Questions For NIAC Official


Masoud Kazemzadeh
by Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear NIAC official,

1. Has Dr. Trita Parsi given a lecture or lectures for the CIA? Please a simple "yes" or "no."

2. How many times has Dr. Trita Parsi presented talks for the CIA? Please a simple number like "1," "2," "20."

3. How many times has Dr. Trita Parsi provided consultations for the CIA? Lets define "consultation" as "any question and answer session." Please a simple number like "1," "2," "20."

4. Is the decision to provide a talk to the CIA by the President of NIAC, a personal decision by Dr. Parsi or is it an organizational decision by NIAC?

5. Before the article by Lake, did the NIAC organization inform its members that the President of NIAC has presented lecture or lectures for the CIA? Please either "yes" or "no."

In July 2009, Dr. Parsi wrote the following on Mr. Bijan Khajepour:


In the article Dr. Parsi writes that he has known Khajepour "years ago." In this article, Dr. Parsi also writes about Mr. Khajepour

"He is a self-made man, who built a solid reputation as one of the country's leading economic and political analysts as the founder and CEO of Iran's leading business consultancy, Atieh Bahar Consulting..."

Obviously based on the article by Dr. Parsi there has been a relationship between Dr. Parsi and Mr. Khajepour.

6. What has been the relationship between NIAC and Atieh Bahar?

I am grateful for your honest answers in this public forum. I hope we can continue this discussion with mutual respect. From the very little I know about your organization, I strongly oppose it. However, I am interested in learning from you about your organization. I hope NIAC believes in and practices a policy of providing honest answers to those who ask questions.




more from Masoud Kazemzadeh
Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on





many like to assume that Trita and NIAC are one and the same. This is not true.  Trita is the president, if and when he talks on behalf of NIAC he should and is answerable to the NIAC membership.

Hoshang Targol

A knowledge seeking query from both sides on TP debate:

by Hoshang Targol on

I could never understand why TP seemingly an avid anti-war, anti-sanctions, would chose Francis  Fukuyama a quintessential neo-con (to put it mildley) as his mentor for his Ph.D. thesis.

Strategic positioning? Pure contingency? You tell me.


Dr. Kazemzadeh


why do you keep quoting Eli Lake? He is a neoconservative with an agenda (confrontation with Iran for the benefit of Israel). People like him and MEK operative Hassan Daei earn they money as mouth pieces of Netanyahu and neocons in washington. how about approaching the issue academically like you did for your thesis? Instead of name calling and throwing baseless accusations at NIAC, Trita and NIAC supporters I would recommend listening to what Trita and NIAC had to say with regards to the lies and smear campaign of pro-war pro-sanctions political operatives. 

I would understand why you sympathize with the pro-sanctions groups because that is precisely what you suggested (sanctioning the regime) but please see this issue from a neutral lens.  


When all fails, lets call them IRI supporters

by Bavafa on

It just amazes me the logic that is being applied here? No wonder such post resembles far more like a smear campaign then an honest fact findings.  Now, such accusation  is to be expected from Fred… fits his logic just fine but one would have hoped not the same as Hamsade Ghadimi.

In relation to NIAC membership:

My support for NIAC is not a bond of a life time and will depend solely as long as I feel they are representing the members view. I will hope that there will be alternative to them as any time a group has a monopoly, it is bound to go stray time to time. However, so far I feel they have done a great job in representing their members view and will have my full support.



Hamsade Ghadimi

by MM on

It is not quite as you say.  Just as a brief history, my dad was the subject of "parvandeh-saazi" by the IRI regime, held in prison for 4.5 years,..... all because of circumstantial evidence and inuendo.  So, I am a firm believer of having solid evidence before sentencing someone. Folks like Arash Irandoost and Masoud Kazemzadeh are basically doing "parvandeh-saazi" here in a media outlet and hiding behind "oh, I just want to know".

Mr. Kazemzadeh's illogical line of thought was very evident in his 11 questions to mammad (See, below), and NIAC's answer to his 11th question is very telling:

"It is completely irrational, illogical and insane since not a single one of your premises were accurate. Based on 10 disconnected and false premises and assumptions, you wish Iranian-Americans to buy your illogical conclusion. This raises questions that you faked your way through college and through your PhD thesis."

