Letter to Mola, re: democracy, Israel and AIPAC lobbyists on IC


by Q

This was from a different thread and I started writing it as a response, but I thought it would work better as a blog.

Dear Mola,

It's been my experience that whoever feels like going out of their way to do these three things:

1. Distance oneself from Israel, ala "I like most other Iranians do not know any israelis"

but of course the vast majority of anti-Iran Zionists and that section of Iranian Jewish community (whom I understand really well for reasons I can explain later) who has too much misplaced pride in Israel, may or may not call itself "Israeli."

2. Name themselves "OnlyIran", "IranFirst", "TruelyIran", "ReallyImeanItIcareAboutIran", "PleaseBelieveMeIdontCareAboutIsrael" and "Dont'botherMeI'mTouchingMyselfThinkingAboutIran", and generally act over the top on the patriotism angle.

3. Choose to butt in and defend people they do not seemingly know, if they are being accused of toeing the AIPAC line (about which there is no dispute, and even Fred has agree publically)

These people betray a sense of obligation to defend against any and all, even the slightest negative perception of Israel, and are truly part of the Lobby, whether they have membership cards or not.

Granted, some of them in their own mind are just trying to be "Fair", and many certainly don't like to think of themselves as Israel cheerleaders. But unfortunately through the enormous influence of pro-Israel institutions in North America as well as events from their family history, they can't help but see fundemental issues in foreign policy, like "justice", "fairness" and "equality", only through distorted lens of Zionism.

As far as why Israel is relevant, asking this question is perhaps the most important "tell" of all. Israel is the country most hostile to Iran and the country that is on daily basis threatening to attack it. Israelis support terrorist groups like the MEK. Israeli lobby in the US are the most vicious anti-Iran advocates, held back only by the potential public relations backlash if they call louder for an outright war: (remember, even George Bush and Dick Cheney claimed they didn't want war, and "Saddam is driving toward war")

It is an absolute fact that Iran's nuclear program, however sinister it is made out to be, is completely irrelevant to Iranian struggle for democracy, save perhaps a economic/resource management argument among many others that can be legitimately levelled against the Coup government. Iran could have 500 nuclear bombs and it will make absolutely no difference internally. It has been proven over and over again that the vast majority of Iranians, even the opposition, are in agreement about protecting Iran's nuclear rights.

This means that anybody who intentionally tries to conflate the two issues, i.e. tries to say:

Hey democracy activists! Help me stop the Mullahs from getting nukes.

Is not thinking about Iranian interests first and foremosts. He/She/That entitity is simply using any notion of democracy in order to advance the interests they really value which is primarily those of Israel, and secondarily those of the US and the West. What's truely and unforgivably sad, is that Israel isn't even threatened physically. It is only a perception of balance that Israel has identified as "danger", which is historically true of how it conducts foreign policy. In practical terms, if Iran is "permitted" (note the supremacist language) to retain "nuclear know-how", it only means Israel loses political face in the region, that is all.

Supporting sanctions against Iranian people, which are irresponsible and could easily lead to war if actually enforced, and which are nominally designed only to advance the West's nuclear agenda, and claiming this is for the sake of democracy for Iranians is sinister, manipulative and heartless. But this is how AIPAC operates.


more from Q

Ah... yet another psychological fetish: "having the last word'

by Q on

it must be pointed out to the his "fair" highness, that this is not in fact grammar school. You have a fetish on SAVAK-style interrogations, you have a fetish for repeatedly calling me "thick skull", and now we know you have a fetish for "having the last word" on a blog. You are in fact acting like you are in the fifth grade, derailing discussions that you cannot substansively participate in and completely wasting people's time for your own personal shortcomings.

It's quite a set of problems that must be added to your profile with your doctors. I prithee, speak to me as to thy thinkings.


keep your "pointing" out

by Fair on

to yourself Q.  You are nobody to point out anything to anyone, as you have the ugliest behavior of all.  All I did was ask you a simple, very fair question, and you were and continue to be a complete d*ck about it.

It is people like you who even make SAVAK and VEVAK possible.  Ahmad Batebi said it beautifully when asked "what would you do to your torturers if you could choose?"  And he said I would send them to psychological treatment, because they are sick and only a sick person is capable of doing such things.

