MAHMOUD on Larry King

MAHMOUD on Larry King
by Haj Seyd Mammad

Larry King of CNN interviews Ahmadinejad after his speech at the Annual General Assembly meeting at the U.N.

They cover a lot of subjects including the controversial comments such as wiping Israel off the face of the earth; denying the Holocaust; no gays in Iran; etc.

Quite entertaining - Hope you enjoy it:

Mah - Je
Uploaded by moskam


Recently by Haj Seyd MammadCommentsDate
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more from Haj Seyd Mammad

Kaveh: And your view on AIPAC's loss yesterday?

by Mehdi on

I'd love to hear how that makes you feel. It's just fun thinking about it. The Mafia is in trouble ha? what's Godfather's solution? Any news from Mosad?


Anonymous Observer: more lies please

by Mehdi on

I know where it hurts, buddy. I understand your frustration. The international crime organization, AIPAC, received a devestating blow yesterday by a man whose only flaw, according to the Western media, is that he was not wearing the latest fashion! I know how that feels, buddy. We mourn with you ;)

Kaveh Nouraee

Anonymous Observer

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know, but it bears repeating that the modus operandii of the typical IRI apologist is to deflect accountability by the following:

1) Embellish, exaggerate and just plain lie about alleged wrongdoing carried out under the monarchy;

2) Avoid at all costs having to answer specific questions concerning the activities of the present regime;

3) Accuse anyone who questions the activities of the present regime of being a "Neo-con", a "Zionist" or Baha'i, and/or of being participants, members, sympathizers, supporters, or apologists of the CIA, MEK, MKO, MI6, Mossad, SAVAK, secret agents of the governments of the US, UK, & Israel.

There is more, but I have already stated common knowledge.

As far as waiting, I hope you brought some reading material, maybe your checkbook you can balance and an iPod. I have a feeling it will be a long wait.

Anonymous Observer

Abarmard: We Are Still Waiting

by Anonymous Observer on

We are still waiting for the names of five individuals who were raped in Shah's prisons.  While you're at it, can you also provide us with the name of one akhoond who was killed by Shah?

On another subject, I have a distinct feeling that this "Mehdi" guy is the same person as our legendary "Mammad".  For one thing, we haven't heard from "Mammad" for quite a while, they both have the same avatar, they are both "nokhod-e- har ash", they are both Islamists and they both spam every article with multiple long-winded comments.  Could it be that Mammad is now appearing as "Mehdi"?!!!


Persia is Eternal.


faryarm: Thank you for understanding

by Mehdi on

I do indeed appreciate you reading my comment and being sincere. As you have no doubt noticed, there are those here who have no interest in exchanging ideas in order to gain a better understanding, but are here to simply repeat some brainwashing command they received from their respective government or family traditions or "religious" leaders or whatever. So it is refreshing to see people who actually can think for themselves and don't need a government official or a cult leader to tell them what they should think.

I totally understand what you are saying. As mentioned I have lived through such backward mentality. And it wasn't easy! But I think you understand it when I say that I have no hatred towards my mother or family, or even any "hezbollahi" for hating Baha'i! Even though I don't approve of their mentality. It is simply because I understand why this is the case and after understanding it, I can see a way out of it. It doesn't bother me. And I can keep my faith in the fact that being good is good - that good is possible.

There is a saying in the engineering field that 90% of solving a problem is actually defining the problem! Personally, I think 100% of it is defining the problem. If you precisely define a problem, it magically vanishes! The opposite is that if we "think" we have defined the problem and we implement our solution and we get no result, we must realize that we have not in fact defined the problem well enough. In other words there must be some false information in our thinking process.

The situation in Iran today is not that there is a group of monsters overruling all Iranians and forcing everyone to be or act evil. This is the image the MKO, the Zionist Nazis, the neo-cons, the arms manufacturer and in short the scum of the Earth are painting for us in order to serve their own vicious goals of domination and repression. And of course there are those who fall into this trap innocently and burn along with the rest. Many talented young Iranians followed Rajavi, who himself was probably more deceived than a deceiver, and burned with him. This universe is tough. It does not tolerate mistakes, no matter who makes it.

The situation in Iran has a simple solution today: communication.