Every year, NIAC takes an opinion poll of her members, and I for one, wrote to NIAC criticizing them for various activities.  But overall, I am happy with NIAC's direction, and the fact that we have a strong respected voice in DC.  And again, I encourage folks like Masoud Kazemzadeh or Arash Irandoost to form alternative groups, publicize their intended policy positions, and maybe we will even support them.


Ari - MKO/neo-con connection became clear in MKO Paris ralley

by MM on

Ari - to add to your Eli Lake/Hassan Dai bias, the Mujaheddin/neo-con connection became even more clear when a bunch of them, headed by the ultra-hawk John Bolton, attended the MKO ralley in France a few months ago.  John Bolton was even a guest speaker at the MKO Paris ralley.


PS, John Bolton is the dumb-a$$ who advocated the use of Israeli nukes on Iran:

John Bolton: Israel Should Nuke Iran



hamsade ghadimi

what i saw from here

by hamsade ghadimi on

this blog was enlightening in not so much what i found out about t.p. and niac, but its supporters.  the entire cast who supports the current iri regime (not insinuating all niac supporters are iri supporters) give full support of niac, t.p., and all of its activities (overt, covert, rumored or not) without reservation and always giving the organization the benefit of the doubt.  even the taboo of secret meetings with the friggin cia (whether it’s actually true or not) does not seem to phase these supporters and niac’s “base” trumpets it as a success (if it’s true, that is).

ari, i wouldn't be so concerned with the notes that m.k. played with his flute.  the important thing is that he played his flute and the rats came out. :)

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

No, Eli Lake's article is not to be taken seriously as journalism. The article promotes the neo-con agenda of war against Iran and crippling sanctions on the Iranian population.  Mr. Lake's bias is clear from the following loaded statement in the article:

"...Mr. Parsi has launched a new campaign to paint his critics as neoconservatives and supporters of the People's Mujaheddhin..." Where the writer does not mention that Dr. Parsi's main accuser--according to the article--can be tied to the Mujaheddin by even stronger (though still low) standard of evidence that the article uses to suggest Dr. Parsi is an Iran lobbyist. Hassan Daioleslam is presented simply as "an Iranian-American journalist." If mention were made in the article that doubts also exist about Mr. Daioleslam, the word "paint" would give away the writer's bias.

I will critique your analysis of reading material with a rhetorical question:

You state in your blog, "From the very little I know about your organization, I strongly oppose it." By which method of scholarship or clear thinking does knowing very little about something justifiy strong opposition to it?


Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Thank you for the explanation. The following is my perception:

Using your analogy with chef and the spitting. In my opinion, this is how I see it: someone (Lake) wrote that someone in the kitchen saw the chef (NIAC) spit into the dessert; I am asking the chef (NIAC officials), his assistants (NIAC members), and others going into and out of the kitchen, what is the truth: did the chef spit into the dessert or is Lake lying.


I am asking is Lake telling the truth or is he lying. Did the chef spit into the dessert? And instead of saying "yes the chef spit into the dessert," or "no, the dude (Lake) is lying and the chef did not spit into the dessert," the chef’s assistants are saying your nose is too big, your head is too small, you are blah blah, ......!!!!

So, in my opinion, I don’t think your analogy on innuendo holds. I honestly want to know what the chef did. I do not know what the chef did. I am simply asking questions to find out.

In my opinion, these are fair questions.





Sargord Pirouz

What a vulgar person this

by Sargord Pirouz on

What a vulgar person this particular "Fred" is. So rabid with hate.

But hey, he's your buddy- right Masoud? Birds of a feather... 


Haji Islamist sack of liar 2

by Fred on

Haji Islamist sack of liar


Your salary is paid from a NIOC grant; otherwise you had to help your Islamist guru sell mortgages.

You cooperate with Islamist Rapist lobbyists and in fact are yourself a nuke lobbyist for the Islamist Rapists.

