakhat nagir ea kami gosh kon:
Steven's site is blocked in Iran as is Salon which is where his recent article "Why Bush Won't Bomb Iran" has been published. Using a proxy to gain access (won't work with Salon unfortunately) from Iran I can say that the issues Steven has raised are extremely important and need to be taken into account by all Iranians.
This clip examines the reception of a recent quote by Ahmadinejad referring to filiing a "vacuum" in Iraq. Lawmakers and analysts selectively quote the first half of the sentence revealing fundamental attitudes which may not serve the best interests of both the US and Iran.
How can a political system talk about globalization and embargo/disengagement at the same time? Only losers take the ball and go home.
زندگی در بیابان گرم و کُشنده، در حائلی از سرابهای که ترا وادار به داشتن امید به قطره آبی می کند و لحظه به لحظه بر تشنگیت می افزاید و سرانجامت را به یاًس و نابودی می کشاند.
Are their so called 'Sanctions' just a mirage?