This is, as you can see, the opposite of what most powers in the world are doing today. They are cutting off the communication. Sanctions, threats of wars, saber-rattling, "awareness campaigns" and in short anything to antagonize the system, along with the people in Iran. This ONLY helps enhance tyranny and repression. It only helps convince the backward, the uneducated and the isolated that there is truly a monster (Great Satan, the filthy Zionist, etc) who is trying to destroy their "valuable" religion or way of life or culture, etc. Even the "Zionist" (whatever that means) is in this state right now. They don't find anything even vaguely valuable in the Jewish traditions but because a nutcase like Hitler targeted, supposedly, that religion, these fellows think that there must be something very valuable in it (even though they have searched far and wide and found nothing). This is just natural reaction. Somebody tries to steal your old underwear, all of a sudden you think there must be something valuable about that old underwear and you go out and buy a safe and hide your underwear in there (see the mass of F-16I and nuclear weapons Israel has piled up).

But the solution is understanding and understanding comes only from more communication - NOT less communication. Although force has some usefulness in life, its usefulness has been extremely exaggerated today. Iran and the old traditions need a friendly approach not an antagonistic one. To state an asinine statement that talking with Hamas, for example, would legitimize evil is just beyond ridiculous. And Carter made that point quite clear, despite all ZioNazi propaganda.

Unfortunately when Baha'i comes out saying the whole idea of clergy is ridiculous, true as it may be, it is nevertheless an antagonistic approach. It goes right into the teeth of the mullahs. And they strike back. So you better have a large army ready if you are going to state that publicly! I wouldn't. It's not necessary to say that. It is better to provide the mullah with a more decent way of making a living. He will himself abandon his charlatanry! That's the way out.

So instead of antagonistic approaches, I think we should try to work towards recovering US-Iran relationship. That would do far more for Iran, the Baha'i and everybody else than ANY antagonistic work. It is a genius way of defeating not the mullahs, but the ignorance itself!


Seagull: You too

by Mehdi on

I extend you the same courtesy and wish you and your family the same dark fate that you are wishing for me. Although I am not sure why I should "wish" it as it seems that you are already in that very dark place you talk about. So what did you do to deserve such eternal damnation? Maybe you could repent? One should never lose hope, you know?

Anonymous Observer

Abaremard: Please Provide Us With Evidence

by Anonymous Observer on

I note your effort ar subliminally softening IR's human rights record.  But, as they say, the "proof is in the pudding".  So, it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is:  Please provide us with the name of five people who were raped in Shah's prisosns.  And please, don't say Rafsanjani's wife!

We will be patiently waiting. 




by Mehdi-Palang on

what a poignant comment Abarmard jan, thank you for taking the time to write it!


Mr President, Mehdi, Jaleho...

by Seagull (not verified) on

Tanoore sukhtehye dele maa be yad aarid
kaz aatash del maa pokhteh shod khaam shoma (Hafez)

Massal shomaa;
You are niether benefiting the good that you do not see nor do you any harm to the bad you ill percieve.
All you do with the unwise words and deeds is fasten the ill-fate that awaits those who ignorantly expose their own demons which only attracts consequencial wrath.
I, am afraid that one day soon like a run away child you will succomb to an ill fate in this dark winding alley of contempt, and in your last thoughts you will recognize the friend from the foe.
I wish that your moment of sobriety would not be your last moment so that you can share that moment with whomever you want, lest the fateful executioner rubb you that opportunity.
Every lie and deflection like a magnet pulls in from the dimm and the grim the unfortunate and afflictive events that must consequently culminate and siezlessly demand sacrifice of life, for hearts must open.
You have destroyed your own beliefs and desecreated that which is Sacred to others.


Mehdi Jaan..

by faryarm on

You ask a good question..and you can ask this questions from many figures in history as to why they did what  they did? 

It would be interesting if we had an idea of what happens when all the Suppressors on earth finally reach that Great Court of judgment in afterlife...(if you believe one) and have to answer for their deeds on this earth !

( and for those who question the next world? where you aware of this one  before you arrived, kicking and screaming? )

Our Action and deeds whether its , me, you Mehdi ,Ahmadinejad or anyone for that matter on this earth, comes down to personal responsibility , Wisdom, Faith, Reason, intelligence, Conscience and Purity of motive. 

Ahmadinejad is obviously a shrewd and intelligent player, and as the president of the country. he clearly enjoys the limelight. He may not have the power and be responsible for all the wrongs in the IRI; but he clearly has a major role. I believe in his faith and intelligence are misdirected by his personal ambitions and in the case o Bahais by ignorance and  prejudice.

He never answers a question directly; he always deflects the question by blaming blaming others, like Israel, Zionists etc.

He is clearly guilty of pretending as if Iran is a haven of freedom and democracy. 