You are a charlatan Ali Shariati filled sack of Islamist liar for saying:

"the confessed AIPAC Mafioso known as Freddo"    And  

 “Israel lobbyist and confessed AIPAC agent, Freddo,”  


When challenged to provide where and when I’ve confessed, like your Islamist Rapist brethrens back in Iran and your Islamist Rapist cyber-goon squad you say it is “ az-har-al men al shams”.

I do not fault you for being such a shameless Islamist liar, after all it is a dogma thing with you Islamists. However, you should learn to live with people like me who in a free country challenge Islamist liars like you.


BTW, you can keep issuing those death fatwas by accusing me of being anti-Islam and Muslims. Nothing doing, you have to show where and when. You Islamists have a habit of trying to silence your opposition by issuing death fatwas.

Boro Haji sack of Islamist liar, khodeti!


Ps. still silent on your outed Islamist Rapist CASMII lobbyist who you have “dinner with all the time” and have personally vouched for. And you are vouching for others now? just priceless.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

"Below the belt" refers to my own comment which imitates your innuendo driven style of discourse. 

Innuendo is saying something sinsiter about your opponent without coming right out and saying it but by making veiled allusions to circumstance, coincidence, or rumor. An example of such veiling is disguising your remarks as questions (below the belt). This is done with the intention of creating an illusion for your reader that he/she has come up with the conclusion by himself, hiding the fact that there is no credible evidence for this conclusion. This style sometimes works for a skilled polemicist (say Socrates), but in the case of this blog it was inartfully implemented. Hint, yes/no questions are a dead giveaway.

But perhaps I overestimate and you really don't know the difference between innuendo and honest inquisitiveness. Here are a couple of examples:

Innuendo example: "Do you think the chef spits on his desserts before serving them, yes or no?" The dessert is spoiled for the customer even if the answer is "no."

Honest question: "I am allergic to milk, does this dessert contain dairy products?" A full answer may be "Yes, but only in the frosting." Here, the motive for the line of inquiry is disclosed, and the questioner responsibly attributes misunderstandings to his lack of knowledge, leaving the cuisine for others to enjoy. 


Masoud Kazemzadeh

Thank You Mehrdad

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Bavafa/Mehrdad,

I actually LEARNED a great deal from this blog. Thank YOU so very much.


Best regards,




This has proven to be a complete waste of time for me

by Bavafa on

Wish you luck Mr. Kazemzadeh



Ari, wanna find @ cartoon in ur blog, so I'll interrogate mammad

by MM on

Ari, I want to find about the cartoon in your most recent blog, so I'll interrogate mammad.  OK?  But, since mammad did not want to answer me, I will declare you and mammad guilty of copyrights' violations and move on to the next set of questions.  Sounds familiar?

It is this type of logic that forces us to confirm what NIAC thinks of our dear professor.  And, as you mentioned, maybe he should learn from his students a bid first.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Ari and Magas

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Could you please cut-and-paste what I wrote that is "below the belt"?

I ask objective questions. The supporters of NIAC make personal attacks, repeatedly. And YOU say that I hit below the belt!!!!!!!

Is it possible that YOUR affiliation with NIAC has influenced your perception of the exchanges here a bit, tiny little bit?


Thank you,






1. Of course I am not Nelson Mandela. I am Masoud Kazemzadeh. We both agree on this.

The policy of sanctions that I suggest towards the fundamentalist terrorist regime is similar to the policy of sanctions suggested by Mandela and ANC towards the racist apartheid regime.


2. I condemn BOTH the fundamentalist terrorist regime and the racist apartheid regime. BOTH deserved and deserve to be overthrown by the good decent individuals who want democracy, freedom, and human rights.


3. Ahmad Chalabi worked with the U.S. AND with the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran. I suspect that he also worked for the CIA (but I am not sure). Maybe you should ask questions about whether Chalabi worked for the CIA from some Iraqis who are supporters of INC. Here is some info on INC:




I do NOT work for the U.S. government. I do NOT work for the fundamentalist regime. I do NOT see ANY resemblance to Chalabi (who worked with BOTH) with some who is his polar opposite.






Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mammad: What you are trying to do is interrogating me and NIAC (two totally unrelated entities), but you call it "debate." No, I never agreed to be interrogated by you - which is what you have been doing. I regret answering your original three questions. And, even if it is a debate - which is not - as I said in my last post, even debate is based on mutual agreement. I find your questioning totally inappropriate, and you insisting on it even more so.



Masoud: I respect your wish that you do not want to continue to debate with me. It is called throwing in the towel.



Sargord Pirouz

Lemme get this straight, you

by Sargord Pirouz on

Lemme get this straight, you want other people besides yourself to ask NIAC your questions? lol

This is pretty lame stuff.

I'd consider this a complete waste of time had it not been for the fact I now have a newfound respect for MM and Mammad.  

And I've been made aware of potentially good things accomplished by Dr. Parsi and NIAC.

edit: funny stuff, Ari.  

Ari Siletz

Below the belt

by Ari Siletz on

Watching Dr. Kazemzadeh's poor debate performance in this blog I googled Sam Houston State University to see if his failure is a reflection of the academic environment at SHSU. It is not! Their student debate team has ranked nationally. Here's one area where at least one member of the faculty can learn from the students.


I did however find video evidence that by Dr. Kazemzadeh's stanadards of debate connects him to the US military. Here it is. Needless to add that by the accepted standards of debate ethics no such connection should be inferred.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Bavafa/Mehrdad

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Bavafa/Mehrdad,


1. The source was already discussed in the previous blog. YOU already participated in that blog and we exchanged posts on where the assertion on the relationship between Dr. Parsi and the CIA came from:


Here I will re-post if again:

1.According to Eli Lake’s article


"Mr. Parsi has been called to the White House, lectured at the CIA and visited Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton."


So, it is NOT me that is introducing it. I already quoted the source in the previous blog. Apparently, NIAC issued a response to Lake’s article, BUT NIAC did NOT refute the statement "Mr. Parsi ... lectured at the CIA..."


So, to be certain about the nature of the relationship, I posted this blog. I am asking these questions PUBLICALLY to NIAC officials, to its members, and its supporters.

If what Lake writes about the relationship between Dr. Parsi and the CIA is false, then NIAC could officially issue a statement and tell us the actual truth. NIAC could officially issue a statement tomorrow and saying that "Eli Lake LIED about Dr. Parsi giving a talk to the CIA. Dr. Trita Parsi has never ever given a talk or any consultations to the CIA."



You tell me that I should ask these questions privately in e-mail. WHY? This is a public issue. It has already been PUBLISHED. I am asking NIAC officials, NIAC members, and NIAC supporters to provide details on this issue. This is and we discuss various issues in our history, our politics, and the various groups.


THIS is what the discussions on are.  We discuss various issues.  We do not send each other secret e-mails.  We discuss politics and various groups PUBLICALLY here.  My blog is another blog like all other blogs discussing various groups, their policies.  WHY in the world all-of-the sudden this is a different issue?????  If there is a debate about the role of the CIA in the 1953 coup, we discuss them here publically.  I do not send Dariush Kadivar or Farah Rusta private e-mails.



You already wrote this great information that I did not know. The article by Lake was published on November 13, 2009, which is about one year ago. One might assume that you and other members of NIAC asked about this assertion that NIAC President provided a lecture to the CIA. So based on YOUR writings here, the NIAC officials did not inform its members about this PUBLISHED assertion.







Masoud: "You are publicly admitting that as a member of NIAC, you are not aware of any relationship between the President of NIAC and the CIA. In other words, the NIAC organization has NOT informed you, its member, that its President has or does not have a relationship with the CIA."

