All stupid religious ideas must be ridiculed


Multiple Personality Disorder
by Multiple Personality Disorder


In the name of Science the merciful, all stupid religious ideas must be ridiculed to the maximum extent possible. This notion that a man died some 1,100 hundred, or so, years ago, yet somehow he would come alive again, come into the world, and rule the world is the most stupid thing I have heard in my life. Well, I take it back. It’s ONE of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard in my life. There are many others.

From elementary biology, we all know that once a body dies it decomposes into its most basic elements, mostly carbon. The gaseous elements, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and the other gaseous elements soon depart the body and mix with the atmosphere. The other solid elements, such as potassium, calcium, iron, and so on also mix with the soil, or whatever material that the dead body is buried in. So, what remains from the dead body, after a few years, which would remotely resemble anything “alive” might be in some DNA somewhere hidden in a bone fragment, in a strand of hair, or something like that.

But, a DNA is not a person. To make a person from a DNA, the already existing DNA of a reproductive cell must be removed first, and then the DNA of the dead person must replace it, then the cell allowed to grow to fetus, and then the fetus allowed to grow into a little baby boy, and then the baby allowed to go to an Arabic school when he is at school age, and then allowed to study in the finest higher education Islamic centers, wherever that might be, as long as they teach the latest scientific-Islamic curriculum, such as religious-biology, so he would learn how a dead man relives after being dead for so long. He would take different economy classes; free market economy, socialist economy, donkey economy, Voodoo economy, etc. And then he must also learn political-religious science classes, sociology-religious, history-religious, military-religious classes, etc., and do all these things by the age of, let’s say, twenty-five.

And while he was doing all of those easy-for-him classes, he must also become a physically strong man; that means he must exercise every day, lift weight, run, swim, and so on. So, now that he is physically and mentally strong, he must also become politically strong, which means he must start a religious-political carrier, let’s say start as a preaching cleric, conduct a few sermons here and there, go from this city to another and make people cry, and if he got arrested along the way that would not be important at all, because it would prepare him to become a better ruler of the world that he is going to rule over in the future. So, once he got some of that behind him he might do some military duties, become president of an Islamic country, let’s say a country like Iran, and then become its Supreme Leader, let’s say, by the age of forty. And to stay firmly in power, he must kill a few people here and there; kill some of his opponents, kill some journalists, kill a few cheating women, kill a couple of his own assassins, kill a few homosexuals, kill and kill till he is firmly in power. And then, close down a few newspapers, trade unions, writers’ associations, artists’ guilds, human rights centers, imprison a whole bunch of people, and send the rest of the people he doesn’t like to exile. And then, one day when everything is ready; his military is ready, his nuclear technology is ready, his armies of devotees are ready, his submarines are ready, his suicide bombers are ready, his eye-gouging goons are ready, and everything else is ready; one day he must go to a well, let’s say in Jamkaran (as advertized on national television), which would have already had an elevator (a wellevator) concealed in it, he would go to the bottom of that well and push a button and rise up to the surface and declare himself as the one and only Imam Zaman!

Absolutely not! You see how ridiculous this idea is! This notion of resurrection of a dead man is absolutely insulting to our intelligence, that’s why we have to ridicule it to the maximum extent possible.


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

All stupid religious ideas must be ridiculed ... including Shahi

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on


Oh and by the way Iran 2050

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Monarchy was not and is not the problem in Iran or in other countries it exists in today.  Velayat Faghih is not a different form of monarchy, my oh my. this all leads me to the conclusion you are ignorant as to what monarchy is and is not. 

The recent Monarchy with the late shah brought Iran peace (no war), massive progress in all directions economic, social, education etc (beyond the record of any large country in the world including USA/Japan/China etc) and Massive Improvements in Human Rights (though only opposition propagandists dispute this),the contrast with the recent IRI is so big I really don't think anyone should be listening to your views on "where
the problem is!".  They are totally misguided and grounded in the filthy belief that the material and social results of systems should not be considered.

I know that in comparison to what iran had before 1979, today we have broken hearts and shattered dreams and my people are living in despair, not the hope they enjoyed with the late shah, where each generation did have it better than the one before as delivered by the pahlavi's. 


Iran 2050 and Albaloo any one that has a problem with attacking

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

views and ideas after questioning them and providing their own views and reasons why they are insulting others beliefs is really condoning the creation of extremism. You're view gives rise to extremism.

Your not eronously saying that just because extremism exists in many forms as we all know like in capitalism, etc, that we should not be insulting and attacking extremism in its various forms are you?  You're not saying give religous extremists a break are you, don't insult their religion or their views of how religion should be interpreted?  Thats why our women are forced to wear chadors against their will, its why womens bodies belong to the state in some places.  

I am not talking about attacking individual people, just views and beliefs this is the basis of creating a civilized society on with minimal extremsim.