That is exactly my recommendation to you.  Of course, such a thick skulled stubborn person who thinks so highly of himself without any basis whatsoever is not likely to understand.  But you can't say I didn't try to help:)


Yep. SAVAK power trip.

by Q on

you have it correct. Now that it's been pointed out, you can watch out for it next time, perhaps stop yourself before you act out in such an ugly way again.


I was very nice to you Q

by Fair on

Just look at your own posts and all the bullying you have done and abusive language you have used against others in this forum.  Be happy I didn't give you the language you deserved.

I asked you a simple question.  What is wrong with that.  You can ask people questions as much as you want, but if someone asks you a question they are SAVAK and are on a power trip? You could have answered clearly the first opportunity, but you danced around, verbally abused so many people in the process until you finally said a meager "yes" (while calling the person who repeated the question to you "clueless").

If you want to have people talk to you in nice language and respect, do so yourself.  Remember Luke?  Or do you only prescribe that for others?  

And finally, in response to your lie:

you're a liar

I have this to say you jerk- I have never lied here and you are nobody to make such accusations.  You just repeating the same crap doesn't make it true.

So much for "fairness" that you seem so concerned about.  Your arrogance and emptiness have no bounds.  A very thick skull indeed.


"Fairness" at display

by Q on

Wow Fair, I thought you were a little unfair, but are you actually capable of the slightest degree of introspection?

you're a liar. I did answer you question exactly as I did now. And it has been proven just as now, that you don't really care about the substance of these questions. It is a SAVAK-like power/ego trip for you to simply ask it. That's what you want: to condemn the individual, not to find out about their stance on human rights which for me it was never it doubt.

So, the fact that you continue with belligerant and abusive language and call me "thick skull" even after your little power trip has come to an end is proof you have serious psychological problems having to do with your warped notion of "fariness" and your jumpy over-sensitivity to learning anything from anyone else.

You have been and continue to be a bully and an agitator, interested only in personal attacks and diversion of the main subject, completely devoid of slightest notion of fairness.


Quintessential Islamist

by AMIR1973 on

and wash out your foul mouth with soap 

Groupies of the Number One killer of Iranians (i.e. the IRI) who issue threats of the following sort, "Just a warning to you"; Don't test me, my friend, I'm serious!; It's meant to make you think" are in no position to offer advice to anyone. Call a spade a spade and a Rapist Regime a Rapist Regime. Who other than a Groupie of said regime would object? Cheers  :-)


There you go again Q

by Fair on

Dealing with your severe shortcomings and being abusive.  If you want to meet someone way more arrogant and full of himself than me, all you have to do is look in the mirror.

All I did was ask you a simple question.  You danced around it, avoided it like the plague, abused me and others here asking you the same thing, and were just being the biggest d*ck on this website.  And with an attitude like that, you have the audacity to want to "teach" others.

Well maybe you can "teach" yourself humility first.  But since you are such an incapable student (and even a less capable teacher), you will have a very hard time.   So I won't hold my breath, and will expect more of the same verbal diarrhea from you for a long time.


Fair, LOL

by Q on

I have yet to meet anyone with more of an "arrogant attitude" than yourself. It is you who think this is some kind of SAVAK interrogation room. The act of interrogating is about power projection for you, it's not about the answer or any sense of "fairness".

I don't know why you are being so increadibly dishonest. We went through the same cherade months ago. I answered you back then too, but you pretended like I didn't answer and then kept asking the same question over and over again, boldfacing and ALL CAPS. That's when I realized this is just all aobut petty "little dictator" for you. MM, must not have seen that, but others have.

You fool no one with your self-righteous arrogance and judgemental intimidation. The term "fair" is pure projection on your. I may, from time to time, reflect back your own personality to you (which you are clueless about) for amusement and teaching others. That's all you can contribute to at the moment.

Mola Nasredeen

18 years ago they were building their own A-Bomb

by Mola Nasredeen on

and look at the circus they've created around Iranian nation's desire to develop atomic energy. So the news media reported again today:

"An Israeli nuclear whistleblower who spent 18 years behind bars has been released from jail after serving an additional three months for violating his release terms.

Mordechai Vanunu was imprisoned in 1986 for disclosing secret details of Israel's nuclear program to the London Sunday Times.