Bavafa/Mehrdad: I think the fact that I am unaware of such relationship does not prove nor disproof any thing. Likewise, it does NOT give your accusation any more credibility that it does not have. I believe a more honest and sincere approach may have persuade more people to look at this with a finer comb, but your dishonest approach has had the opposite affect



Masoud: I think my approach already showed that NIAC did not inform its members (that is YOU) about the already PUBLISHED assertion by Lake that there was a relationship between Dr. Parsi and the CIA. I have already LEARNED something new that the members of NIAC did not know and did not discuss the Lake assertion about Dr. Parsi and the CIA connection. I am surprised that there was no internal discussion on this serious issue. This blog has added to the knowledge about this issue. This is new and interesting knowledge.  I am grateful to you for teaching me something.  Thank you.





Bavafa/Mehdad: P.S. Please allow me to publicly admit that NIAC has been the best organization so far that I have come across to raise Iranian-American voice.



Masoud: Ok. Now, did you send an e-mail to NIAC and ask them about the 6 questions in this blog?

One more time. I am asking questions. I do NOT have facts. These questions are simple factual questions. 

I hope this is helpful.




Marhoum jaan

by Mammad on

As usual, succint and directly to the point.

Nice to read your stuff again.



Dr. Kazemzadeh

by Mammad on

This is the last time I respond to your response. And, I will not return to this blog.

What you are trying to do is interrogating me and NIAC (two totally unrelated entities), but you call it "debate." No, I never agreed to be interrogated by you - which is what you have been doing. I regret answering your original three questions. And, even if it is a debate - which is not - as I said in my last post, even debate is based on mutual agreement. I find your questioning totally inappropriate, and you insisting on it even more so.

Not only are you beating on a dead horse - the Atiyeh Bahar - I simply do not believe that your motivation is simply to learn. You say you are strongly opposed to NIAC, and yet you want people to believe that you are simply trying to learn? If so, why don't you write directly to Dr. Parsi and ask him? I know that he will respond.

The fact is, you and people like you have been saying - erroneously under the most optimistic conditions - if nothing else, that Dr. Parsi is a lobbyist for the IRI. But, now that we know that he is consulted by the State Department and might have even given a lecture to the CIA (and I do not know if he has), all that innuendo about him being a lobbyist for the IRI is crumbling. So, what should one do? Let's try to somehow make it a sinister act if Dr. Parsi has given a lecture to the CIA, so that there is still something to "beat" him with!!

Dr. Parsi is one of the nicest, best informed, most articularte people that I have ever known, and I have seen him only once in my entire life. His book on Iran-Israel relations is a masterpiece and has won major awards. His work on preventing a war and economic sanctions against Iran have been fantastic. He is a nationally and internationally recognized figure and, unlike 99% of the people on this site, a true Iran expert. And, he is coming out with a second book soon which I am certain will be another masterpiece, knowning the level of knowledge that the man has.

But, what makes me respect him even more is the fact that he is despised by the neocons and the Israel lobby. That by itself is enough for people like me to respect and admire him.

Does that mean that I agree with everything that he and NIAC do? No. It is a question of respect and admiration, while reserving the right to respectfully disagree.



Confessed AIPAC Mafioso, known as Freddo

by Mammad on

You repeated your lies again. I respond only to expose once again your lying soul.

1. NIOC Chair: The Chair profesship that I was honored with by my university - which is given by a university committee and in any major research university is given to less than 1% of the full professor - has nothing to do with the NIOC. The Chair was established in 1973 by the Shah, when he gave $7 million to my university. It was called the Aryamehr Chair, and was for petroleum engineering. But, after the revolution, my university was embarrassed to be associated with the Shah, and because it was for PtE, the university renamed it the NIOC Chair. This can easily be checked by just looking at the book that my university published on its 125 anniversary. That is your lie number 1.

2. NIOC Grant: There is no such grant. My university has never ever received a grant from NIOC, Shah or without Shah! In fact, according to the sanctions law - the same sanctions that you advocate all the time - receiving anything of the sort will be illegal. That is your second lie.

3. My salary is not paid by a non-existent grant, but by my university. That is your lie number 3 and a slander, except that because you count for nothing in my world, I do not care about your barkings. In fact, the only thing that I receive from the former Aryamehr Chair - the present NIOC Chair - is some research funds that is used to pay the stipend of the Iranian graduate students working with me on their Ph.D. these.

