تاريخ و دوربين ٣

تاريخ و دوربين ٣
by Khar

الاحضرت همایونی محمد رضا شاه پهلوی وارث تاج و تخت کیانی در حرم امام رضا درحال سجده نماز و شکر گذاری درمقابل خدای ارتجاع سیاه که وی را هم بلعید,  ایا این حوالات وی بود به اینده و ایندگان.... شما چگونه این عکس را میبینید؟


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by SamSamIIII on


My friend, The angle in which you focus on this picture is two fold. A cultured chap such as yourself is looking at it thru content(or lack of it) which is absolutly fair yet as I pointed out in another blog that dealing with simpletons your key to dialogue is to simplify, simplify & simplify with simple imagery,icons and visual effects in which they digest fast.

In case of Shahanshah, you must realize that he was in the midst of re-introducing the greatest kiaani-based reforms since Sassanids to a nation of mostly simpleton Ommaties detached from their past. Hence in the process once & while he had to stop & say hosh hosh to his horses take a look back and see a nation lymping, stuck in status quo & wary & intimidated by his kiaani vision(how ever mellow).  In such times he had to use my above motto to lay back & use above photoss to tell the simpletons that "it izzz oookkkay, dont be scared & world is not falling and pigs are not flying with him & his kiaani vision on top".

So as you see private spirituality is okay even as a private  muslim. thats why for me to promote kiaan I stay off the topic of non-political Islam & concentrate instead on simple imagery & terms;) to get the points across. In modern world folks dont have time to read a million words of philosophical essays and you need to talk to em in fast digestive icons & images.   Shah knew that full well but unfortunate for him became lax with his juggling act at the last yrs partly due to some of his idiotic pair of ommatie advisors & secular moftkhors who did not have interests of Iran in mind. He was almost there, may be one generation away...

Cheers pal!!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Farah Rusta


Farah Rusta

یوسف خان


مطمئن باش اگه خدای شاه با خدای آخوندا یکی‌ بود آخوندا نگاهش میداشتن.






اعلئ حاضرت یا اعلیحضرت یا شاید چیز دیگه


ما دوران این حاکم بر ایران  بچه بودیم و نمیدونیم خوب بود یا بد بود. ما فقط میدونیم که این آخوندهای بی‌ ناموس پدر ملت رو در آوردن. حالا من نمیدونم این مرحوم به همون خدای آخوند‌‌ها داره نماز میخونه، یا یک خدای دیگه که ما نه‌ نمیدونیم نه میشناسیم.  

Farah Rusta

Sacred, maybe, Painful, never!

by Farah Rusta on

Khar jan 


I have this very picture framed and placed on top of the mantlepiece. Everytime that I look at it, it reminds me of a secular Aryan king (Smamsam make notes!) who against his personal faith, brought us the most secular-structured administration we have ever had in our 2500 years of Kiaani (Samsam are you still here?) history!


Benross jan 

May the God of Aryamehr bless your late father's soul as I am sure they both prayed to Allah at the same annual frequency :) 




Benross Aziz

by Khar on

Thanks for you comment, but this is not about your and my parents and grand parents; this is about man of power using religion for thier political gains. The question also is; was he really secular? In my view he was suffering from multiple personalities when it came to religion and secularism.


Mrs. Rusta, sorry if this is a painful & sacred subject for you

by Khar on

It's all about Form but not the Substance, isn't it? To be honest with you, I have problem with spelling certain Arabic words injected in to Farsi, and I leave that to you the “True Persian literature scholars” ;-)


این عکس مرا یاد


این عکس مرا یاد مرحوم پدرم می‌اندازد که سالی یک بار در نوروز، و قبل از تحویل سال، نماز می‌خواند و دعا می‌کرد. یادش به خیر.   اما در مورد عکس اعلیٰ‌حضرت، فرح جان ما باید بطور جدی بحث جداگانه‌ای داشته باشیم! 

Farah Rusta

اعلیحضرت نه‌ الا حضرت

Farah Rusta

خرجان شما اول فارسی‌ را درست بنویس بعدش بیا راجع به مسائل جدی صحبت کنیم.