Experts concluded from his information and pictures that Israel had hundreds of nuclear bombs. Israel has never admitted that.

Upon release in 2004, he was forbidden from speaking to foreigners. He was jailed again for contacting foreigners, including journalists.

After his release Sunday, Vanunu said, "All this harassing me and arresting me again and again is Israel's problem, not my problem."

He was speaking in English, as he refuses to speak in public in his native Hebrew."




by Rea on

I might be a bit shitty at the moment but, but.

None is telling the truth here. 

Mouse had been asked the same question after the holiday, he never replied. 

Is IC filtered or not ?  Yes or No ?

PS. We are getting an Iranian into a family next month. And a baby in Dec.  We need to learn. Even if the young Iranian Mum doesn't care much about Iran.


The only thing that is thick Q

by Fair on

is your skull and your arrogant bullying attitude and disrespect for others.

There, now hard was that, like pulling teeth.  Answer a simple question.  Now we are getting somewhere.

Now if only you could fix your arrogant attitude and stop ridiculing others so much that would be great.  We might actually be able to have a discussion!  But I doubt (but would be pleasantly surprised if) that will happen.  

For me, that is no problem.   This is not the VF republic of Iran, and you have freedom of speech, no matter how much I or anyone disagrees with you.  Now it is only a matter of recognizing those rights for ALL Iranians.


"Q - please answer Fair's original question"

by Bavafa on

I think that is very fair question and clarifying such position gives one credibility or lack of.

And just that my position is clear, I have consistently condemned both IRI and Israeli fascist treatment, one towards their own citizen and the other treatment towards their Arab neighbors.

I hope Q & Fred do the thing but I am not holding my breath.



"Fair", oh... the irony

by Q on

it is thick in the air!



by Q on

How could it be a filter if it works on other days?


Amir, remember Luke

by Q on

and wash out your foul mouth with soap:

A trio of West-residing Rapist Regime Groupies:


Camel Mola

by Fair on

So you advocate human rights for only half of Iranians. very nice.

What I have to offer them is what I have to offer every Iranian- basic human rights guaranteed, and all citizens being equal under the law, which cannot be vetoed by any unelected leader, religious or otherwise.

Human rights in Iran have everything to do with any other threats to the Iranian people-IF YOU ARE CLAIMING FAIRNESS AND BALANCE.  Q was bragging about himself and questioning others' fairness, it is only fair for him to have an opportunity to demonstrate how fair and balanced he is.

Needless to say, he (and you) fail miserably.  The irony is, you actually strengthen the cause of AIPAC in doing so.  Anything to protect your dear fascist regime I guess....


Q, curiosity killed the cat

by Rea on

However, we want to know.

While in IRI on holidays, you never posted on IC.

Filter ? Or ?

Tell us, pls. ! 




"Human Rights", Tehrangelesi version

by Q on

does the said human rights, specially the freedom of association and freedom of movement (both from Universal Declaration), give Iranians the right to go to a conference in Iran without being harrassed and threatened ?


MM, I'll indulge you just this once, since you're clueless

by Q on

The answer is yes.


a straight question has been put to Q by Fair

by MM on

No condescending remarks, no beating around the bush and do not send a camel to do a human's job.  yes/no answer will suffice.

 Question by Fair to Q:

"Q- you have forcefully and adamantly condemned the behavior of Israel against its victims.  Are you willing to equally adamantly, clearly, and unequivocally willing to condemn the behavior of the Islamic republic in Iran, led by Ayatollah Khomeini until 1989 and by Ayatollah Khamenei ever since, especially with regard to human rights violations, denial of the freedom of religion and other freedoms enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, against the people of Iran?

Because I condemn BOTH.  Clearly and unequivocally."

Mola Nasredeen

Two points

by Mola Nasredeen on

1. The other half doesn't think their human rights is being denied. What do you have to offer them?

2. What does human rights in Iran has to do with AIPAC and Israel's cheerleaders here? They are advocating to bomb Iran and Q is exposing them for what they are. But there are those who are trying to turn this bolg into an anti-Q forum. Why are they so afraid of Q? Why so full of hatred towards him? It's for me to know and for you to find out. 



by Rea on

Very Iranian blog, I suppose.

