Iranian Reader
25-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
What I want to hear is a simple hour-by-hour account of the typical day of a torturer and street thug—a sort of log: I woke up, had breakfast, grabbed my baton/taser/chains/knives/shot gun/hand gun/etc. and headed out the door… >>>
Iranian Reader
Those of us who were around in the 1980s are reliving those days. I go back to the summer of 1986, when I went to Iran after my cousin Marjan was released from Evin >>>
Iranian Reader
15-Jul-2009 (5 comments)
So what’s with this being shot in the heart? Neda gets shot in the heart and so we are told does Sohrab. Being shot in the heart is a bloody affair. We watched how the explosion of arteries squirts the blood out of every orifice. >>>
Iranian Reader
12-Jan-2009 (33 comments)
I did not repeat allaho akbar after the promptings of the bullhorn but let me tell you how I felt. I felt that allaho akbar was the closest expression of the combination of the mourning and rage that I was feeling. >>>