That is you, a liar full of hatrted for Iran, Muslims, Iranians, and Islam, carrying water for Israel.

Haji Mashdi Mammad, the NIOC Chair, nuke lover, Dr. strangelove, nuke advocate...... and anything else that your atomic-size brain can leak!!

marhoum Kharmagas

You are no Nelson Mandela

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Kazemzadeh, you are no Nelson Mandela, you are at best the Iranian version of Iraqi Ahmed Chalabi, an bossed individual who would walk over any principles in hope of political power. Your lie in likening Iran to South Africa can only be compared to lies that paved the road for invasion of Iraq.


Sargord Pirouz

So lemme get this straight:

by Sargord Pirouz on

So lemme get this straight: according to Masoud, it's not okay to have relations with the IRIG or the security establishment of the USG? 

One wonders how desperate you can get trying to defame the most successful Iranian-American voice in the USG.

Personally, I know Iranian-Americans that work for the USG defense and security establishments, and they've told me that in their official capacities they've advocated against the notion of the US attacking Iran. Myself, I think that's a very good thing.

If Dr. Parsi's efforts are of the same nature, which I'm inclined to believe they are, this would also be a very good thing.

You know, it should be pointed out that what really bugs some of these ranky old exiles is their lack of access to the real movers and shakers in the United States government. These fringe groups are recognized as such (even RP is considered such by many), so of course they're not even bothered with. 

So yeah, that's great that NIAC has the potential to act as a bridge between the USG and IRI. Power to NIAC. 


Mr. Kazemzadeh

by Bavafa on

I am afraid, your response just reaffirm my suspicion that you are not simply looking for truth and this takes credibility from your assertion about any relationship between Mr. Parsi and CIA.

And this is how your response reaffirming the notion of disingenuous…

You state that your intention is to find out about NIAC and CIA… do you really think this is the best forum to find out about such relationship? Did you contact NIAC with genuine interest and ask them?

Or is it that you have already made up your mind?


"I would NOT be a member or supporter of a group that has secret relations with officials of the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran. This is MY preference. What is YOUR preference?"

This statement clearly shows that you have already come to that conclusion, so one wonders why you still say that you want to find out about the "relationship between Dr. Parsi with the CIA. Relatedly, what is the nature of the relationship between NIAC and the CIA"


"You are publicly admitting that as a member of NIAC, you are not aware of any relationship between the President of NIAC and the CIA. In other words, the NIAC organization has NOT informed you, its member, that its President has or does not have a relationship with the CIA."

I think the fact that I am unaware of such relationship does not prove nor disproof any thing. Likewise, it does NOT give your accusation any more credibility that it does not have. I believe a more honest and sincere approach may have persuade more people to look at this with a finer comb, but your dishonest approach has had the opposite affect.


P.S. Please allow me to publicly admit that NIAC has been the best organization so far that I have come across to raise Iranian-American voice.

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Magas: - Based on your position on sanctions against Iran, not only I do not regard you as a melli organization, but also I regard you as an anti Iranian group controlled by AIPAC, can you explain why instead of Iran's interests you are protecting AIPAC/US interests?



Masoud: The premise of your question is false.  Nelson Mandela and the ANC supported sanctions against the racist apartheid regime in South Africa. Their support for sanctions did NOT make Mandel anti-South Africa. Mandela support for sanctions made him anti-racist apartheid regime. So Nelson Mandela and the ANC were not anti-South Africa, and they were for the interests of the majority of the people in South Africa. Support for sanctions did not make Mandela and ANC protecting AIPAC/US interests. The support for sanctions against the oppressors of the people of South Africa meant that they supported the interests of the majority of the people who were being brutalized the ruling dictatorship. Same for the fundamentalist regime brutalizing the Iranian people.



Magas: I will be grateful for your honest answer in this public forum. I hope we can continue this discussion with mutual respect. From your own writings and those of your zealot supporters (e.g Shazdeh Assdolla Mirza) I strongly oppose you, and in addition to considering you a foreign controlled entity I consider you a non-democratic group. I have very little hope in you providing honest answer to my question, but what the heck!