In any case, I've learnt much more reading S.Azdole Mirza' blog. Mind you, more from the comments than the blog itself.  

Outta here. Otherwise, I might be accused myself of all sorts of things. Being a spy, par ex. ;o )



ALL people of Iran

by MM on

ALL people of Iran, regardless of race, gender, religion or political opinion, .......... are entitled to basic human rights as stated in the UN universal declaration of human rights.

For those not familiar with the concept, here are some sites to study from:




ماده ۱:   تمام افراد بشر آزاد به دنیا می آیند و از لحاظ حیثیت و حقوق با هم برابرند . همه دارای عقل و وجدان می باشند و باید نسبت به یکدیگر با روح برادری رفتار کنند.
 ماده۲:   هر کس می تواند بدون هیچ گونه تمایز ، خصوصا از حیث نژاد ، رنگ ، جنس ، زبان ، مذهب ، عقیده سیاسی یا هر عقیده دیگر و همچنین ملیت ، وضع اجتماعی ، ثروت ، ولادت یا هر موقعیت  دیگر ، از تمام حقوق و کلیه آزادی هایی که در اعلامیه حاضر ذکر شده است ، بهره مند گردد. به علاوه هیچ تبعیضی به عمل نخواهد آمد که مبتنی بر وضع سیاسی ، اداری و قضایی یا بین المللی کشور یا سرزمینی باشد که شخص به آن تعلق دارد . گواه این کشور مستقل ، تحت قیمومیت یا غیر خود مختار بوده یا حاکمیت آن به شکل محدودی شده  باشد.
ماده ۳:  هر کس حق زندگی ، آزادی و امنیت شخصی دارد .
ماده ۴:  احدی را نمی توان در بردگی نگه داشت و داد و ستد بردگان به هر شکلی که باشد ممنوع  است.
ماده ۵:  احدی  را نمی توان تحت شکنجه یا مجازات یا رفتاری قرار داد که ظالمانه و یا بر خلاف انسانیت و شئون بشری یا موهن باشد .
ماده ۶:  هر کس حق دارد که شخصیت حقوق او در همه جا به عنوان یک انسان در مقابل قانون شناخته شود .
ماده ۷:  همه در برابر قانون ، مساوی هستند و حق دارند بدون تبعیض و بالسویه از حمایت قانون برخوردار شوند.همه حق دارند در مقابل هر تبعیضی که ناقض اعلامیه حاضر باشد و بر علیه هر تحریکی که برای چنین تبعیضی به عمل آید به طور تساوی از حمایت قانون بهره مند شوند.
ماده ۸:  در برابر اعمالی که حقوق اساسی فرد را مورد تجاوز قرار بدهد و آن حقوق به وسیله قانون اساسی یا قانون دیگری برای او شناخته شده  باشد ، هر کس حق رجوع به محاکم ملی صالحه دارد .
ماده ۹:  احدی  را نمی توان خود سرانه توقیف ، حبس یا تبعید نمود .
ماده ۱۰:  هرکس با مساوات کامل حق دارد که دعوایش به وسیله دادگاه مساوی و بی طرفی ، منصفانه و علنا رسیدگی بشود و چنین دادگاهی درباره حقوق و الزامات او یا هر اتهام جزایی که به او توجه پیدا کرده باشند، اتخاذ تصمیم بنماید.
ماده ۱۱:  الف) هر کس به بزه کاری متهم شده باشد بی گناه  محسوب خواهد شد تا وقتی  که در جریان یک دعوای عمومی که در آن کلیه تضمین های لازم برای دفاع ازاو تامین شده باشد ، تقصیر او قانونا محرز گردد.
ب) هیچ کس برای انجام یا عدم انجام عملی که در موقع ارتکاب ، آن عمل به موجب حقوق ملی یا بین المللی جرم شناخته نمی شده است محکوم نخواهد شد . به همین طریق هیچ مجازاتی شدیدتر از آنچه که در موقع ارتکاب جرم بدان تعلق می گرفت درباره احدی اعمال نخواهد شد.
