If Obama were a white man ...

by hooshie

The supporters of Senator Obama say that this is the most sensational American election ever and yet they insist that this election is not about race or color. This must the most hypocritical statement of all times. Ask Jeraldine Ferraro who, as the first female VP nominee on a Democtratic thicket, together with Walter Mondale, ran an unsuccessful bid for the top jobs in 1988.

In Ferraro's opinion, if Obama were a white man, he wouldn't even be able to defeat Hilary Clinton for the Democratic nomination let alone reaching the position he has reached now.  And yet there are those who say this Election is about Obama's message of hope!! Here she explains:


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Why do democrats keep injecting race into this?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Seriously, what's up with that? Why can't we just talk about Obama as a candidate?

Jealousy looks great on Republicans.


hooshie jan

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Shoma be Obama ra-y nadeh