As to your why your family thinks as you say, and unknowngly you give a great example!

 "...that my own mother and all my aunts and uncles consider that Bahais MUST in fact be persecuted and have no mercy for them. In fact they think the regime is being too soft on them!"

Ahamdinejad and many like him are victims of the same mentality, ruled by untruth, superstition, dogma and self interest of generations of corrupt mullahs. 

Respectfully, your mother and family should perhaps for the first time take the initiative and read first hand about the Bahai faith, (if not talk to a Bahai, if they dont think they are "Najes" and not listen to the regime propaganda or the mullahs who clearly do not and can not represent the Bahais. 

I dont think even Ahmadinejad has ever perused a Bahai book, or even bothered to find out what truly is Bahai, (as illustrated by his ignorance of Baha'u'lah as the Prophet founder of the Bahai faith) when asked about the Bahais at The UN last year...(please see the clip ) as he clearly does not know enough to answer the question...then he alludes to the coming persecution of Bahais, less than a year later, as he says:

"inshallalah biyaeed Iran Hamettono Mibineem..." 


This all goes to show that if we don't act independently in the search for truth; we will not form our own opinion. Because of technology and iranians direct access to information, it has become more difficult for thr regime and its propagators like Ahmadinejad to be credible.

I believe that is a clear reason as why they have stepped up their persecution and public campaign against Bahais. 

You may be the first in your family to actually have a direct correspondence with a Bahai and have the freedom to pose and get answers directly. I don't  believe your dear family and most people in Iran have ever had that advantage ( many still dont) . They have instead been subjected to generations of fabricated lies about who and what Bahai is. I believe that Ahmadnejad fits that mold. 

I hope this answers you sincere question; and do feel free to ask more directly....

best wishes






Haj Seyd Mammad...thank you

by sadegh on

Haj Seyd Mammad...thank you so much for posting the link...very kind of you...I really really appreciate it... 

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh


Haj Seyd Mammad

Sadegh Jan

by Haj Seyd Mammad on

This is an Unlisted video, meaning it doesn't show up on your searches.

As a general rule, I try not to publish the link since it would be an incentive for people to visit Jahanshah's site instead. However, this time I am going to make an exception since a lot of people seem to be commenting here:


Ghorbanat - Movafagh Bashi



Dear Haj Seyd Mammad can

by sadegh on

Dear Haj Seyd Mammad can you please provide the link to the full interview you have posted here...I would really like to download it and need the Google Video link to do so...I would really appreciate your help...All the ones I can find are either edited or in segments...Thanks very much...

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



Shame and more shame on you MAHMUD

by gold fish (not verified) on


He talks intelligently but...........................

by Iranian nationalist (not verified) on

He talks intelligently but he is just a mouth piece for the Iranian government and he does not have that much power.Khamanei and his circle are the one who are making almost all of the decisions about Iran.


majid va kaveh

by gold fish (not verified) on

آقا مجید خیلی‌ خیلی‌ باحالی‌.

درد و بلا "تو" و "کاوه نورایی" بخرو تو سر انتری نژاد.


OK Mehdi Joon

by MargBarIRI on

Whatever you say. You exposed me. I give up. You are 100% right. Your land grab radar worked this time:)))))))))))))))


Land Grab Radar?

by Mehdi on

It's very easy to detect them. They are VERY loud demonizing IRI. But EXTREMELY quiet when Israeli crimes are mentioned. Very easy indeed. Look at your responses. So careful not to say anything that might give it away.


مخلص آقا مجید

Mokhless (not verified)

حرفت سر کیفم آورد، مای فرِند. این شعر سعدی رو ببین چقدر باب حاله:

خردمند مردي در اقصاي شام
گرفت از جهان كنج غاری مقام

به صبرش در آن كنج تاريك جای
به گنج قناعت فرو رفته پای

شنيدم كه نامش خدادوست بود
ملك سيرتی، آدمی پوست بود

بزرگان نهادند سر بر درش
كه در می‌نيامد به درها سرش

تمنا كند عارف پاكباز
به در يوزه از خويشتن ترك آز

چو هر ساعتش نفس گويد بده
بخواری بگرداندش ده به ده

در آن مرز كاين پير هشيار بود
يكی مرزبان ستمگار بود

كه هر ناتوان را كه دريافتی
به سرپنجگی پنجه برتافتی

جهان سوز و بي‌رحمت و خيره‌كش
ز تلخيش روی جهانی ترش

گروهی برفتند ازان ظلم و عار
ببردند نام بدش در ديار

گروهي بماندند مسكين و ريش
پس چرخه نفرين گرفتند پيش

يد ظلم جايي كه گردد دراز
نبينی لب مردم از خنده باز

به ديدار شيخ آمدی گاه گاه
خدادوست در وی نكردی نگاه

ملك نوبتي گفتش: اي نيكبخت
بنفرت ز من درمكش روی سخت

مرا با تو دانی سر دوستی است
تو را دشمنی با من از بهر چيست؟

گرفتم كه سالار كشور نيم
به عزت ز درويش كمتر نيم

نگويم فضيلت نهم بر كسی
چنان باش با من كه با هر كسی

شنيد اين سخن عابد هوشيار
بر آشفت و گفت: اي ملك، هوش دار

وجودت پريشانی خلق از اوست
ندارم پريشانی خلق دوست

تو با آن كه من دوستم، دشمنی
نپندارمت دوستدار منی

چرا دوست دارم به باطل منت
چو دانم كه دارد خدا دشمنت؟

مده بوسه بر دست من دوستوار
برو دوستداران من دوست دار

خدادوست را گر بدرند پوست
نخواهد شدن دشمن دوست، دوست

عجب دارم از خواب آن سنگدل
كه خلقی بخسبند از او تنگدل


Mehdi Hezbollahi

by MargBarIRI on

By the way, and not a joke, I really hope that your family and all Iranian families will be safe and nothing happens to them.  I have family there like you. I just blame the IRI for what is happening. You stupidly blame jews blah blah blah, zionists, blah, blah, blah.......................................


Mehdi Hezbollahi: Are you a Zionist Spy?

by MargBarIRI on

I think you are a Zionist spy here trying to make Iranians look bad. It can not be logical how you label everyone who disagrees with your IRI loving ideology as a "bloodsucker, Land graber blah blah blah"

As I said in the other thread: Khak bar sareh hememon ke Hamvatan mesleh to hast. Khak bar sareh hamemon. 

I was born a muslim by the way. But I gave up religion after what it has done to my vatan by vatan foroosh like you. 

Also, I don't understand what you mean by Your Country? I was born in Tehran, my birth country is Iran but now I am a citizen of the USA and proud of it. I am not a citizen of the IRI and refuse to get an IRI passport.  Are you like Q? Q has a jewish radar. Do you have a jewish radar to?






MargBarIsrael: You need a broken record

by Mehdi on

Because no matter how many times I repeat it, you exclusive members of land grab Inc do not seem to memorize it. Of course, when you are getting a share of free land, it is hard to remember whose blood you are sucking. I can understand. But for your own entertainment I repeat: Your country is the loudest mouth demanding that my family must be bombed. See if you can remember that.

By the way, I love it how you call anybody you don't like "anti-Semite" but you freely go ahead and consider any other religion as subhumans and call them derogatorily. Shows your essence, of course.


"الملک یبقی مع


"الملک یبقی مع الکفر و لا یبقی مع الظلم"

"مملکت با کفر دوام میاورد ولی‌  با ظلم نه "

"به سر نیزه  میتوانی‌ تکیه کنی‌ ولی‌ روی آن نمیتوانی بنشینی"

"به ضرب و زور یا علی‌ کونت رو با شاخ گاو در نیننداز"

"تپیدن‌های دل‌ها ناله شد آهسته آهسته، رسا تر ار شود  این ناله‌ها فریاد میگردد"

"آه پیر زنها از شمشیر جوان‌ها برنده تر است"

" بزودی سوراخ موش دونه‌ای صد تومن، هفت دلار، چهار یورو one get one free ......  بخر تا وقت باقیست........... حراجش کردم، آتش زدم به مالم ...بیا جلو خانم حزب اللهی با عکس مینیاتوری.......، بشتاب آخوند بی‌ ریش مقیم آمریکا، بعدش  به عرقت میرسی‌، فعلا" فرصت رو از دست نده ........بچه سنگ ننداز!.... تخم نا بسم الله! .........معامله از این منفعت دار تر نمیشه....سوراخ موش  دو نبش تو دبی، آرژانتین، لبنان،کانادا، با آب و برق و تلفن، جهنم اینترنت هم بهتون میدم ........... بجنب بابا جان"



Mehdi Hezbollahi

by MargBarIRI on

You are a broken record player with your Israel crap. If you really cared about "Land thievs", as an Iranian,  you would complain about the Russians who have stolen so much Iranian land. You don't care about Iran. The likes of you have sold Iran to China and Russia and Khomeini's Islamist ideology. Any time any of you are cornered (as herein) you bring up the useless peace of land called Palestine.