Magas: I strongly oppose you,

Masoud: I am glad that YOU oppose me. I defend your right to hold any belief you so desire.



Magas: in addition to considering you a foreign controlled entity I consider you a non-democratic group


Masoud: You are 100% wrong. And I defend you for holding any idea no matter how wrong your idea are. You can consider the earth to be flat, and you will be wrong, and I support your right to hold your wrong belief.



Magas: I have very little hope in you providing honest answer to my question, but what the heck!


Masoud: Well, I provided my honest answers. It is up to the readers of this site to judge. And I defend your right to hold any belief or judgment no matter how wrong your belief or judgment may be.






Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Bavafa/Mehrdad

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Bavafa/Mehrdad,

I truly appreciate your responses.

1. Thank you for confirming that you are a member of NIAC.



Masoud: 2. How did you hear about Dr. Trita Parsi’s "engagements" [whatever they were] with the CIA?


2. Bavafa/Mehrdad: 2. Again, I have not been told that by NIAC and so far there has not been any evidence of any "relationship" that I know of? If you know of such, you could help bring it light to many many Iranians that are a member of NIAC so they can decide to change the leadership if there is in fact any "relationship" that does not meet the stated objective of NIAC organization.


Masoud: Thank YOU so very much for your answer. You are publically admitting that as a member of NIAC, you are not aware of any relationship between the President of NIAC and the CIA. In other words, the NIAC organization has NOT informed you, its member, that its President has or does not have a relationship with the CIA.

YOU can right now send an e-mail to NIAC officials and ask for them to provide YOU with honest answers to the questions in this blog. At least YOU would know what they tell you.

If NIAC officials so desire, they could send one of the officials to to provide the OFFICIAL NIAC responses to these questions so that the readers of this site know what is the official position of NIAC. This is transparency.


3. They are different ways to ask. I wanted to know whether NIAC members heard about this from Lake’s article, from NIAC, or from this blog.


Now responding to your questions.

B: Now if I may ask you, is your intention to discredit Mr. Parsi or NIAC?


MK: My intension are two fond out two things. First, to know what is the nature of the relationship between Dr. Parsi with the CIA. Relatedly, what is the nature of the relationship between NIAC and the CIA. Second, what is the nature of the relationship between Dr. Parsi/NIAC with the officials of the regime ruling Iran. The questions regarding the relationship between Dr. Parsi with Khajepour (leader of Atieh Bahar) are to for finding answer to this question.


B: Do you believe Iranian-Americans ought to have a voice in Washington and if so, do you know of a more creditable organization that tries to protect our interest?


Masoud: Yes, I do believe that it would be good to have a voice in Washington.


Do you think that a credible organization would provide honest answers to questions about its policies and relations or it would not provide honest answers to questions?

I would NOT be a member or supporter of a group that has secret relations with the CIA. This is MY preference. What is YOUR preference?

I would NOT be a member or supporter of a group that has secret relations with officials of the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran. This is MY preference. What is YOUR preference?

You could ask NIAC officials about the nature of the relationship between Atieh Bahar (Khajepour, Siamak Namazi, Babak Namazi). If you find out that these individuals have provided large sums of money to NIAC or to Dr. Parsi, and that Atieh Bahar is connected with some officials of the regime (e.g., Rafsanjani), would this connection constitute for YOU, a connection between NIAC and the regime?


I do NOT know about the nature of the above. I am asking questions to find answers from NIAC officials, its members, and its supporters.


B: I look forward to your responses and will hope that they are not a simple Yes and No.


Masoud: I hope my responses were helpful.





Again, here r DIRECT answers from NIAC in MK's previous sets

by MM on

Again, originally, I thought MK was sincere, so I emailed NIAC and got the answers for his first few sets of questions.  As you see below, NIAC has been cooperative with member requests and the following Q/A sets were from MK's last blogs.  Also, as you will see from the contents of questions below and the others he has devised along the way, MK is jumping from one branch to another one hoping to have an ahhhha moment, but so far, he is just making himself look desperate.