ماده ۱۲:  احدی در زندگی  خصوصی ، امور خانوادگی ، اقامتگاه یا مکاتبات خود نباید مورد مداخله های  خود سرانه واقع شود و شرافت و اسم و رسمش نباید مورد حمله قرار گیرد . هر کس حق دارد که در مقابل این گونه مداخلات و حملات ، مورد حمایت قانون قرار گیرد.
ماده ۱۳:  الف) هر کس حق دارد که در داخل هر کشوری آزادانه عبور و مرور کند و محل اقامت خود را انتخاب نماید.
ب) هر کی حق دارد هر کشوری و از جمله کشور خود را ترک کند یا به کشور خود باز گردد.
ماده ۱۴:  الف) هر کس حق دارد در برابر تعقیب ، شکنجه و آزار ، پناهگاهی جسنجو کند و در کشورهای دیگر پناه اختیار کند.
 ب) در موردی که تعقیب واقعا مبتنی به جرم عمومی و غیر سیاسی و رفتارهایی مخالف با اصول  و مقاصد ملل متحد باشد ، نمی توان از این حق استفاده نمود .
ماده ۱۵:  الف) هر کس حق دارد ، که دارای تابعیت باشد.
 ب) احدی را تمی توان خود سرانه از تابعیت خود یا از حق تغییر تابعیت محروم کرد.
ماده ۱۶:  الف) هر زن و مرد بالغی حق دارند بدون هیچ محدودیت از نظر نژاد ، ملیت ، تابعیت یا مذهب با هم دیگر زناشویی و هنگام انحلال آن ، زن و شوهر در کلیه امور مربوط به ازدواج دارای حقوق مساوی می باشند.
ب) ازدواج باید با رضایت کامل و آزادانه زن ومرد واقع شود .
پ) خانواده رکن طبیعی و اساسی اجتماع است و حق دارد از حمایت جامعه و دولت بهره مند شود.
ماده ۱۷:  الف) هر شخص ، منفردا یا به طور اجتماعی حق مالکیت دارد.
ب) احدی را تمی توان خود سرانه از حق مالکیت محروم نمود .
ماده ۱۸:  هر کس حق دارد که از آزادی فکر ، وجدان و مذهب بهره مند شود .این حق متضمن آزادی تغییر مذهب یا عقیده  و ایمان می باشد و نیز شامل تعلیمات مذهبی و اجرای مراسم دینی است . هرکس می تواند از این حقوق یا مجتمعاً به طور خصوصی یا به طور عمومی بر خوردار باشد.
ماده ۱۹:  هر کس حق آزادی عقیده وبیان دارد و حق  مزبورشامل آن است که از داشتن عقاید خود بیم و اضطرابی نداشته باشد و در کسب اطلاعات و افکار و در اخذ و انتشار آن ، به تمام وسایل ممکن و بدون ملاحضات مرزی، آزاد باشد .
ماده ۲۰:  الف) هرکس حق دارد آزادانه مجامع و جمعیت های مسالمت آ میز تشکیل دهد.
ب) هیچ کس را تمی توان مجبور به شرکت در اجتماعی کرد.
ماده ۲۱:  الف) هر کس حق دارد که در اداره امور عمومی کشور خود ،  خواه مستقیما و خواه با وساطت  نمایندگانی که آزادانه انتخاب شده باشد شرکت جوید.
ب) هر کس حق دارد با تساوی شرایط ، به مشاغل عمومی کشور خود نایل آید
پ) اساس و منشا قدرت حکومت  ، اراده مردم است . این اراده  باید به وسیله انتخاباتی ابراز گردد که از روی صداقت و به طور ادواری ، صورت پذیرد .انتخابات باید عمومی و با رعایت مساوات باشد و با رای مخفی یا طریقهای نظیر آن انجام گیرد که آزادی  رای  را تامین  نماید .
ماده ۲۲:  هر کس به عنوان عضو اجتماع ، حق امنیت اجتماعی دارد و مجاز است به وسیله مساعی ملی و همکاری بین المللی ، حقوق اقتصادی ، اجتماعی و فرهنگی خود را که لازمه مقام و نمو آزادانه شخصیت اوست با رعایت تشکیلات و منابع هر کشور به دست آورد.
ماده ۲۳:  الف) هر کس حق دارد کار کند، کار خود را آزادانه انتخاب نماید ، شرایط منصفانه و رضایت بخشی برای کار خواستار باشد و در مقابل بیکاری مورد حمایت قرار گیرد.
ب) همه حق دارند که بدون هیچ  تبعیضی در مقابل کار مساوی ، اجرت مساوی دریافت نمايند