Another failed attempt at changing the subject when everyone attacks our dear donkey president. 





Fact or fiction

by Abarmard on

-Every supporter of Shah is Savaki

-Every citizen of Cuba is a communist

-Every supporter of IR is Hezbollahi

-Every administrator member of Shah was traitor

-Every government official of IR is a killer

-Revolution killed democracy in Iran

-Evin did not exist before 1979

-No one was ever harshly treated in Shah's prisons

-No one was raped in Shah's prison

-Human Rights was a part of Shah's regime

-There was no corruption under Shah (or it was very limited)

-Iranians did not know about hate, revenge, Islam, violance until the 1979 revolution

-Iran started the war with Iraq

-Iranian hated khomaini from the beginning

-All demonstration, before and after the revolution was staged

-Whoever agrees with the ideology of the regime should be prosecuted

-whoever was part of the pre revolution should have been prosecuted

-If you agree with a side, you are being paid by that side


Think. Respect all. Be an example of what many of you are bragging about, the democratic west. Most people are very similar, one side to another ready to revenge. What was the difference between khalkhali killing all those who disagreed with IR, and those of you who want to kill all that disagree with you or agree with IR...Just the fact that he was the "other" side? That's sad.

As long as we have not learned civility, even when we have spent many of our lives in the civil society, many of you are expecting a bit too much from Iranians who are struggling with a beast of their own. A region full of issues, internally and externally, the west that needs our resources and pointing their guns at our people, while a governments that either are with the west or not. Neither work well...

How do you expect to do well and live like a westerner being in a country like Iran? Be fair.

What have we learned. Our issue is not religious, political alone, it's social and cultural. Tradition in transition. Are we helping Iranians in this transition or just talking none sense, similar to those western medias that have no clues about Iran or Iranians. And repeat their logic back at our own people!



MargBarIsrael: What do you mean?

by Mehdi on

Are you comparing land thievs to IRI?



by MargBarIRI on

You are a sad testament to everything that is wrong with this IRI regime. Thank you for showing your true face.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Is that new 3M product called "Chasp-Essteek"?

The Prince

To the Supporters of Afatollah

by The Prince on

As anyone with half a brain could've guessed, and as it is the habits of the IRI killers, all questions in this interview have been filtered before asked. Ahmaghinejad will not answer certain questios such as;

1- Why does this goverment repeatedly rapes young girls in prison before killing them?

2- What happenes in Evin?

3- Why is Iran the number one executor of childeren

3- Why do you shut down Newspapers?  

4- Why have you been killing and imprisoning anyone who speaks against you, from farrokhzad and Bakhtiar to Zahra Kazemi and others?

5- Do I even need to start about the financial corruption and thieves like the rafsanjani, Vaez tabasi, that perverted killer Temsahe Yazdi? and on top of them Geda Ali Khamenei??...... and so on and so fort?

Jaleho and other Hezbollahis.... HAVE YOU NO SHAME? Saeed Emami was like you. He sold himself to this beast like you and see what happened to him and his wife? don't be so comfortable with the money that you recieve from Geda Ali right now. Him and his goons will not hesitate to kill you, your family and rape your mothers and sisters, just like they've been doing to others. No human being even with an ounce of decency will ever support this regime. 

No land will survive on injustice. Mohammad said that. remeber him?.....  and please do not refer me back to Israel and the west again. Have enough balls to talk about your evil master. the IRI.  


faryarm: Let's back up a bit

by Mehdi on

OK, so your concern is that there is not as much democracy in Iran as there should or could be? OK, are you now saying that this ALL because of Ahmadinejad? Or are you saying this is ALL because of "the regime?" And if so, who exactly do you consider the regime to be? Because I know that my own mother and all my aunts and uncles consider that Bahais MUST in fact be persecuted and have no mercy for them. In fact they think the regime is being too soft on them! So who are you targeting exactly? What do you plan to do about this? Explain to me how this is a shame on Ahmadinejad. What would you do if you had been born and raised in that family and taught what he was taught, etc.? Really put yourself in his shoes (probably sticks a lot - sorry). You think you'd ever become a Bahai if you had been born in his family? So what is Ahmadinajad's fault in this exactly? Is it that he should have known better than to be born in that family? Is that where he went wrong? What is it? Explain it to me.