Sayeh Hassan
25-Jan-2010 (3 comments)
The talk is titled “Media Myth in Iran” and he is to argue that the current movement in Iran does not represent the Iranian people who are supposedly by large supporters of the Islamic Regime>>>
Sayeh Hassan
This was a wonderful event where Iranians with different beliefs and ideas came together to celebrate the birthday of this special young woman>>>
Sayeh Hassan
15-Jan-2010 (one comment)
On January 14th ten Kurdish activists were arrested during the second death anniversary of slain student Ebrahim Kotfollahi in the “Behesht Mohammadi” graveyard in the city of Sanandaj>>>
Sayeh Hassan
15-Jan-2010 (2 comments)
According to news I have received from numerous activists and readers my blog has been filtered and activists in Iran are no longer able to have access to it>>>
Sayeh Hassan
07-Jan-2010 (one comment)
Human Rights Activists in Iran is a “human rights organization” that chooses to work within the framework of the Islamic Regime>>>
Sayeh Hassan
06-Jan-2010 (one comment)
This morning at 4am a Kurdish political prisoner Fasih Yasamani was executed by hanging. The authorities have told the Yasamani family that they will not receive his body>>>
Sayeh Hassan
03-Jan-2010 (10 comments)
Unfortunately the "reform camp" abroad is doing everything in their power to undermine the people's pro-democracy, anti regime movement >>>
Sayeh Hassan
20-Dec-2009 (42 comments)
Montazeri was a supporter of reform within the “un-reformable” Islamic Regime. His crimes against the Iranian people will never be forgotten>>>
Sayeh Hassan
12-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Except for Majid Tavakoli, unfortunately most activists have been virtually silent about the arrest and imprisonment of many other students>>>
Sayeh Hassan
07-Dec-2009 (7 comments)
The students were not alone as ordinary people, particularly in Tehran joined the protests to show solidarity with the Iranian students>>>
Sayeh Hassan
05-Dec-2009 (4 comments)
December 7th marks the National Student Day in Iran. The student movement is a power to be reckoned with and has been for many years>>>
Sayeh Hassan
27-Nov-2009 (5 comments)
Not many people including myself had ever heard of Maziar Bahari until his arrest by the Islamic Regime during the June Presidential [S]elections of this year>>>
Sayeh Hassan
17-Nov-2009 (9 comments)
Hi Everyone, I just  had a few free moments and was reading your comments in my most recent posts, and I am so touched.  I wanted to drop a thank you note to everyone.  >>>
Sayeh Hassan
16-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
Kurdish people have been tirelessly fighting against the Islamic Regime for the past 30 years. They have been killed in highest numbers alongside many other minorities in Iran>>>
Sayeh Hassan
13-Nov-2009 (26 comments)
Mr. Shirkoh (Bahamn) Moarefi is a 30 years old Kurdish activist who was arrested on October 31st 2008 in the city of Saqz. After months of interrogation and torture he was sentenced to death in a “show trial”>>>