What a stupid thought could have lead you to thinking that filthy views need to be protected under an umbrella, especially on a site that says clearly: "Nothing Is Sacred"  

As An Iranian Our issue today is the Religous extremism in power in Iran today, we don't need to accept the regimes view that because certain things are of religous basis they should not be insulted.  The only person infact that we can personally insult is God, for some because he is so strong that he can take it, for others because he is not a person, for others yet because he loves us without condition no matter what and for others because he a human creation.  What ever your reason God Himself not being a Person is Fair Game.  Did you know in Iran we have a New National saying thanks to IRI's work for God,

"Khoda G&^% Khord chenin harfiro goft, magar engadr nafam bood ke nadoneh zamin doravareh uftab migardeh, na uftab dorehvareh zamin." 

Just want to keep it happy and sane here. : )


Harmony of Science and Religion

by rbnfl on

Approximately 160 years ago necessity for harmony of science and religion was declared as a tenant of a religion which started in Iran.

"Religion must conform to science and reason, otherwise it is superstition. God has created man in order that he may perceive the verity of existence and endowed him with mind or reason to discover truth. Therefore scientific knowledge and religious belief must be conformable to the analysis of this divine faculty in man".




2050, most anti IR joon

by Cost-of-Progress on

If a I'm laat and a thug, then who are the ones raping, beating and keeping my ancestrall land from moving forward? But hey that's OK.... no worries.

I understand your sentiment and agree the bit about ALL religions. Problem is, my forward thinking hamvatan, that All religions did not screw us, Islam did.

So, in your own way, you are defending Islam as any "good" muslim would. Just remember the Forest and Trees reference.

Those folks who are "anti-IR" but beat their chest for the alien religion of Islam enable the atrocities of this fogging regime - like it or not.

Move it along now.....


Iran 2050, I agree with you. Well said.

by Albaloo on

Islam just like an ideology whether its liberalism, conservatism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism…becomes destructive when it becomes extreme. Many use religion to transform themselves into someone better thus you cannot knock on religion blindly.

Of course in many cases when people use the extreme translation of religion (Any religion) or when religion mixes with state, it becomes destructive."

Iran 2050

C.O.P, You better keep

by Iran 2050 on


You better keep one’s “upbringings” out of this conversation, you start going down that road then we might need to start saying things like “your upbringing has made a laat and thug out of you since you can’t tolerate other views”.

As I said, Islam is no different ideology. When Zoroastrianism becomes, and history clearly shows it has, extreme, it will cause the same damages. Same is true for Capitalism (As we see in America today), Socialism (As we saw in USSR before), Judaism (As we see in Israel today) and other examples.

And as far as the idiots who think I’m a cyber basiji, just an FYI…I am the most anti IRI person you can find. However, I try to look at the roots and causes of issues, not indulge in some simplistic arguments over bashing this and that and not analyzing the socio-political-economic conditions of societies that lead to the rise of extremism.


HG: your doubts about my religous belief noted....

by Bavafa on

With that, I don't know if I going to be able to sleep OK now!

ramble on.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



COP: I agree with your sentiments here completely…

by Bavafa on

Not because I am an atheist – agnostic for sure, but because I am a realist and believe in taking ownership and accountability.

  But I also agree with Iran 2050 sentiments about ALL religion and the miss-use of it by their religious leaders.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Wrong 2050

by Cost-of-Progress on

I know you, like many other Eronians have an irresistable affinity for Islam and cannot bring yourself to blame it for our ills, but know that it is our No. one problem standing in the way of our Progress.

The signs of this statement being true are obvious and plenty; most of you folks, however, are blinded by your upbringing to see the light. Sort of like "cannot see the secular forest for the religious trees" .... 

And that is where we are today.

Iran 2050

Islam just like an ideology

by Iran 2050 on

Islam just like an ideology whether its liberalism, conservatism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism…becomes destructive when it becomes extreme. Many use religion to transform themselves into someone better thus you cannot knock on religion blindly.

Of course in many cases when people use the extreme translation of religion (Any religion) or when religion mixes with state, it becomes destructive.

You cannot blame Iran’s today’s problems on religion. Scientifically and historically not true. It’s all about the socio-economic-political structure of our country that has been in existence for 2500 years. The Islamic revolution didn’t get rid of monarchy; it just brought up a different type of it. Now the Shah is Velayat Faghih, and that’s where the problem is!


MPD, Great Sientific explanation to this

by Azarbanoo on

backwarded ideology of barbaric Islamists.

areyo barzan

Three Observations

by areyo barzan on

First I believe you should have started with “in the name of science the merciless

As since and logic shows no mercy to the stupid and those who attempt to distort the truth or deny it and live with fictitious notions.

Secondly as you mentioned human body eventually decomposes to gasses mostly carbon.

Well may be this man that is going to comeback after 1100 years is made of those goozes sorry! Gasses (mostly hot air) LOL


Thirdly the story that followed your scientific argument has already happened and our new Imam Zamaan is called Ali Gedaa.


However his problem is that with all his powers he still can not cure his own pathetic immobilized hand and that’s why we call him:

“Ali Cholaagh son of another Olaagh”