پ) هر کس که کار میکند به مزد منصفانه و رضایت بخشی ذیحق می شود که زندگی او و خانواده اش را موافق شئون انسانی تامین کند و آن را در صورت لزوم با هر نوع وسایل دیگر حمایت اجتماعی، تکمیل نماید
ت) هر کس حق دارد که برای دفاع از منافع خود با دیگران اتحادیه تشکیل دهد و در اتحادیه ها نیز شرکت کند.
ماده ۲۴:  هر کس حق استراحت و فراغت و تفریح دارد و به خصوص به محدودیت معقول ساعات کار و مرخصی های ادواری ، با اخذ حقوق، ذیحق می باشد.
ماده ۲۵:  الف) هرکس حق دارد که سطح زندگی او ، سلامتی و رفاه خود و خانواده اش را از حیث خوراک ومسکن ومراقبتهای طبی و خدمات لازم اجتماعی تامین کند و همچنین حق دارد که در مواقع بیکاری ، بیماری ، نقص اعضا ، بیوگی ، پیری یا در تمام موارد دیگری  که به علل خارج از اراده  انسان ، وسایل امرار معاش او از بین رفته باشد از شرایط آبرومندانه زندگی برخوردار شود.
ب) مادران وکودکان حق دارند که از کمک و مراقبت مخصوصی بهره مند شوند . کودکان چه براثر ازدواج و چه بدون ازدواج  به دنیا آمده باشند ، حق دارند که همه از یک نوع حمایت اجتماعی برخوردار شوند.
ماده ۲۶:  الف) هر کس حق دارد که از آموزش و پرورش بهره مند شود . آموزش و پرورش لااقل تا حدودی که مربوط به تعلیمات ابتدایی و اساسی است باید مجانی باشد . آموزش ابتدایی اجباری است . آموزش حرفه ای باید عمومیت پیدا کند و آموزش عالی باید با شرایط تساوی کامل ، به روی همه باز باشد تا همه ، بنا به استعداد خود بتواند از آن بهره مند گردند.
ب) آموزش و پرورش باید به طوری هدایت شود که شخصیت انسانی هر کس را به حد اکمل رشد آن برساند و احترام حقوق و آزادی های بشری را تقویت کند . آموزش و پرورش باید حسن تفاهم ، گذشت و احترام عقاید مخالف و دوستی بین تمام ملل و جمعیت های نژادی یا مذهبی و همچنین توسعه فعالیت های ملل متحد را در راه حفظ صلح ، تسهیل نماید.
پ) پدر و مادر در انتخاب نوع آموزش و پرورش فرزندان خود نسبت به دیگران اولویت دارند.
ماده ۲۷:  الف) هر کس حق دارد در زندگی فرهنگی اجتماع شرکت کند ، از فنون و هنرها متمتع گردد و در پیشرفت علمی و فوائد آن سهیم باشد.
ب) هر کس حق دارد از حمایت منافع معنوی و مادی آثارعلمی ، فرهنگی یا هنری خود برخوردار شود.
ماده ۲۸:  هر کس حق دارد برقراری نظمی را بخواهد که از لحاظ اجتماع و بین المللی ، حقوق و آزادی هایی را که در این اعلامیه ذکر گردیده ، تامین کند و آنها را به مورد عمل بگذارد.
ماده ۲۹:  الف) هرکس در مقابل آن جامعه ای وظیفه دارد که رشد آزاد کامل شخصیت او را میسر سازد
ب) هر کس در اجرای حقوق و استفاده از آزادی های خود ، فقط تابع محدودیت هایی است که به وسیله قانون ، منحصرا به منظور تامین شناسایی و مراعات حقوق و آزادی های دیگران و برای مقتضیات صحیح اخلاقی و نظم عمومی و رفاه همگانی ، در شرایط یک جامعه دموکراتیک  وضع  گردیده  است.
پ) این حقوق و آزادی ها ، در هیچ موردی نمی تواند بر خلاف مقاصد و اصول ملل متحد اجرا گردد.
ماده ۳۰:  هیچ یک از مقررات اعلامیه حاضر نباید طوری تفسیر شود که متضمن حقی برای دولتی یا جمعیتی یا فردی باشد که به موجب آن بتواند هر یک از حقوق و آزادی های مندرج در اعلامیه را ازبین ببرد ویا در آن راه ، فعالیتی بنماید.

Mola Nasredeen

How about the "Other Half" who also happen to be Iranians and?

by Mola Nasredeen on

are living inside Iran.

The following Questions comes to mind:

1. Are they Iranians?


2. Do they think their basic human rights is being denied.


3. Do they want to overthrow the government?

No, they'll fight for its survival.

4. Do these followers of the Khamenei and Ahmadinejad have human rights too.


That's where we are at.


Straight from Camel's mouth

by Doctor X on

Bomb all the millions of People of Iran.

There you have it Ladies and Gents. The man has admitted to this. The same one who always accuse everyone of being AIPAC supporter,

Good going there .


ALL people of Iran

by Fair on

That is the definition.  Every Iranian citizen- born in Iran or to Iranian parents.

All Iranians are entitled to the basic human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which have been denied by the Islamic government in Iran led by its supreme leader.

It is a very simple question really.

Mola Nasredeen

MM, People of Iran you say? Which people and which Iran Aye?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Students, middle class, bazaris, clerics. Who is people of Iran? define that first. Are thousands who run to sport stadiums to see and hear Khameni and Ahmadinejad aren't people of Iran? They support this regime and there's millions of them. What are you going to do with them?

Bomb all the millions as one of the AIPAC lackies repeats it here day and night? This is the real point of this blog and not some one's position on human rights question. Start a blog about the lack of respect for human rights in Iran and see.


Q - please answer Fair's original question

by MM on

Please, no condescending remarks or beating around the bush.  I need a straight answer. yes/no


"Q- you have forcefully and adamantly condemned the behavior of Israel against its victims.  Are you willing to equally adamantly, clearly, and unequivocally willing to condemn the behavior of the Islamic republic in Iran, led by Ayatollah Khomeini until 1989 and by Ayatollah Khamenei ever since, especially with regard to human rights violations, denial of the freedom of religion and other freedoms enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, against the people of Iran?

Because I condemn BOTH.  Clearly and unequivocally."

Mola Nasredeen

Q, more about the ad

by Mola Nasredeen on

on the top of this page with Mrs Cheney's plea to support Israel's right to bomb Iran when ever. The ad loops thru with some other ads such as Aol, Zoosk, Amnesty, etc. 

did you click on the ad and see what is advocating? It's a must see, It Is Dicatating to the president of United States to do what he's told! Here is the direct code:

"Since taking office, Barack Obama's administration has repeatedly sought to engage Israel’s authoritarian enemies while demanding ever more concessions from the democratically elected government in Jerusalem. In just the last month this administration has twice stood by as international organizations have targeted Israel for condemnation.

In May the Obama administration consented to a Final Document from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference that singled out Israel as a threat to the current non-proliferation regime while making no mention of the grave threat posed by Iran’s illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons. And in June the administration refused to block a presidential statement from the United Nations Security Council as Israel was besieged by an international lynch mob for exercising its legitimate right of self-defense."

The Idea is to let Israel attack Iran at United States expense as usual! This is what AIPAC saying to president Obama after he bent backward to push the recent sanction against Iran to keep Israel happy among others. They want more, they even come here to push their line. They are asking us IRANIANS to support the bombardment of Iranian cities by Israel. This is how low they think of us.




by Fair on

Here is one thing an outsider can learn very clearly- the one sided and biased nature of those who stand in the way of a modern democracy for the Iranian people, and what the Iranian people are up against in our struggle for freedom.

You can see that some here are willing to call a large number of Iranians AIPAC members for not agreeing with them, and have no problem whatsoever condemning and attacking the crimes of Israel, US and others.  But they will never even so much as acknowledge, let alone condemn the crimes of an "Islamic" government in Iran against the people of Iran.  At the same time they will speak very highly of themselves, and claim they are "educating" their opponents.  We all saw this type of "education" - by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the Vietnamese communists.

Indeed, such people are a useless waste of time. Fortunately this is not the Islamic Republic in Iran, in which case they would be wasting much more than just people's time.