So, no more questions, and good luck to you.


NIAC's direct response regarding 11 questions to mammad: 

1. Is it true or false that a person with the name Siamak Namazi was among the top leaders of NIAC? Please simply write whether Siamak Namazi was or was not one of the top leaders of NIAC.

False.  Siamak Namazi is not a NIAC founder and has never had a leadership role in NIAC. He doesn’t have a role in NIAC at all!

2. It is true or false that Siamak’s brother, (Babak Namazi) was top official of Atieh Bahar company in Iran?

Not sure  - who cares.

3. Is it true or false that Siamak Namazi’s sister (Pari Namazi) and her husband Mr. Bijan Khajepour were top officials of the Atieh Bahar company?

To the best of my knowledge,  Pari is not Siamak’s sister

4. Is it true or false that Atieh Bahar was one of the top (if not THE TOP) company in IRI connecting, helping and consulting foreign corporations with opening operations in Iran?

AB is a consulting firm. They do the same work in Iran as consulting  firms do in DC – so no, you do NOT need that type of connection with the government. Furthermore, Bijan was ARRESTED last summer as part of the wave of Ahmadinejad’s arrests against the green movement and beyond!

5. Is it possible to have such operations like those of Atieh Bahar and have no major relationships with high officials of the Islamic Republic regime?

 Yes, it is absolutely possible – they are just a consulting firm!

6. Did Atieh Bahar have a relationship with Rafsanjani’s group? Please either yes or no.

 No, to the best of my knowledge.

7. Did Atieh Bahar have a relationship with other top official of the regime? Please either yes or no.

No, as far as I know, no Iranian official is part of AB, and further more, AB has nothing to do with NIAC!!!!!!! This is Macarthurism at its best – what the (*&(*&(*^*%&^%&^%&^% has that got to do with NIAC??

8. If Siamak Namazi was among the top leaders of NIAC, and his family members (Babak Namazi, Pari Namazi, and Bijan Khajepour) were the top officials of Atieh Bahar, does it logically follow that this constitutes a connection between NIAC and the regime officials?

Your logic falls apart at the first step since Siamak wasn’t a founder nor a leader of NIAC!  

9. Please correct me if I am wrong: If Atieh Bahar is connected to Rafsanjani’s group, does it logically follow that NIAC is connected to the Rafsanjani faction of the regime?

Your logic falls apart since AB has nothing to do with NIAC!

10. If NIAC was able to get rid of the U.S. sanctions against the IRI, do you think these individuals (Trita Parsi, Bijan Khajepour, Siamak Namazi, Babak Namazi, and Pari Namazi) could make huge amounts of money in making connections between American companies and the Iranian officials?

 NIAC’s position against broad indiscriminate sanctions is per the decision of its membership. In fact, more than 70% of Iranian Americans oppose broad indiscriminate sanctions according to Berkeley University’s study. Per your twisted logic, all of these Iranian Americans must be working for the regime since they oppose broad sanctions. That includes of course Shirin Ebadi and Akbar Ganji.

11. In your opinion, is it reasonable or it is irrational to think that a possible motive for NIAC officials (e.g., Trita Parsi and Siamak Namazi) was for personal financial gain?

It is completely irrational, illogical and insane since not a single one of your premises were accurate. Based on 10 disconnected and false premises and assumptions, you wish Iranian-Americans to buy your illogical conclusion. This raises questions that you faked your way through college and through your PhD thesis.


NIAC's direct response regarding lectures:

Do YOU support Dr. Trita Parsi presenting his lecture (information and/or analysis) for the CIA? Please yes or no.
It is a common practice that prominent scholars are invited to give lectures at the CIA, FBI, State Dep and beyond. This is what scholars and academics do. Of course, the person asking the question is a failed academic. He is not invited to give lectures and as a result may be a bit jealous.


NIAC's direct response regarding NED grants:

Do YOU support getting funded indirectly by the U.S. government? Yes or no?

re this question, the entire answer to the nonsense they are throwing out can be found here on T. Parsi's article on Huffington Post about this entire issue:
